flutter_expanded_tile 0.3.7 copy "flutter_expanded_tile: ^0.3.7" to clipboard
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An Expansion tile similar to the list tile supports leading widget,and programatic control with content expansion animation.

flutter_expanded_tile #

An Expansion tile similar to the list tile supports leading widget,and programatic control with content expansion animation.

Getting Started #

1. Depend on it #

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  flutter_expanded_tile: [latest version]

2. Install it #

$ flutter pub get

3. Import it #

import 'package:flutter_expanded_tile/flutter_expanded_tile.dart';

Example #

See Example page for example code.

Usage #

-- ExpandedTile #

Property Description Default
@required Widget title Widget representing the title of the tile, mostly a Text widget @required
@required Widget content Content which expands @required
@required ExpandedTileController controller Tile Controller @required
bool enabled Expandable or not true
VoidCallback onTap on tap callback (){ tileController.toggle();}
VoidCallback onLongTap on tap and hold callback (){}
Widget leading leading widget before the title null
Widget trailing .. Icon(Icons.chevron_right)
double trailingRotation Rotate trailing icon when expanded (in degrees) 90
double contentseparator Space between header and body 6.0
@required ExpandedTileThemeData controller Tile Theming ExpandedTileThemeData()
bool disableAnimation Disable Tile Animation false
Duration expansionDuration .. Duration(milliseconds: 200)
Curve expansionAnimationcurve .. Curves.ease

-- ExpandedTileList.builder() #

Property Description Default
@required int itemCount count of tiles @required
@required ExpandedTileBuilder itemBuilder Function with supplied context,index and controller to return an ExpandedTile widget @required
bool reverse reverse list order false
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding ListView Padding default ListView Padding
ScrollPhysics physics leading widget before the title default ListView physics
String restorationId .. ..
int maxOpened max number of opened tiles at the same time 1

-- ExpandedTileList.separated() #

same as the **.builder** constructor but with the added separator builder.

ToDo list #

[x] Adding Null Safety.

[x] Adding Tap Callbacks.

[x] Adding Listview widget with available controller for certain index.

[x] Adding new separated constructor to the ExpandedTileList widget.

Contributing #

Contributing is more than welcomed on any of my packages/plugins. I will try to keep adding suggested features as i go.

Versioning #

  • V0.1.0 - Initial Release.
  • V0.2.0 - Added controller for programatic expansion and checkbox functionality.
  • V0.2.1 - Added onChecked callback.
  • V0.3.0 - Added Null Safety, Changed some customization properties, Removed checkbox trailing widget as it is possible to implement with a widget,and fixed some bugs.
  • V0.3.2 - Added initial expansion state to the controller and Tap callbacks to the widget.
  • V0.3.3 - Added Documentations and refactored code.
  • V0.3.4 - Added ExpandedTileList widget.
  • V0.3.5 - Added ExpandedTileList.separated constructor to the ExpandedTileList widget.
  • V0.3.6 - Added 'Enabled' Property to the Tile.
  • V0.3.7 - Resolved some issues + Added 'disableAnimation' Property to the Tile.

Authors #

Michael Aziz (Micazi) - Github

License #

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details

pub points


verified publishermicazi.dev

An Expansion tile similar to the list tile supports leading widget,and programatic control with content expansion animation.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference






Packages that depend on flutter_expanded_tile