flutter_gbprimepay_qrcode 0.0.7 copy "flutter_gbprimepay_qrcode: ^0.0.7" to clipboard
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The GBPrimePay QRCode package allows you to request a QRCode image from the QRCash service provided by GBPrimePay.

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The GBPrimePay QRCode package allows you to request a QRCode image from the QRCash service provided by GBPrimePay.

Features #

Show QRCode from QRCash Service Listen for payment results and store them using a Cloud FireStore query snapshot Getting Started To use this package, you can add a dialog with the GBPrimePayQRCode widget using Dialog.builder() or Get.builder(). See the example folder for more details.

Getting started #

To use this package, you can add a dialog with the GBPrimePayQRCode widget using Dialog.builder() or Get.dialog(). See the example folder for more details.

// create timestamp as referenceId
final referenceNo = "202212220001";
final amount = 1.0;

// show dialog with QRCode
    // A reference to the Cloud FireStore collection where payment results will be stored
    collectionRef: FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection("payments"),
    // A unique reference number for the payment
    referenceNo: referenceNo,
    // A description of the item being purchased
    detail: "Sample T-Shirt",
    // The amount of the purchase
    amount: amount,
    // The callback URL that GBPrimePay will send the payment result to
    backgroundUrl: BACKGROUND_URL,
    // The GBPrimePay token provided by the service
    token: GB_TOKEN,
    // The message to display on successful payment
    completeMessage1: "Payment received!",
    completeMessage2: "Thank you",
    // The title of the button to close the dialog on successful payment
    completeButtonTitle: "Close",
    // The callback function to execute when the button is pressed on successful payment
    completeButtonOnTap: () => Get.back(),
    // The message to display on failed payment
    failMessage1: "Payment not complete!",
    failMessage2: "Try another payment method",
    // The title of the button to close the dialog on failed payment
    failButtonTitle: "Close",
    // The callback function to execute when the button is pressed on failed payment
    failButtonOnTap: () => Get.back(),
  // Use the safe area of the screen to avoid overlaps with the system UI
  useSafeArea: true,

Cloud function for call back URL from GBPrimePay

const functions = require("firebase-functions");
const admin = require("firebase-admin");

exports.webhookGBPay = functions.https.onRequest(async (req, res) => {
  functions.logger.log("message", req.body);

  // add data payment data to cloud firestore
  await admin


In this example, the GBPrimePayQRCode widget is being shown in a dialog and listens for payment results using the provided collectionRef. The backgroundUrl is a callback URL that GBPrimePay will send the payment result to. The token is the GBPrimePay token provided by the service. The widget also includes messages and button titles for both successful and failed payments.



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The GBPrimePay QRCode package allows you to request a QRCode image from the QRCash service provided by GBPrimePay.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


cloud_firestore, flutter, http


Packages that depend on flutter_gbprimepay_qrcode