flutter_eversign 0.0.1+1
flutter_eversign: ^0.0.1+1 copied to clipboard
A flutter package to show and interact with eversign iframes
This package offer a simple way to prepare, show and interact with a Eversign iframe overlay. The main purpose is to let user sign or decline a document, using Eversign iframe, in a Flutter Web app.
Features #
- Prepare a widget to show the iframe overlay (can be mounted anywhere in the widget tree)
- Subscribe to load, sign, decline and error events
Getting started #
Include this package in the pubspec.yaml file
dependencies: eversign_overlay: ^0.0.1
Import the package in your app
import 'package:flutter_eversign/flutter_eversign.dart';
Create and show a widget
final Widget _view = FlutterEversign.getEversignWidget(url); // show widget ...
Usage #
For simply displaying the iframe #
final String url = 'MY_URL_HERE';
final Widget _view = FlutterEversign.getEversignWidget(url);
// use the widget in your app
Listen to events #
final String url = 'MY_URL_HERE';
// creating the handler object with onError callback
final FlutterEversignHandler handler = FlutterEversignHandler(
onError: (error) => print(error),
// update handler at runtime
handler.onLoaded = () => print('loaded');
final Widget _view = FlutterEversign.getEversignWidget(url, listener: handler);
Providing custom height and width #
final String url = 'MY_URL_HERE';
final Widget _view = FlutterEversign.getEversignWidget(
width: 500,
height: 500,
Additional information #
Supported platforms #
For now only Flutter Web is supported, some other platforms may be added in the future.
Eversign official documentation #
Refer to the official documentation for more information about Eversign and the frame events.
Authors #
This package is developed by zwapin developers.
You can contact us at tech@zwap.in and alessandro@zwap.in