flutter_helper_utils 6.2.0-dev.4 copy "flutter_helper_utils: ^6.2.0-dev.4" to clipboard
flutter_helper_utils: ^6.2.0-dev.4 copied to clipboard

The Flutter Helper Utils Package offers various extensions and helper methods that can make development more efficient.

v6.2.0-dev.3 #

Introducing Adaptive UI: #

This update introduces a set of tools for creating adaptive user interfaces using only native Flutter code. Widgets update efficiently, triggered only by platform type changes not on every pixel change like other APIs.

Key Highlights:

  • PlatformTypeProvider Widget: Detect platform type (mobile, tablet, desktop, etc.) and manage breakpoint changes efficiently.
  • Context Extensions:
    • Use context.breakpoint and context.platformSizeInfo for convenient access to platform and orientation information.
    • You can now access the platform helper directly from the theme, e.g., theme.isMobile.
  • Responsive Layout Builders:
    • BreakpointLayoutBuilder: Build responsive layouts based on the current breakpoint (e.g., mobile, tablet).
    • PlatformInfoLayoutBuilder: Build responsive layouts based on both platform type and screen orientation.
  • Detailed Documentation: Added detailed documentation for adaptive UI usage.

New Features: #

  • Extension Methods for num:
    • paddingAll, paddingHorizontal, paddingTop, etc.: Create Padding widgets directly from numeric values, e.g., 12.paddingAll().
    • edgeInsetsAll, edgeInsetsHorizontal, edgeInsetsTop, etc.: Generate EdgeInsets objects from numeric values for padding control, e.g., padding: 12.edgeInsetsAll.
    • widthBox, heightBox, squareBox: Easily create SizedBox widgets with specified dimensions.
    • size: Converts a numeric value into a Size object.
  • Extension Methods for Size:
    • toSizedBox: Transforms a Size object into a SizedBox.
    • scaled: Scales a Size by a given factor.
    • aspectRatio: Calculates the aspect ratio of a Size.
    • withWidth, withHeight: Creates a new Size with a modified width or height.
    • transpose: Swaps the width and height of a Size.
    • toPadding: Converts a Size into a Padding widget.
    • toAspectRatio: Creates an AspectRatio widget from a Size's aspect ratio.
    • isEmpty: Checks if a Size has zero width and height.
    • isLargerThan, isSmallerThan: Compares the area of two Size objects.
    • scaleIndependently: Scales the width and height of a Size independently.
    • clamp: Restricts a Size within specified minimum and maximum dimensions.
    • expand, reduce: Increases or decreases the dimensions of a Size.
    • maxDimension, minDimension: Retrieves the largest or smallest dimension of a Size.
    • isEqualTo: Compares two Size objects for equality.
    • increaseBy, decreaseBy: Creates a new Size with increased or decreased dimensions.
    • fitWithin: Scales a Size to fit within specified constraints while maintaining its aspect ratio.

Fixes #

  • Fixed a typo in the setDark method; it was previously misspelled as setDart.
  • Removed the custom Box widget as SizedBox.square provides similar functionality.

6.1.0 #

  • Introduced isFuchsia and isFuchsiaWeb properties to BuildContext and TargetPlatform extensions, simplifying detection of the Fuchsia operating system in both native and web environments.

  • Added DoublyLinkedListNotifier which creates ValueNotifier<DoublyLinkedList> (leveraging the DoublyLinkedList from dart_helper_utils package as of v2.2.1+)

  • Create custom ValueNotifier (e.g. ListNotifier) from any Iterable<E> using the listNotifier, setNotifier, and doublyLinkedListNotifier constructors.

  • EdgeInsets Conversion: convert numbers to EdgeInsets using the new extension, e.g., Padding(padding: 8.paddingAll).

  • themeData.withoutEffects(): method to customize which visual feedback effects (splash, highlight, hover, etc.) to remove from a theme.

  • ThemeWithoutEffects Widget: Wrap widgets with this widget to selectively disable visual effects for specific parts of your app.

  • PlatformEnv:

    • Introduced the PlatformEnv class to replace direct usage of dart:io's Platform for improved web compatibility and error prevention.
    • The PlatformEnv class is a critical update for web compatibility. Consider updating your code to use PlatformEnv instead of Platform for a smoother transition to web support.
  • Enhanced Color Extension:

    • Expanded toHex: The toHex method now accepts an optional includeAlpha parameter to control whether the alpha channel is included in the hexadecimal representation.
    • Introduced new methods:
      • darken, lighten: Adjust color lightness.
      • shade, tint: Create variations by mixing with black/white.
      • contrast: Calculate contrast ratios between colors.
      • complementary: Find the opposite color on the color wheel.
      • blend: Mix colors.
      • grayscale, invert: Convert to grayscale or invert colors.

6.0.3 #

  • Updated some documentation.

6.0.2 #

Breaking Changes #

  • Renamed Method: The listenableBuilder method has been renamed to builder in the extension on ValueListenable.
  • Refactored Notifier Classes: Methods previously available as extensions on ValueNotifier

New Features #

  • Introduced ListenablesBuilder: A widget for building UI in response to changes in multiple listenable objects (List<Listenable>). it also has buildWhen and threshold properties for more granular control over rebuild behavior.
  • Listenable Extensions: Added builder methods to easily create ListenableBuilder (for single listeners) and ListenablesBuilder(for multiple listeners) widgets.

Fixes & Enhancements #

  • Updated dart_helper_util to v2.1.0.
  • Fixed custom notifier classes sometimes produce Stackoverflow bug when notify listeners.

Migration Guide #

  1. Updating ValueNotifier Extensions:
    • Replace all instances of listenableBuilder with the new builder method to ensure compatibility.
      • Before:
        final myNotifier = ValueNotifier<int>(0);
          (value) => Text('Value is $value'),
        copied to clipboard
      • After:
        final myNotifier = ValueNotifier<int>(0);
          (value) => Text('Value is $value'),
        copied to clipboard

5.0.0 #

Changed #

  • Upgraded dart_helper_utils to v2.0.0, introducing breaking changes.
  • Enhanced and moved all isEqual methods (Map, Set, List, global) to dart_helper_utils.


  • The dart_helper_utils v2.0.0 upgrade introduces breaking changes. Review the changelog for detailed information and update your code accordingly.

4.4.0 #

  • Added copy methods to all TextStyle properties in ThemeData (e.g., displayLargeCopy, headlineMediumCopy, etc.). This allows quickly using copyWith on text style with minimal code, for example, Use theme.displayLargeCopy(color: Colors.red) instead of theme.displayLarge?.copyWith(color: Colors.red)

  • Added refresh method to all specialized notifiers to allow force notifyListeners without changing value of ValueNotifier.

  • Updated dart_helper_util to v1.2.0.

4.3.0 #

  • Added setDart, setLight, and setSystem to BrightnessNotifier, and ThemeModeNotifier.

  • Added modalRoute() to the context extension for convenient access to the current ModalRoute.

  • Added the usePopUntil parameter to the context.dismissActivePopup (default: true):

    • If true, uses popUntil for efficient dismissal of multiple pop-ups.
    • If false, uses recursion (might be necessary for compatibility reasons).
    • This provides flexibility for different navigation scenarios and compatibility needs.
  • Updated dart_helper_util to v1.1.0.

4.2.0 #

  • Enhancement to the context.dismissActivePopup().

4.1.1 #

  • Updated the README

4.1.0 #

Introducing dart_helper_utils #

We've refactored the Dart-specific utilities into a new package, dart_helper_utils, to allow Dart projects to use these utilities without depending on Flutter.

  • No changes are necessary from your side as flutter_helper_utils now exports dart_helper_utils internally.

New Features: #

  • BrightnessNotifier and ThemeModeNotifier for easy creation of ValueNotifier instances.
  • New extensions on ThemeData for quick access to common text styles (theme.bodySmall) and brightness checks (isDark, isLight).


  • All the Dart-specific utilities documentations moved to the dart_helper_utils readme.
  • Future updates for Dart-specific utilities will be available in the dart_helper_utils changelog.
  • Do NOT use the older versions (under 4.1.0) of this package with dart_helper_utils as it may conflict with it.

4.0.1 #

  • Fixed mime checks aren't exported.

4.0.0 #

New Features #

  • JSON Handling
    • Encoding: Easily encode any object to JSON using the new .encode() method on any object.
    • Decoding: Decode JSON effortlessly with the .decode() method on String, e.g. "[1,3,4]".decode();.
  • ValueNotifier Helpers
    • A comprehensive suite of tools for working with ValueNotifier
      • Specialized Notifiers: Type-safe notifiers like BoolNotifier, IntNotifier, and more.
      • .notifier Extension: Quickly create notifiers from various types.
      • Enhanced Functionality: Added extension methods like toggle, round, and increment to ValueNotifier subclasses.
      • Reactive Integration: Easily convert ValueNotifier into a Stream with the stream extension.
      • Concise UI Building: The .listenableBuilder extension offers a shorter and more readable syntax compared to the traditional ValueListenableBuilder.

Enhancements #

  • Map Extension Improvements:

    • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed global functions formattedJsonString and makeMapEncodable. Introduced more intuitively named methods within a Map extension: makeEncodable, safelyEncodedJson, and encodedJson for Map<K, V> types.

      Migration Guide:

      final myMap = { ... };
      // BEFORE:
      // NOW:
      copied to clipboard
  • MIME Type Checks on String:

    • BREAKING CHANGE: Replaced isValidVideo, isValidHTML, isValidAudio, isValidImage, and isValidSVG with more streamlined methods: isVideo, isHTML, isAudio, isImage, and isSVG.
    • Added a new mimeType() function that returns the MIME type for any given file path or URL, e.g., 'path.mp4'.mimeType() returns 'video/mp4'.
    • Introduced new getters for various file types, enhancing the way file types are detected based on file paths or URLs.
      • These include checks for:
        • Videos: isVideo, isMP4, isMOV, etc.
        • Images: isImage, isPNG, isJPEG, etc.
        • Documents: isPDF, isDOCX, isTXT, etc.
        • Audio: isAudio, isMP3, isWAV, etc.
        • Archives: isArchive, isZIP, isRAR, etc.
        • And more, allowing for straightforward usage like 'file.mp4'.isMP4 returning true.

Breaking Changes Summary #

  • Removed formattedJsonString and makeMapEncodable in favor of new methods within the Map extension.
  • Replaced various isValid MIME type checks with simpler and more intuitive is methods, e.g. isValidVideo -> isVideo

3.1.0 #

  • UPDATE: Updated asBool in the objects.

3.0.7 #

  • NEW: Added getRandom that can be used with any number to get random number from it. final random = 1000.getRandom;

3.0.6 #

  • IMPORTANT fix to for the convert objects helper and static methods which makes the app freeze, if you are at '3.0.4' or '3.0.5,' I encourage you to upgrade.

3.0.5 #

  • Added isEqual to the Set, List, Map, and as global method.

3.0.4 #

  • The asGreeks is no longer a getter, it's a function now that takes optional fractionDigits which lets you specify number of digits after the decimal point in the generated greek number. (asGreeks used to Convert a number to a format that includes Greek symbols for thousands, millions, and beyond. e.g. '1000' asGreek is '1k')

3.0.3 #


  • Introduced formattedJsonString global function for converting maps to a formatted/indented JSON strings, ensuring compatibility with complex types and ready to be used in logs output files.

  • Added new local optional argument to the toDateTime and tryToDateTime in both the static and global functions.

3.0.2 #

  • UPDATE: Update docs for README, all ConvertObject's static methods, and add docs to all global functions.

3.0.0 #


    • The Watcher state management functionality has been moved into a separate package. This change aligns with our goal of maintaining the simplicity and original intent of this package. Please update your imports and dependencies accordingly if you rely on Watcher for state management.

    • Added new toUri and tryToUri in both the ConvertObject class and the global functions.
    • Introducing a new getter domainName in the Uri extension.
  • ENHANCEMENTS: The indexOfOrNull method under Iterable Extensions now supports taking null values.

2.0.1 #

  • NEW: Introducing Watcher state management, It's designed to be efficient, lightweight, and leverages native Flutter state management mechanisms. more here

1.6.0 #

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Upgraded to Flutter 3.16 and resolved a deprecation on the BuildContext extension for MediaQuery by changing context.textScaleFactor to context.textScaler.

  • NEW: added New getters to the BuildContext extension for MediaQuery to support all properties on MediaQuery even the nullable.

1.5.8 #

  • NEW: Added makeMapEncodable to our global helper methods. This function provides a convenient way to ensure all elements within a map are encodable to JSON format.

  • UPDATE: Updated the isValidUrl function's regular expression to handle URLs with special characters like [] and (). This update addresses the issue of catastrophic backtracking, Which might cause freezing or performance issues.

1.5.7 #

  • added maybePop to the Navigation extension to respect onWillPop widget action.
  • Hosted new documentation website

1.5.6 #

  • Added a New Uri extension to help convert string (supports nullable strings) link to uri, toUri and toPhoneUri.

1.5.4 #

  • Added a new format argument to the toDateTime and tryDateTime methods, allowing you to specify the converted date format.
  • Updated and enhanced the entire documentation.

1.5.3 #

  • Added global conversion functions mirroring the static methods in ConvertObject, providing alternative easy less code usage options.

For example:

// Use this shorter way to convert values.
final stringList = toList<String>(dynamicValue);
// If 'toList' name is already defined in your code, use this way to avoid conflicts.
final stringList = ConvertObject.toList<String>(dynamicValue);
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1.5.1 #

  • NEW: Added dismissActivePopup method to the NavigatorExtension extension on BuildContext. This method programmatically and recursively dismisses any active pop-up elements like dialogs, modal bottom sheets, and Cupertino modal popups. It checks for the types PopupRoute, DialogRoute, RawDialogRoute, ModalBottomSheetRoute, and CupertinoModalPopupRoute to determine if a pop-up is currently displayed and closes it. If multiple pop-ups are stacked, the method will recursively close all of them.

1.5.0 #

  • UPDATE: update flutter version boundaries to be sdk: '>=3.0.6 <4.0.0'

1.4.9 #

  • FIX: Fixed isTomorrow, isToday, isYesterday getters in DateTime extensions.

1.4.8 #

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed the delay function in the Duration extension to be delayed to avoid conflicts with other packages

  • UPDATE: Updated the remainingDays, passedDays getter in the DateTime extension to correctly consider the day ending at midnight.

  • NEW: Added the remainingDuration, passedDuration getter to the DateTime extension for calculating the remaining duration between two dates.

For example:

final date = DateTime(2030);
final remainingDuration = date.remainingDuration(DateTime.now());
copied to clipboard

1.4.7 #

  • NEW: Added new function toTitle on String Extension which is similar to toTitleCase but ignores the '-' and '_' characters. This is useful when users name events, products, etc. and want these characters to be shown in the correct format. For example, flutter-and-dart becomes Flutter-And-Dart when using toTitle.

1.4.6 #

  • FIX: Fixed a bug when using listIndex on ConvertObject functions that may cause the list return null.

1.4.5 #

  • UPDATE: Enhanced the asGreeks getter to include all available Greek symbols for converting large numbers. Now, the symbols used are ['K', 'M', 'B', 'T', 'Q', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y']. This allows for more accurate representation of large numbers, such as converting 1,000,000,000 to 1.0B.

1.4.4 #

  • NEW: Added new extensions to the String? class: isValidIp4, isValidIp6, and isValidUrl. These extensions provide convenient methods to check the validity of IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses, and URLs respectively.

  • NEW: Introduced a new method called popRoot to the NavigatorExtension. This method calls the normal pop method but with the rootNavigator parameter set to true under the hood. This feature proves to be useful in scenarios where dialogs need to be dismissed.

1.4.3 #

  • NEW: The convert object methods now include an optional listIndex parameter, enabling the conversion of specific values within a List. This enhancement provides flexibility by allowing developers to extract and convert targeted values based on the specified listIndex.

    For example:

dynamic object1 = ['John', '30', 'yes'];
final double age = ConvertObject.toDouble(object1, listIndex: 1); // 30.0
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  • NEW: The List extension now includes the fromIndex method, providing null-safe retrieval of values at specific indices within a list. It returns null if the index is out of bounds or if the list is empty or null.

1.4.2 #

  • UPDATE: Updated Documentation.

1.4.1 #

  • NEW: The convert object methods now include an optional mapKey parameter, enabling the conversion of specific values within a Map object. This enhancement provides flexibility by allowing developers to extract and convert targeted values based on the specified mapKey.

    For example:

dynamic object1 = {'name': 'John', 'age': '30', 'isHuman': 'yes'};

final double age = ConvertObject.toDouble(object1, mapKey: 'age'); // 30.0
final bool isHuman = ConvertObject.toBool(object1, mapKey: 'isHuman'); // true
copied to clipboard

1.4.0 #

  • UPDATE: Removing support of Iterables and Maps from toType and tryToType functions due to some restrictions in dart generics. Here is the list of the supported conversion types:

    • bool
    • int
    • BigInt
    • double
    • num
    • String
    • DateTime
  • For Iterables and Maps, use the preferred methods from the ConvertObject class:

    • To convert to a List, use ConvertObject.toList<String>(dynamicIterableData).
    • To convert to a Set, use ConvertObject.toSet<String>(dynamicIterableData).
    • To convert to a Map, use ConvertObject.toMap<String, int>(dynamicMapData).

1.3.8 #

  • BREAKING CHANGES: The navigation extension methods have been renamed to avoid conflicts with other packages, such as go_router. Please update your codebase to use the new method names accordingly.
  • Renamed navigation extension methods:
    • context.push changed to context.pushPage
    • context.pushReplacement changed to context.pReplacement
    • context.pushAndRemoveUntil changed to context.pAndRemoveUntil
    • context.pushNamedAndRemoveUntil changed to context.pNamedAndRemoveUntil
    • context.pushNamed changed to context.pNamed
    • context.pushReplacementNamed changed to context.pReplacementNamed
    • The context.popPage method remains unchanged since it has already been resolved in a previous version.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this breaking change. If you encounter any issues or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out.

1.3.7 #

  • NEW: Introducing toType and tryToType global functions. They allow converting a dynamic object to a specific type T and automatically detect the type, invoking the appropriate function from the ConvertObject class.


dynamic data = 12.4;
final myInt = toType<int>(data); // tryToType behaves similarly but is null-safe
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  • NEW: Added BigInt and tryBigInt in the ConvertObject class. BigInt represents arbitrarily large integers. It is used when you need to perform operations on integers that exceed the maximum value that can be represented by the int type. It's IMPORTANT to note that BigInt operations can be computationally expensive, especially for huge integers. Therefore, use BigInt only when necessary, and be mindful of performance implications.


String largeNum = '12434535367326235634';
final BigInt myBigInt = ConvertObject.toBigInt(largeNum);
// OR
final BigInt myBigInt = toType<BigInt>(largeNum);
copied to clipboard
  • UPDATE: The toList<T>, tryToList<T>, toSet<T> and tryToSet<T> functions now support converting any type of Iterable.

1.3.6 #

  • UPDATE: The toList<T> and tryToList<T> functions now support converting map values to a list if the value's type matches T. This enhancement adds more flexibility and convenience when working with collections.

1.3.5 #

  • NEW: Added showMaterialBanner, showSnackBar, hideCurrentMaterialBanner, hideCurrentSnackBar, removeCurrentMaterialBanner, removeCurrentSnackBar, clearMaterialBanners, clearSnackBars on BuildContext. Usage example could be as easy as context.removeCurrentSnackBar.

  • NEW: Added focusScope, hasFocus, unFocus, and requestFocus call back on BuildContext. requestFocus is commonly used to hide keyboard on onTap/onPress call. Usage could be onTap: () => context.requestFocus or onTap: context.requestFocusCall.

  • NEW: Added new enum called HttpResStatus that contains all http response codes with description to each one, and also some helper getters such as isSuccessful.   Usage with http package could be:

    final res = await http.post(...); // assume it retrun res code 505
    print(res.statusCode.toHttpResStatus); // will print "Insufficient Storage"
    copied to clipboard
  • UPDATE: Use MediaQuery as InheritedModel to improve performance, see this pull in flutter for more info.

1.3.4 #

  • NEW: Added isValidHttpCode in num? extension that returns true if the http response code is 200 or 201.
  • NEW: Added toDateWithFormat in a String extension that converts string to DateTime with specific format e.g., d-M-y.


final dateTime = '14-12-2030'.toDateWithFormat('d-M-y');
copied to clipboard

1.3.3 #

  • NEW: Added binary in bool extension that returns 1 if true and 0 if false as int.

1.3.2 #

  • FIX: Fixed a bug when detecting isIOSWeb and isAndroidWeb using TargetPlatform.
  • NEW: Added isApple that detects if the running device is made by apple e.g. macOS, iPadOS, or iOS.


// OR without context
defaultTargetPlatform.isApple // import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
copied to clipboard

1.3.1 #

  • NEW: Added toBool to nullable Object?.


  • Object is true only if
    1. Object is bool and true.
    2. Object is num and is greater than zero.
    3. Object is string and is equal to 'yes', 'true', or '1'.
  • any other conditions including null will return false.

1.3.0 #

  • HOT FIX: A fixed bool extension is not exported.

1.2.9 #

  • NEW: Added isTrue, and isFalse on nullable boolean, now if bool? is null the check will always return false instead of showing compile error.

1.2.8 #

  • UPDATE: replace isNegativeOrNull, isPositiveOrNull, isNotNegativeOrNull, isNotPositiveOrNull, and isNotZeroOrNull with just isNegative, isPositive, and isZeroOrNull in nullable numbers.

1.2.7 #

  • NEW: Added an option to check the device type when running on web, e.g. isMobileWeb or isDesktopWeb.

1.2.6 #

  • NEW: Added local getter in datetime that call toLocal() on any dat, but it respects null safety.

1.2.5 #

  • NEW: Added tryRemoveAt, indexOfOrNull, indexWhereOrNull, and tryRemoveWhere on List<T>? extension.
  • UPDATE: Update the package to FlutterSDK 3.10.
  • FIX: Fixed a bug with isNotNull on Object extension.

1.2.4 #

  • NEW: Added DatesHelper class that provide a set of static methods for DateTime such as isSameHour, diffInDays, and daysInRange.
  • NEW: Added the getters isPresent, isPast, passedDuration, remainingDays, and more to the DateTime extension.
    • Now you can get formatted date using the format method directly in any date e.g DateTime.now().format('EEE')

1.2.3 #

  • NEW: Added scaffoldMessenger getter in the BuildContext extension to easily call ScaffoldMessenger.of(context)
  • UPDATE: Improved implementation of the toList and tryToList in the ConvertObject class.

1.2.2 #

  • NEW: Added toUtcIso (supports null safety) that convert any date toUtc() and toIso8601String() in the Date extensions.

1.2.1 #

  • NEW: Added isEmptyOrNull and isNotEmptyOrNull to Map and Set extensions.

1.2.0 #

  • UPDATE: Update documentation.

1.1.9 #

  • FIX: Fixed a bug with isZero bool in numbers extensions.
  • UPDATE: asBool support null safety on numbers extensions.
  • UPDATE: Updated ParsingException implementation.

1.1.8 #

  • NEW: Added isPositiveOrNull, isZeroOrNull, and isNegativeOrNull to all numbers extensions.
  • UPDATE: on a String extension, isEmptyOrNull now returns true if string has only empty lines.

1.1.7 #

  • NEW: Added toDateTime and tryToDateTime in ConvertObject class.

1.1.6 #

  • NEW: Added toMap and tryToMap in ConvertObject class, and add isValidSVG in a String extension.

1.1.5 #

  • NEW: Added toBool and tryToBool in ConvertObject class.
  • UPDATE: Improved all implementations of static methods in ConvertObject class.

1.1.4 #

  • NEW: Supported converting timestamp milliseconds to DateTime and added tryToString in ConvertObject class.

1.1.3 #

  • FIX: Added missing pushNamedAndRemoveUntil in the navigation extension.

1.1.2 #

  • UPDATE: Improved asBool implementation in the string extension.

1.1.1 #

  • FIX: Fixed a bug in camelCase conversion algorithm.

1.1.0 #

  • FIX: Fixed logo does not appear in readme file.

1.0.9 #

  • UPDATE: Re-organized changelog and updated readme file.

1.0.8 #

  • FIX: Fixed bug with isHexColor in a color extension.

1.0.7 #

  • NEW: Added new color extension to support converting hex string to color and checking if string is a hex color.

1.0.6 #

  • UPDATE: Supported null safety to ThemeMode and Brightness.

1.0.5 #

  • UPDATE: Changed pop to popPage to solve conflicts with go_router package extensions.

1.0.4 #

  • UPDATE: Updated readme file.

1.0.3 #

  • NEW: Added capitalizeFirstLetter, toPascalCase, toTitleCase, and toCamelCase to String extension.

1.0.2 #

  • UPDATE: Renamed some getters to fix conflicts with the get package.

1.0.1 #

  • UPDATE: Updated readme file.

1.0.0 #

  • INITIAL: Initial release.


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2024.06.26 - 2025.01.08

The Flutter Helper Utils Package offers various extensions and helper methods that can make development more efficient.

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