flutter_gherkin_generator 1.0.5 copy "flutter_gherkin_generator: ^1.0.5" to clipboard
flutter_gherkin_generator: ^1.0.5 copied to clipboard

Gherkin Generator is used to generate list of actors and nested scenarios for Gherkin


// Check the extensive usage by "Fingrom" application:
/* // https://github.com/lyskouski/app-finance/tree/main/test/e2e

Feature: Verify Expenses Functionality

  Scenario: Set Up
    Given Created different Account types
      And Created different Budget types

  Scenario Outline: Added different Expenses
    Given Opened Expense Form
     When I select "<account>" from "AccountSelector" with "Enter Account Identifier" tooltip
      And I select "<budget>" from "BudgetSelector" with "Enter Budget Category Name" tooltip
      And I enter "<amount>" to "Set Amount" text field
      And I select "<currency>" from "CodeCurrencySelector" with "Currency Type (Code)" tooltip
      And I enter "<exchange>" to "<cur> Conversion" text field
      And I enter "<account> - <budget>" to "Set Expense Details" text field
      And I tap "Add new Bill" button
     Then I can see "Accounts, total" component
      And I can see "<account_rest>" component
      And I can see "<budget_note>" component
      And I can see "<budget_left>" component

    | account      | cur | budget    | amount | currency | exchange | account_rest |       budget_note |   budget_left |
    | Bank Account | EUR | Limited   |     20 | PLN      |     0.50 |       €90.00 |  €10.00 / €100.00 |   €90.00 left |
    | Cash         | USD | Limited   |     50 | PLN      |     2.00 |      $900.00 |  €35.00 / €100.00 |   €65.00 left |
    | Credit Card  | JPY | Unlimited |    100 | PLN      |     0.01 |       ¥1,499 |         Unlimited | $200.00 spent |
    | Debit Card   | GBP | Group / 1 |     25 | PLN      |     0.40 |      £490.26 |  $50.00 / $125.00 |         Group |
    | Bank Account | EUR | Group / 2 |      5 | PLN      |     2.20 |       €79.00 |  $60.00 / $125.00 |         Group |
    | Cash         | USD | Group / 2 |     10 | PLN      |     4.50 |      $855.00 | $105.00 / $125.00 |         Group |

  Scenario: Tear Down
    Given I am on "Currencies" page
     Then I can see "PLN-EUR" component
     Then I can see "2.2" component
     Then I can see "PLN-USD" component
     Then I can see "4.5" component
     Then I can see "PLN-JPY" component
     Then I can see "0.01" component
     Then I can see "PLN-GBP" component
     Then I can see "0.4" component


import 'package:flutter_gherkin_generator/flutter_gherkin_generator.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';

// import 'e2e_test.list.dart';

// 'GivenGeneric'-class from 'flutter_gherkin_wrapper'-package
// class Generics extends GivenGeneric {}

void main() {
  setUpAll(() {
    // ExecutableStepIterator.inject(classList);


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Gherkin Generator is used to generate list of actors and nested scenarios for Gherkin

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MIT (license)


analyzer, build, flutter, flutter_test, source_gen


Packages that depend on flutter_gherkin_generator