flutter_feature_biometric 0.2.1 copy "flutter_feature_biometric: ^0.2.1" to clipboard
flutter_feature_biometric: ^0.2.1 copied to clipboard

Flutter Feature Biometric App Facing Package

Description #

Flutter plugin to simplified device authentication or biometric authentication only for android & ios.

Key Features #

Check Whether Device Support Biometric #

Check whether device support biometric authentication or not.

Future<void> screenFunction() async {
  final isSupportedBiometric = await FlutterFeatureBiometric().isDeviceSupportBiometric();

Check Authenticator Status #

Check whether specific authenticator can authenticate.

The authenticator available:

Authenticator Desc
biometric biometric authentication.
deviceCredential device authentication (e.g., PIN, Password, etc)

Return AuthenticatorStatus

Status Desc
success enable authenticate.
noHardwareAvailable no authenticator hardware available for authentication.
unavailable authenticator currently unavailable.
noneEnrolled device not yet enrolled with specific authenticator.
securityUpdateRequired device need to update first before use the authenticator.
unsupportedOSVersion the device is not supported with authenticator.
unknown other status that is unmapping.
Future<void> screenFunction() async {
  final status =
    await FlutterFeatureBiometric().checkAuthenticatorStatus(BiometricAuthenticatorType.biometric);

Check Secure Authentication #

Whether device can authenticate with secure authentication.

Secure authentication means that every biometric

Future<void> screenFunction() async {
  final canSecureAuthenticate =
    await FlutterFeatureBiometric().canSecureAuthenticate();

Authentication #

Authenticate using biometric or device credential

Parameter Type android iOS Desc
authenticatorType FeatureAuthenticatorType v v The specific authenticator for authentication. (e.g., biometric or device credential)
tile String v x The title will be shown in prompt authentication.
subTitle String v x The subtitle will be shown in prompt authentication.
description String v v The description will be shown in prompt authentication.
negativeText String v x The button text will be shown in prompt authentication.
confirmationRequired bool v x If true, confirmation after biometric will be shown before onSuccessAuthenticate() triggered.
onSuccessAuthenticate Function() v v This will be triggered if successfully authenticated.
onFailedAuthenticate Function() v v This will be triggered if failed authenticated.
onErrorAuthenticate Function(String code, String message) v x This will be triggered if authenticate catch an error.
onNegativeButtonClicked Function(int) v x This will be triggered if negative text clicked.
onCanceled Function() v x This will be triggered if user cancel through device bottom nav bar.
Future<void> screenFunction() async {
    authenticatorType: FeatureAuthenticatorType.deviceCredential,
    title: "Title - Credential Authenticate",
    description: "Description - Credential Authenticate",
    confirmationRequired: true,
    negativeText: "Batal",
    onSuccessAuthenticate: () {
      print("${Platform.operatingSystem} - Success authenticate credential");
    onErrorAuthenticate: (code, message) {
      print("${Platform.operatingSystem} - Error authenticate credential: $code - $message");
    onCanceled: () {
      print("${Platform.operatingSystem} - On Canceled");
    onFailedAuthenticate: () {
      print("${Platform.operatingSystem} - On Failed Authenticate");
    onNegativeButtonClicked: (which) {
      print("${Platform.operatingSystem} - onNegativeButtonClicked: $which");

Secure Encrypt Authentication #

Secure encrypt authentication, usually used in register biometric.

Parameter Type android iOS Desc
key String v v The alias key you will store the secret. (IT'S NOT CREDENTIAL)
requestForEncrypt Map<String, String> v x The map of data want to encrypt
tile String v x The title will be shown in prompt authentication.
subTitle String v x The subtitle will be shown in prompt authentication.
description String v v The description will be shown in prompt authentication.
negativeText String v x The button text will be shown in prompt authentication.
confirmationRequired bool v x If true, confirmation after biometric will be shown before onSuccessAuthenticate() triggered.
onSuccessAuthenticate Function(SuccessAuthenticateEncryptState state) v v This will be triggered if successfully authenticated.
onFailedAuthenticate Function() v v This will be triggered if failed authenticated.
onErrorAuthenticate Function(String code, String message) v x This will be triggered if authenticate catch an error.
onNegativeButtonClicked Function(int) v x This will be triggered if negative text clicked.
onCanceled Function() v x This will be triggered if user cancel through device bottom nav bar.
Future<void> screenFunction() async {
    key: "flutterBiometricKey",
    requestForEncrypt: {
      "test": "P4ssw0rd",
    title: "Secure Encrypt Authenticate",
    description: "Secure Encrypt Authenticate",
    negativeText: "Batal",
    onSuccessAuthenticate: (state) {
      if (state is SuccessAuthenticateEncryptAndroid) {
        encodedIVKey = state.encodedIVKey;
        state.encryptedResult.forEach((key, value) {
          encryptedResult[key] = "$value";
        print("Encoded IV Key: $encodedIVKey");
        print("Result: $encryptedResult");
      print("${Platform.operatingSystem} - Success Encrypt Authenticate");
    onFailedAuthenticate: () {
      print("${Platform.operatingSystem} - Failed Encrypt Authenticate");
    onErrorAuthenticate: (code, message) {
      print("${Platform.operatingSystem} - Error Encrypt Authenticate: $code - $message");
    onNegativeButtonClicked: (which) {
      print("${Platform.operatingSystem} - onNegativeButtonClicked: $which");

Secure Decrypt Authentication #

Secure decrypt authentication, usually used in login or want to expose saved data using biometric.

Parameter Type android iOS Desc
key String v v The alias key you will store the secret. (IT'S NOT CREDENTIAL)
encodedIVKey String v x The encoded IV Key return from encrypt authentication.
requestForDecrypt Map<String, String> v x The map want to decrypt.
tile String v x The title will be shown in prompt authentication.
subTitle String v x The subtitle will be shown in prompt authentication.
description String v v The description will be shown in prompt authentication.
negativeText String v x The button text will be shown in prompt authentication.
confirmationRequired bool v x If true, confirmation after biometric will be shown before onSuccessAuthenticate() triggered.
onSuccessAuthenticate Function(SuccessAuthenticateEncryptState state) v v This will be triggered if successfully authenticated.
onFailedAuthenticate Function() v v This will be triggered if failed authenticated.
onErrorAuthenticate Function(String code, String message) v x This will be triggered if authenticate catch an error.
onNegativeButtonClicked Function(int) v x This will be triggered if negative text clicked.
onCanceled Function() v x This will be triggered if user cancel through device bottom nav bar.
Future<void> screenFunction() async {
    key: "flutterBiometricKey",
    encodedIVKey: "MbUhu6SsOk9vN8iJ/Td1lQ==",
    requestForDecrypt: {
      "test": "xZqWsEIQLL/IaurzD5bZAQ==",
    title: "Secure Decrypt Authenticate",
    description: "Secure Decrypt Authenticate",
    negativeText: "Cancel",
    onSuccessAuthenticate: (state) {
      print("${Platform.operatingSystem} - Success Decrypt Authenticate");
      if (state is SuccessAuthenticateDecryptAndroid) {
        print("Result: ${state.decryptedResult}");
    onFailedAuthenticate: () {
      print("${Platform.operatingSystem} - Failed Decrypt Authenticate");
    onErrorAuthenticate: (code, message) {
      print("${Platform.operatingSystem} - Error Decrypt Authenticate: $code - $message");
    onNegativeButtonClicked: (which) {
      print("${Platform.operatingSystem} - onNegativeButtonClicked: $which");
    onCanceled: () {