flutter_freshchat 1.1.3 copy "flutter_freshchat: ^1.1.3" to clipboard
flutter_freshchat: ^1.1.3 copied to clipboard


A Flutter plugin for integrating Freshchat in your mobile app.

flutter_freshchat #

A Flutter plugin for integrating Freshchat in your mobile app.

Setup #

Android #

Add this to your AndroidManifest.xml

        android:resource="@xml/freshchat_file_provider_paths" />

Add this to your Strings.xml located inside android/src/res/values

<string name="freshchat_file_provider_authority">com.example.demoapp.provider</string>

Usage #

To use this plugin, add flutter_freshchat as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

import 'package:flutter_freshchat/flutter_freshchat.dart';

Initialize the Freshchat app with appID and appKey which you could get from here: Where to find App ID and App Key
It also has cameraEnabled parameter with default value set to true.
You can disable the camera by setting it to false.

await FlutterFreshchat.init(appID: 'YOUR_APP_ID_HERE', appKey: 'YOUR_APP_KEY_HERE');

Update the user info by setting by creating a FreshchatUser object

FreshchatUser user = FreshchatUser.initail();
user.email = "jhon@test.com";
user.firstName = "jhon";
user.lastName = "doe";
user.phoneCountryCode = "+91";
user.phone = "0123456789";

await FlutterFreshchat.updateUserInfo(user: user);

// Custom properties can be set by creating a Map<String, String>
Map<String, String> customProperties = Map<String, String>();
customProperties["loggedIn"] = "true";

await FlutterFreshchat.updateUserInfo(user: user, customProperties: customProperties);

Identify the user user by usin email address or any way you uniquely identify the user. externalID is required and returns a restoreID you can save it and use to restore the chats

await FlutterFreshchat.identifyUser(externalID: 'USER_UNQIUE_ID', restoreID: 'USER_RESTORE_ID');

Show conversation opens a conversation screen and also list all the other conversation if a list obejct is supplied to it. You can also pass a title for teh chat screen.

await FlutterFreshchat.showConversations(tags: const [], title: 'CHAT_SCREEN_TITLE');

ShowFAQs opens a FAQ screen in a grid like format as default you can change the default setting by changing this paramters.
showFaqCategoriesAsGrid = true
showContactUsOnAppBar = true
showContactUsOnFaqScreens = false
showContactUsOnFaqNotHelpful = false

await FlutterFreshchat.showFAQs();

Gets the unseen message count from freshchat you can use this to show a counter.

int count = await FlutterFreshchat.getUnreadMsgCount();

Reset user data at logout or when deemed appropriate based on user action in the app.

await FlutterFreshchat.resetUser();

Example #

Find the example wiring in the Flutter_Freshchat example application.

API details #

See the flutter_freshchat.dart for more API details

Issues and feedback #

Please file issues to send feedback or report a bug. Thank you!



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A Flutter plugin for integrating Freshchat in your mobile app.

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unknown (license)


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Packages that depend on flutter_freshchat