flutter_flurry_sdk 3.3.0 flutter_flurry_sdk: ^3.3.0 copied to clipboard
A Flutter plugin for Flurry Analytics SDK. Flurry Push for messaging and Flurry Config for remote configuration are supported by our plugin as well!
Flutter Flurry SDK (flutter_flurry_sdk) #
A Flutter plugin for Flurry SDK
- Flurry Push for messaging and Flurry Config for remote configuration are supported by our plugin!
Table of contents #
Installation #
Install Flutter Flurry SDK plugin by running this command in the terminal from the directory containing
file. And run an implicitflutter pub get
.$ flutter pub add flutter_flurry_sdk
Flutter Flurry SDK has been added as a dependency. Now, import the
class in the files calling Flurry SDK APIs.import 'package:flutter_flurry_sdk/flurry.dart';
Android #
By default, Flurry adds
permissions to optimize analytics data. Please see Manual Flurry Android SDK Integration for the other recommended options. -
To improve analytics identities, please see Manual Flurry Android SDK Integration for adding Google Play Services library in your app by including the following in your
file:dependencies { // Recommended to add Google Play Services implementation 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-ads-identifier:17.1.0' }
Flurry Push
In order to use Flurry Push for Android, please follow the additional steps below:-
Follow Add Firebase to your Flutter app. Complete "Add a Firebase configuration file" step for adding Firebase to your Android project. There should be a file
in your project'sandroid/app
folder now. You do not need to "Add FlutterFire plugins". Yourbuild.gradle
will look like:// android/build.gradle (project-level) buildscript { dependencies { classpath 'com.google.gms:google-services:4.3.10' } }
// android/app/build.gradle (app-level) apply plugin: 'com.google.gms.google-services' dependencies { implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-messaging:21.1.0' }
If you want to customize Flurry Push notification, please implement a custom application class if it does not exist by extending FlutterApplication, and apply the Flurry setup in the
method. Remember to register the class in the AndroidManifest by addingandroid:name=".MyFlutterApplication"
attributes. With the same APIs as the Dart version.// AndroidManifest.xml <application android:name=".MyFlutterApplication"
import com.flurry.android.flutter.FlurryFlutterPlugin; public class MyFlutterApplication extends FlutterApplication { @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); new FlurryFlutterPlugin.Builder() .withCrashReporting(true) .withLogEnabled(true) .withLogLevel(Log.VERBOSE) .withMessaging(true, options_or_listener) // optional user's native `FlurryMarketingOptions` or `FlurryMessagingListener`. .build(this, FLURRY_ANDROID_API_KEY);
Add notification permission in the Android manifest file. (required on the Android 13 and above devices.)
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS" />
Set up "Android Authorization" in Flurry Push Authorization.
iOS #
Define a global platform for your project in
.platform :ios, '10.0'
Flurry Push
To set up Flurry Push, please take the following steps.-
Open your
file which is under theios
folder. Go to "Capabilities" tab and enable Push Notifications. -
Enable Background Modes (Background Fetch and Remote Notifications turned on). Now your
should contain the following items. For more information, please see Push Setup. -
Set up "iOS Authorization" in Flurry Push Authorization.
tvOS #
- Please note that Flurry Messaging and Flurry Config are currently not available on tvOS. For the detailed list of unavailable APIs, please see API reference below.
Example #
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'dart:async'; import 'package:flutter_flurry_sdk/flurry.dart'; // Init Flurry once as early as possible recommended in main.dart. // For each platform (Android, iOS) where the app runs you need to acquire a unique Flurry API Key. // i.e., you need two API keys if you are going to release the app on both Android and iOS platforms. // If you are building for TV platforms, you will need two API keys for Android TV and tvOS. Flurry.builder .withCrashReporting(true) .withLogEnabled(true) .withLogLevel(LogLevel.debug) .withReportLocation(true) .build( androidAPIKey: FLURRY_ANDROID_API_KEY, iosAPIKey: FLURRY_IOS_API_KEY);
import 'package:flutter_flurry_sdk/flurry.dart'; // Example to get Flurry versions. int agentVersion = await Flurry.getAgentVersion(); print('Agent Version: $agentVersion'); String? releaseVersion = await Flurry.getReleaseVersion(); print('Release Version: $releaseVersion'); String? sessionId = await Flurry.getSessionId(); print('Session Id: $sessionId'); // Set Flurry preferences. Flurry.setLogEnabled(true); Flurry.setLogLevel(LogLevel.verbose); // Set user preferences. Flurry.setAge(36); Flurry.setGender(Gender.female); Flurry.setReportLocation(true); // Set user properties. var list = <String>[]; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { list.add('prop$i'); } Flurry.userProperties.setValue(UserProperties.propertyRegisteredUser, 'True'); Flurry.userProperties.addValues('Flutter Properties', list); // Log Flurry events. Flurry.logEvent('Flutter Event'); var map = <String, String>{}; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { map.putIfAbsent('key$i', () => '$i'); } Flurry.logTimedEventWithParameters('Flutter Timed Event', map, true); ... Flurry.endTimedEvent('Flutter Timed Event'); // Log Flurry standard events. var paramBuilder = Param() .putDoubleParam(EventParam.totalAmount, 34.99) .putBooleanParam(EventParam.success, true) .putStringParam(EventParam.itemName, 'book 1') .putString('note', 'This is an awesome book to purchase !!!'); Flurry.logStandardEvent(FlurryEvent.purchased, paramBuilder); ...
Flurry.config.registerListener(MyConfigListener()); Flurry.config.fetchConfig(); class MyConfigListener with ConfigListener { @override void onFetchSuccess() { // Data fetched, activate it. Flurry.config.activateConfig(); } @override void onFetchNoChange() { // Fetch finished, but data unchanged. Flurry.config.getConfigString('welcome_message', 'Welcome').then((welcomeMessage) { print('Received unchanged data: $welcomeMessage'); }); } @override void onFetchError(bool isRetrying) { // Fetch failed. print('Fetch error! Retrying: $isRetrying'); } @override void onActivateComplete(bool isCache) { // Received cached data, or newly activated data. Flurry.config.getConfigString('welcome_message', 'Welcome').then((welcomeMessage) { print((isCache ? 'Received cached data: $welcomeMessage' : 'Received newly activated data: $welcomeMessage')); }); } }
// To customize Flurry Push for Android, please duplicate Builder setup in your FlutterApplication.java. Flurry.builder .withMessaging(true) ... // Optionally add a listener to receive messaging events, and handle the notification. Flurry.builder .withMessaging(true, MyMessagingListener()) ... class MyMessagingListener with MessagingListener { @override bool onNotificationClicked(Message message) { printMessage('onNotificationClicked', message); return false; } @override bool onNotificationReceived(Message message) { printMessage('onNotificationReceived', message); return false; } @override void onNotificationCancelled(Message message) { printMessage('onNotificationCancelled', message); } @override void onTokenRefresh(String token) { print('Flurry Messaging Type: onTokenRefresh' '\n Token: $token'); } static printMessage(String type, Message message) { print('Flurry Messaging Type: $type' '\n Title: ${message.title}' '\n Body: ${message.body}' '\n ClickAction: ${message.clickAction}' '\n Data: ${message.appData}'); } }
Flurry.publisherSegmentation.registerListener(MyPublisherSegmentationListener()); Flurry.publisherSegmentation.fetch(); class MyPublisherSegmentationListener with PublisherSegmentationListener { @override void onFetched(Map<String, String> data) { print('Publisher Segmentation data fetched: $data'); } }
API Reference #
See Android-(FlurryAgent) / iOS-(Flurry) for the Flurry references.
Methods in Flurry.builder to initialize Flurry Agent
Builder withAppVersion(String versionName); // iOS only. For Android, please use Flurry.setVersionName() instead. Builder withContinueSessionMillis(int sessionMillis); Builder withCrashReporting(bool crashReporting); Builder.withGppConsent(String gppString, Set<int> gppSectionIds); Builder withDataSaleOptOut(bool isOptOut); Builder withIncludeBackgroundSessionsInMetrics(bool includeBackgroundSessionsInMetrics); Builder withLogEnabled(bool enableLog); Builder withLogLevel(LogLevel logLevel); // LogLevel = { verbose, debug, info, warn, error, assertion } Builder withReportLocation(bool reportLocation); // Android only Builder withMessaging(bool enableMessaging, MessagingListener listener); Builder withPerformanceMetrics(int performanceMetrics); // Performance = { none, coldStart, screenTime, all } Builder withSslPinningEnabled(bool sslPinningEnabled); // Android only void build(String androidAPIKey, String iosAPIKey);
Methods to set Flurry preferences
void Flurry.setContinueSessionMillis(int sessionMillis); void Flurry.setCrashReporting(bool crashReporting); void Flurry.setIncludeBackgroundSessionsInMetrics(bool includeBackgroundSessionsInMetrics); void Flurry.setLogEnabled(bool enableLog); void Flurry.setLogLevel(LogLevel logLevel); // LogLevel = { verbose, debug, info, warn, error, assertion } void Flurry.setSslPinningEnabled(bool sslPinningEnabled); // Android only
Methods to set user preferences
void Flurry.setAge(int age); void Flurry.setGender(Gender gender); void Flurry.setReportLocation(bool reportLocation); void Flurry.setSessionOrigin(String originName, String deepLink); void Flurry.setUserId(String userId); void Flurry.setVersionName(String versionName); void Flurry.addOrigin(String originName, String originVersion); void Flurry.addOriginWithParameters(String originName, String originVersion, Map<String, String> parameters); void Flurry.addSessionProperty(String propertyName, String propertyValue);
Methods to set privacy preferences
void Flurry.setGppConsent(String gppString, Set<int> gppSectionIds); void Flurry.setDataSaleOptOut(bool isOptOut); void Flurry.deleteData(); void Flurry.openPrivacyDashboard();
Methods in Flurry.userProperties to set user properties
// Standard User Properties: UserProperties = { // propertyCurrencyPreference, propertyPurchaser, propertyRegisteredUser, propertySubscriber } void setValue (String propertyName, String propertyValue); void setValues (String propertyName, List<String> propertyValues); void addValue (String propertyName, String propertyValue); void addValues (String propertyName, List<String> propertyValues); void remove (String propertyName); void removeValue (String propertyName, String propertyValue); void removeValues(String propertyName, List<String> propertyValues); void flag (String propertyName);
Methods to get Flurry versions and publisher segmentation
Future<int> Flurry.getAgentVersion(); Future<String?> Flurry.getReleaseVersion(); Future<String?> Flurry.getSessionId(); Future<String> Flurry.getPlatformVersion(); mixin PublisherSegmentationListener { void onFetched(Map<String, String> data); } // in Flurry.publisherSegmentation void registerListener (PublisherSegmentationListener listener); void unregisterListener(PublisherSegmentationListener listener); Future<bool> isFetchFinished(); void fetch(); Future<Map<String, String>?> getPublisherData();
Methods to log Flurry events
enum EventRecordStatus { eventFailed, eventRecorded, eventUniqueCountExceeded, eventParamsCountExceeded, eventLoggingDelayed, eventAnalyticsDisabled, eventParametersMismatched } Future<EventRecordStatus> Flurry.logEvent(String eventId); Future<EventRecordStatus> Flurry.logEventWithParameters(String eventId, Map<String, String> parameters); Future<EventRecordStatus> Flurry.logTimedEvent(String eventId, bool timed); Future<EventRecordStatus> Flurry.logTimedEventWithParameters(String eventId, Map<String, String> parameters, bool timed); Future<EventRecordStatus> Flurry.logTimedEventId(String eventId, String timedId); Future<EventRecordStatus> Flurry.logTimedEventIdWithParameters(String eventId, Map<String, String> parameters, String timedId); void Flurry.endTimedEvent(String eventId); void Flurry.endTimedEventWithParameters(String eventId, Map<String, String> parameters); void Flurry.endTimedEventId(String eventId, String timedId); void Flurry.endTimedEventIdWithParameters(String eventId, Map<String, String> parameters, String timedId); Future<EventRecordStatus> Flurry.logStandardEvent(StandardEventId id, Param param); void Flurry.onError(String errorId, String message, String errorClass); void Flurry.onErrorWithParameters(String errorId, String message, String errorClass, Map<String, String> parameters); void Flurry.logBreadcrumb(String crashBreadcrumb); Future<EventRecordStatus> Flurry.logPayment(String productName, String productId, int quantity, double price, String currency, String transactionId, Map<String, String> parameters);
Methods to enable IAP reporting(iOS)
void Flurry.setIAPReportingEnabled(bool enableIAP);
Methods to set the iOS conversion value sent to Apple through SKAdNetwork (iOS)
void Flurry.updateConversionValue(int conversionValue); void Flurry.updateConversionValueWithEvent(SKAdNetworkEvent flurryEvent);
Methods in Flurry.performance to log Flurry Performance Metrics
void startResourceLogger(); void logResourceLogger(); void reportFullyDrawn();
Methods in Flurry.config for Flurry Config
mixin ConfigListener{ void onFetchSuccess(); void onFetchNoChange(); void onFetchError(bool isRetrying); void onActivateComplete(bool isCache); } void registerListener (ConfigListener listener); void unregisterListener(ConfigListener listener); void fetchConfig(); void activateConfig(); Future<String> getConfigString(String key, String defaultValue);
Methods for Messaging Listener
mixin MessagingListener{ bool onNotificationReceived(Message message); bool onNotificationClicked(Message message); void onNotificationCancelled(Message message); // Android only void onTokenRefresh(String token); // Android only } class Message { String title; String body; String clickAction; Map<String, String> appData; }
Methods for Standard Event - Param (builder setters and getters)
Map<dynamic, String> getParameters(); Param clear(); Param removeParam(ParamBase param); Param remove(String key); Param putAll(Param param); Param putStringParam(StringParam key, String value); Param putString(String key, String value); Param putIntegerParam(IntegerParam key, int value); Param putInteger(String key, int value); Param putDoubleParam(DoubleParam key, double value); Param putDouble(String key, double value); Param putBooleanParam(BooleanParam key, bool value); Param putBoolen(String key, bool value);
FlurryEvent enum for Standard Event Id (Event Name)
enum FlurryEvent{ /// Log this event when a user clicks on an Ad. /// Suggested event params: adType /// Mandatory event params: none adClick, /// Log this event when a user views an Ad impression. /// Suggested event params: adType /// Mandatory event params: none adImpression, /// Log this event when a user is granted a reward for viewing a rewarded Ad. /// Suggested event params: adType /// Mandatory event params: none adRewarded, /// Log this event when a user skips an Ad /// Suggested event params: adType /// Mandatory event params: none adSkipped, /// Log this event when a user spends credit in the app /// Suggested event params: levelNumber, totalAmount, isCurrencySoft, creditType, creditId, creditName, currencyType /// Mandatory event params: totalAmount creditsSpent, /// Log this event when a user purchases credit in the app /// Suggested event params: levelNumber, totalAmount, isCurrencySoft, creditType, creditId, creditName, currencyType /// Mandatory event params: totalAmount creditsPurchased, /// Log this event when a user earns credit in the app /// Suggested event params: levelNumber, totalAmount, isCurrencySoft, creditType, creditId, creditName, currencyType /// Mandatory event params: totalAmount creditsEarned, /// Log this event when a user unlocks an achievement in the app /// Suggested event params: achievementId /// Mandatory event params: none achievementUnlocked, /// Log this event when an App user completes a level /// Suggested event params: levelNumber, levelName /// Mandatory event params: levelNumber levelCompleted, /// Log this event when an App user fails a level /// Suggested event params: levelNumber, levelName /// Mandatory event params: levelNumber levelFailed, /// Log this event when an App user levels up /// Suggested event params: levelNumber, levelName /// Mandatory event params: levelNumber levelUp, /// Log this event when an App user starts a level /// Suggested event params: levelNumber, levelName /// Mandatory event params: levelNumber levelStarted, /// Log this event when an App user skips a level /// Suggested event params: levelNumber, levelName /// Mandatory event params: levelNumber levelSkip, /// Log this event when an App user posts his score /// Suggested event params: score, levelNumber /// Mandatory event params: score scorePosted, /// Log this event when a user rates a content in the App /// Suggested event params: contentId, contentType, contentName, rating /// Mandatory event params: contentId, rating contentRated, /// Log this event when a specific content is viewed by a user /// Suggested event params: contentId, contentType, contentName /// Mandatory event params: contentId contentViewed, /// Log this event when a user saves the content in the App /// Suggested event params: contentId, contentType, contentName /// Mandatory event params: contentId contentSaved, /// Log this event when a user customizes the App/product /// Suggested event params: none /// Mandatory event params: none productCustomized, /// Log this event when the App is activated /// Suggested event params: none /// Mandatory event params: none appActivated, /// Log this event when a user submits an application through the App /// Suggested event params: none /// Mandatory event params: none applicationSubmitted, /// Log this event when an item is added to the cart /// Suggested event params: itemCount, price, itemId, itemName, itemType /// Mandatory event params: itemCount, price addItemToCart, /// Log this event when an item is added to the wish list /// Suggested event params: itemCount, price, itemId, itemName, itemType /// Mandatory event params: itemCount, price addItemToWishList, /// Log this event when checkout is completed or transaction is successfully completed /// Suggested event params: itemCount, totalAmount, currencyType, transactionId /// Mandatory event params: itemCount, totalAmount completedCheckout, /// Log this event when payment information is added during a checkout process /// Suggested event params: success, paymentType /// Mandatory event params: none paymentInfoAdded, /// Log this event when an item is viewed /// Suggested event params: itemId, itemName, itemType, price /// Mandatory event params: itemId itemViewed, /// Log this event when a list of items is viewed /// Suggested event params: itemListType /// Mandatory event params: none itemListViewed, /// Log this event when a user does a purchase in the App /// Suggested event params: itemCount, totalAmount, itemId, success, itemName, itemType, currencyType, transactionId /// Mandatory event params: totalAmount purchased, /// Log this event when a purchase is refunded /// Suggested event params: price, currencyType /// Mandatory event params: price purchaseRefunded, /// Log this event when a user removes an item from the cart /// Suggested event params: itemId, price, itemName, itemType /// Mandatory event params: itemId removeItemFromCart, /// Log this event when a user starts checkout /// Suggested event params: itemCount, totalAmount /// Mandatory event params: itemCount, totalAmount checkoutInitiated, /// Log this event when a user donates fund to your App or through the App /// Suggested event params: price, currencyType /// Mandatory event params: price fundsDonated, /// Log this event when user schedules an appointment using the App /// Suggested event params: none /// Mandatory event params: none userScheduled, /// Log this event when an offer is presented to the user /// Suggested event params: itemId, itemName, itemCategory, price /// Mandatory event params: itemId, price offerPresented, /// Log this event at the start of a paid subscription for a service or product /// Suggested event params: price, isAnnualSubscription, trialDays, predictedLTV, currencyType, subscriptionCountry /// Mandatory event params: price, isAnnualSubscription subscriptionStarted, /// Log this event when a user unsubscribes from a paid subscription /// for a service or product /// Suggested event params: isAnnualSubscription, currencyType, subscriptionCountry /// Mandatory event params: isAnnualSubscription subscriptionEnded, /// Log this event when user joins a group. /// Suggested event params: groupName /// Mandatory event params: none groupJoined, /// Log this event when user leaves a group /// Suggested event params: groupName /// Mandatory event params: none groupLeft, /// Log this event when a user starts a tutorial /// Suggested event params: tutorialName /// Mandatory event params: none tutorialStarted, /// Log this event when a user completes a tutorial /// Suggested event params: tutorialName /// Mandatory event params: none tutorialCompleted, /// Log this event when a specific tutorial step is completed /// Suggested event params: stepNumber, tutorialName /// Mandatory event params: stepNumber tutorialStepCompleted, /// Log this event when user skips the tutorial /// Suggested event params: stepNumber, tutorialName /// Mandatory event params: stepNumber tutorialSkipped, /// Log this event when a user login on the App /// Suggested event params: userId, method /// Mandatory event params: none login, /// Log this event when a user logout of the App /// Suggested event params: userId, method /// Mandatory event params: none logout, /// Log the event when a user registers (signup). Helps capture the method /// used to sign-up (sign up with google / apple or email address) /// Suggested event params: userId, method /// Mandatory event params: none userRegistered, /// Log this event when user views search results /// Suggested event params: query, searchType (e.g. voice, text) /// Mandatory event params: none searchResultViewed, /// Log this event when a user searches for a keyword using Search /// Suggested event params: query, searchType (e.g. voice, text) /// Mandatory event params: none keywordSearched, /// Log this event when a user searches for a location using Search /// Suggested event params: query /// Mandatory event params: none locationSearched, /// Log this event when a user invites another user /// Suggested event params: userId, method /// Mandatory event params: none invite, /// Log this event when a user shares content with another user in the App /// Suggested event params: socialContentId, socialContentName, method /// Mandatory event params: socialContentId share, /// Log this event when a user likes a social content. e.g. likeType captures /// what kind of like is logged ("celebrate", "insightful", etc) /// Suggested event params: socialContentId, socialContentName, likeType /// Mandatory event params: socialContentId like, /// Log this event when a user comments or replies on a social post /// Suggested event params: socialContentId, socialContentName /// Mandatory event params: socialContentId comment, /// Log this event when an image, audio or a video is captured /// Suggested event params: mediaId, mediaName, mediaType /// Mandatory event params: none mediaCaptured, /// Log this event when an audio or video starts /// Suggested event params: mediaId, mediaName, mediaType /// Mandatory event params: none mediaStarted, /// Log this event when an audio or video is stopped /// Suggested event params: mediaId, duration (in seconds), mediaName, mediaType /// Mandatory event params: duration (in seconds) mediaStopped, /// Log this event when an audio or video is paused /// Suggested event params: mediaId, duration (in seconds), mediaName, mediaType /// Mandatory event params: duration (in seconds) mediaPaused, /// Log this event when a privacy prompt is displayed /// Suggested event params: none /// Mandatory event params: none privacyPromptDisplayed, /// Log this event when a user opts in (on the privacy prompt) /// Suggested event params: none /// Mandatory event params: none privacyOptIn, /// Log this event when a user opts out (on the privacy prompt) /// Suggested event params: none /// Mandatory event params: none privacyOptOut }
EventParam types for Standard Event parameter (Param Type)
StringParam adType; StringParam levelName; IntegerParam levelNumber; StringParam contentName; StringParam contentType; StringParam contentId; StringParam creditName; StringParam creditType; StringParam creditId; StringParam currencyType; BooleanParam isCurrencySoft; StringParam itemName; StringParam itemType; StringParam itemId; IntegerParam itemCount; StringParam itemCategory; StringParam itemListType; DoubleParam price; DoubleParam totalAmount; StringParam achievementId; IntegerParam score; StringParam rating; StringParam transactionId; BooleanParam success; StringParam paymentType; BooleanParam isAnnualSubscription; StringParam subscriptionCountry; IntegerParam trialDays; StringParam predictedLTV; StringParam groupName; IntegerParam stepNumber; StringParam tutorialName; StringParam userId; StringParam method; StringParam query; StringParam searchType; StringParam socialContentName; StringParam socialContentId; StringParam likeType; StringParam mediaName; StringParam mediaType; StringParam mediaId; IntegerParam duration;
Support #
License #
Copyright 2022 Yahoo Inc.
This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 open source license. Please refer to LICENSE for the full terms.