flutter_health 0.1.5 flutter_health: ^0.1.5 copied to clipboard
AppleHealthKit library that support most of the values provided.
0.1.5 #
Apple health kit for flutter (Flutter Health) initial release
You can use it to get any of the following
- bodyFatPercentage
- height
- bodyMassIndex
- waistCircumference
- stepCount
- basalEnergyBurned
- activeEnergyBurned
- heartRate
- restingHeartRate
- walkingHeartRateAverage
- bodyTemperature
- bloodPressureSystolic
- bloodPressureDiastolic
- oxygenSaturation
- bloodGlucose
- electrodermalActivity
Could not be tested:
- highHeartRateEvent
- lowHeartRateEvent
- irregularHeartRhythmEvent