flutter_gpu_shaders 0.1.3 copy "flutter_gpu_shaders: ^0.1.3" to clipboard
flutter_gpu_shaders: ^0.1.3 copied to clipboard

Build tools for Flutter GPU shader bundles/libraries.

Build tools for Flutter GPU shader bundles/libraries.

Features #

Use native asset build hooks to import Flutter GPU shader bundle assets.

Getting started #

  1. This package requires the experimental "native assets" feature to be enabled. Enable it with the following command:
    flutter config --enable-native-assets
  2. Place some Flutter GPU shaders in your project. For this example, we'll assume the existence of two shaders: shaders/my_cool_shader.vert and shaders/my_cool_shader.frag.
  3. Create a shader bundle manifest file in your project. The filename must end with .shaderbundle.json. For this example, we'll assume the following file is saved as my_cool_bundle.shaderbundle.json:
        "CoolVertex": {
            "type": "vertex",
            "file": "shaders/my_cool_shader.vert"
        "CoolFragment": {
            "type": "fragment",
            "file": "shaders/my_cool_shader.frag"
  4. Next, define a build hook in your project that builds the shader bundle using buildShaderBundleJson. The build hook must be named hook/build.dart in your project; this script will be automatically invoked by Flutter when the "native assets" feature is enabled:
    import 'package:native_assets_cli/native_assets_cli.dart';
    import 'package:flutter_gpu_shaders/build.dart';
    void main(List<String> args) async {
      await build(args, (config, output) async {
        await buildShaderBundleJson(
            buildConfig: config,
            buildOutput: output,
            manifestFileName: 'my_cool_bundle.shaderbundle.json');
  5. In your project's pubspec.yaml, add an asset import rule to package the built shader bundles (this will become unnecessary once "native assets" supports DataAsset in a future release of Flutter):
        - build/shaderbundles/*.shaderbundle.json
  6. You can now import the built shader bundle as a library using gpu.ShaderLibrary.fromAsset in your project. For example:
    import 'package:flutter_gpu/gpu.dart' as gpu;
    final String _kBaseShaderBundlePath =
    gpu.ShaderLibrary? _baseShaderLibrary = null;
    gpu.ShaderLibrary get baseShaderLibrary {
      if (_baseShaderLibrary != null) {
        return _baseShaderLibrary!;
      _baseShaderLibrary = gpu.ShaderLibrary.fromAsset(_kBaseShaderBundlePath);
      if (_baseShaderLibrary != null) {
        return _baseShaderLibrary!;
      throw Exception(
          "Failed to load base shader bundle! ($_kBaseShaderBundlePath)");


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Build tools for Flutter GPU shader bundles/libraries.

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flutter, logging, native_assets_cli


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