flutter_epub_viewer 1.0.0 copy "flutter_epub_viewer: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
flutter_epub_viewer: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

A Flutter package for viewing Epub documents

A Flutter package for viewing Epub documents, developed by combining the power of Epubjs and flutter_inappwebview

Features #

  • Highlight text
  • Search in Epub
  • List chapters
  • Text selection
  • Highly customizable UI
  • Resume reading using cfi
  • Custom context menus for selection

Limitations #

  • Loading from local files and assets is not supported

Getting started #

In your Flutter project add the dependency:

flutter pub add epub_viewer

Make sure to follow and complete each step

Usage #

Basic usage #

import 'package:epub_viewer/epub_viewer.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
  const MyHomePage({super.key, required this.title});

  final String title;

  State<MyHomePage> createState() => _MyHomePageState();

class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
  final epubController = EpubController();

  var textSelectionCfi = '';

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: SafeArea(
          child: Column(
        children: [
            child: EpubViewer(
              epubUrl: 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/moby-dick/OPS/package.opf',
              epubController: epubController,
                  EpubDisplaySettings(flow: EpubFlow.paginated, snap: true),
              onChaptersLoaded: (chapters) {},
              onEpubLoaded: () async {},
              onRelocated: (value) {},
              onTextSelected: (epubTextSelection) {},

Parameters and callbacks #

//Epub controller to manage epub
final  EpubController  epubController;

///Epub url to load epub from network
final  String  epubUrl;

///Epub headers to load epub from network
final  Map<String, String> headers;

///Initial cfi string to specify which part of epub to load initially
///if null, the first chapter will be loaded
final  String?  initialCfi;

///Call back when epub is loaded and displayed
final  VoidCallback?  onEpubLoaded;

///Call back when chapters are loaded
final  ValueChanged<List<EpubChapter>>?  onChaptersLoaded;

///Call back when epub page changes
final  ValueChanged<EpubLocation>?  onRelocated;

///Call back when text selection changes
final  ValueChanged<EpubTextSelection>?  onTextSelected;

///initial display settings
final  EpubDisplaySettings?  displaySettings;

///context menu for text selection
///if null, the default context menu will be used
final  ContextMenu?  selectionContextMenu;

Methods #

///Move epub view to a specific area using Cfi string or chapter href

///moves to next page

///Moves to the previous page in epub view

///Returns the current location of epub viewer

///Returns list of [EpubChapter] from epub,
/// should be called after onChaptersLoaded callback, otherwise returns empty list

///Search in epub using query string
///Returns a list of [EpubSearchResult]

///Adds a highlight to epub viewer

///remove hightlight

///Set [EpubSpread] value

///Set [EpubFlow] value

///Set [EpubManager] value

///Adjust font size in epub viewer

Known Issues #

  • onRelocated callback is broken when snap in epubDisplaySettings==true

Upcoming features #

  • More annotations (underline, mark etc)
  • Text extraction
  • More callbacks (rendered, error etc)
  • Support for local files and assets