flutter_fritzapi 0.0.1 copy "flutter_fritzapi: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
flutter_fritzapi: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard

API for Fritz!Box, Fritz!DECT


import 'package:example/custom_fritz_api_client.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_fritzapi/flutter_fritzapi.dart';

void main() {
  runApp(const MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyApp({super.key});

  // This widget is the root of your application.
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    const title = 'FRITZ!API Demo App';
    return MaterialApp(
      title: title,
      theme: ThemeData(
        primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
      home: const MyHomePage(title: title),

class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
  const MyHomePage({super.key, required this.title});

  final String title;

  State<MyHomePage> createState() => _MyHomePageState();

class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
  final fritzApiClient = CustomFritzApiClient();

  int currentStep = 0;

  bool isConnected = false;

  String? password;

  String? sessionId;

  bool failedToFetchSessionId = false;

  Iterable<Device>? measuringDevices;

  Device? selectedDevice;

  EnergyStats? stats;

  HomeAutoQueryCommand? command;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text(widget.title),
      body: Stepper(
        physics: const ScrollPhysics(),
        currentStep: currentStep,
        onStepContinue: () {
          if (currentStep == 0) {
            if (isConnected) {
              setState(() {
                currentStep = 1;
            } else {
              fritzApiClient.isConnectedWithFritzBox().then((isConnected) {
                this.isConnected = isConnected;
                if (isConnected) {
                  setState(() {
                    currentStep = 1;
          } else if (currentStep == 1 && password?.isNotEmpty == true) {
            fritzApiClient.getSessionId(password: password!).then((sessionId){
              if (sessionId == null) {
                setState(() {
                  failedToFetchSessionId = true;
              } else {
                failedToFetchSessionId = false;
                setState(() {
                  this.sessionId = sessionId;
                  currentStep = 2;
                fritzApiClient.getDevices().then((devices) {
                  setState(() {
                    measuringDevices = devices.getConnectedDevices();
          } else if (currentStep == 2 && sessionId?.isNotEmpty == true) {
            if (selectedDevice == null) {
                  const SnackBar(content: Text('You have to select a device before you can continue.')),
            } else {
              setState(() {
          } else if (currentStep == 3) {
            // Cannot continue on last step
        onStepTapped: (tappedStep) {
          setState(() {
            currentStep = tappedStep;
        steps: [
            title: const Text('Check if connected with Fritz!Box'),
            content: const SizedBox.shrink(),
            isActive: currentStep == 0,
            state: currentStep > 0
                ? StepState.complete
                : StepState.indexed,
            title: const Text('Fetch session id'),
            content: Column(
              children: [
                if (failedToFetchSessionId)
                    const Text('Failed to fetch session id.', style: TextStyle(color: Colors.red)),
                  decoration: const InputDecoration(
                    label: Text('Password'),
                  onChanged: (String input) {
                    setState(() {
                      password = input;
            isActive: currentStep == 1,
            state: currentStep == 1
                ? StepState.indexed
                : currentStep > 1 || sessionId != null ? StepState.complete : StepState.disabled,
            title: const Text('Select device'),
            content: Column(
              crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
              children: [
                Text('Successfully fetched session id (SID) "$sessionId" for next API calls in step 2. We should now do have access to devices.'),
                const SizedBox(height: 8),
                if (measuringDevices == null)
                    const CircularProgressIndicator(),
                    Text('Loading devices', style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.caption),
                else for (final device in measuringDevices!)
                    title: Text('${device.displayName} (${device.model})'),
                    onTap: () {
                      setState(() {
                        selectedDevice = device;
            isActive: currentStep == 2,
            state: currentStep == 2
                ? StepState.indexed
                : sessionId != null ? StepState.complete : StepState.disabled,
            title: const Text('Fetch EnergyStats'),
            content: Column(
              crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
              children: [
                for (final command in HomeAutoQueryCommand.values)
                    title: Text(command.name.replaceFirst('EnergyStats_', '')),
                    selected: this.command == command,
                    onTap: () {
                      final deviceId = selectedDevice!.id;
                        command: command,
                        deviceId: deviceId,
                      ).then((result) {
                        if (result != null) {
                          setState(() {
                            this.command = command;
                            stats = result;
                        } else {
                              content: Text('Failed to fetch EnergyStats for ${command.name} of ${selectedDevice!.displayName}.'),
                if (stats != null)
                    Text('${stats!.energyStat.values.length} values where each value represents ${(stats!.energyStat.timesType/60/60).toStringAsFixed(2).replaceFirst('.00', '')} hours:'),
            isActive: currentStep == 3,
            state: currentStep == 3
                ? StepState.indexed
                : StepState.disabled,