flutter_fbx3d_viewer 0.0.1 copy "flutter_fbx3d_viewer: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
flutter_fbx3d_viewer: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard


Flutter package for viewing Fbx 3d animated files.

Flutter FBX 3D Viewer #

Flutter package for viewing FBX 3D animated files

This library is experimental. Some FBX files, particularly older fbx files, may not load correctly. No guarantee is provided as FBX is a closed proprietary format.

This library is based on the dart_fbx library

alt text alt text alt text

Example #

  size: Size(ScreenUtils.width, ScreenUtils.height),
  zoom: 30,
  path: "assets/knight_2014.fbx",
  fromAsset: true,
  showInfo: true,
  rotateX: false,
  rotateY: false,
  showWireframe: true,
  wireframeColor: Colors.blue,
  initialAngles: Math.Vector3(270, 10, 0),

FBX Viewer

Properties #

path: you can add an asset path (fromAsset=true) or you can add an SD card path (fromAsset=false)

zoom: Initial zoom.

showInfo: Show infos like FPS, and vertices.

rotateX: Animating the object with a rotateX.

rotateY: Animating the object with a rotateY.

showWireframe: Show the wireframe.

wireframeColor: Color of the wireframe.

initialAngles: Initial model angles.

Limits #

FBX is a closed format, so while this library does it's best to interpret the data in an FBX file, I cannot guarantee that it will read all FBX files, or all data within FBX files.

Author #

Kozári László in 2020.01.16

License #

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")

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Flutter package for viewing Fbx 3d animated files.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


fbx, flutter, vector_math


Packages that depend on flutter_fbx3d_viewer