flutter_deck 0.17.0 copy "flutter_deck: ^0.17.0" to clipboard
flutter_deck: ^0.17.0 copied to clipboard

A lightweight, customizable, and easy-to-use framework to create presentations in Flutter.

0.17.0 #

  • feat: allow using any widget as a slide
  • docs: add 'Creating Slides' guide to the documentation website

0.16.1 #

  • docs: update README.md

0.16.0 #

  • feat: allow passing AutoSizeGroup as a property to FlutterDeckBulletList
  • feat: add full screen management for desktop platforms
  • fix: header max width change on window resize
  • fix: FlutterDeckSlide.split slide template alignment issues
  • docs: launch a documentation website
  • ci: update GitHub Actions workflows for PRs and the main branch
  • chore: update go_router to v14.2.0
  • chore: update melos to v6.1.0
  • chore: use a common analysis_options.yaml file

0.15.0 #

  • feat: support Flutter 3.22
  • feat: add textStyle property to the FlutterDeckCodeHighlight widget
  • feat: add slide step number to the presenter view
  • fix: keep the slide state when marker is toggled

0.14.0 #

  • feat: add presenter view
  • feat: add speaker notes to the slide configuration
  • chore: update project structure
  • refactor: handle internal slide indexing in the router

0.13.0 #

  • feat: support header and footer builder overrides in slide templates
  • feat: add stepOffset property to FlutterDeckBulletList
  • fix: backgroundBuilder not working with FlutterDeckSlide.split

0.12.2 #

  • fix: ignore unnecessary_import lint rule

0.12.1 #

  • fix: support Flutter versions <3.19.0

0.12.0 #

  • feat: add support for slide deck localization
  • feat: add controls for localization
  • docs: add table of contents to README.md

0.11.1 #

  • fix: hot reload doesn't work on macOS

0.11.0 #

  • feat: set scroll position to currently active slide on navigation drawer open
  • fix: FlutterDeckBulletList scaling issues

0.10.1 #

  • refactor: rework flutter deck controls

    • BREAKING: the enabled and shortcutsEnabled properties have been removed

      • Migration: to disable all controls, instead of:

          controls: FlutterDeckControlsConfiguration(
            enabled: false,
            shortcutsEnabled: false,


          controls: FlutterDeckControlsConfiguration.disabled(),
      • Migration: to disable shortcuts, instead of:

          shortcutsEnabled: false,


          shortcuts: FlutterDeckShortcutsConfiguration(enabled: false),
    • feat: support key combinations for shortcuts

    • BREAKING: nextKey, previousKey, openDrawerKey and toggleMarkerKey were renamed and moved to the FlutterDeckShortcutsConfiguration class

      • nextKey -> nextSlide

      • previousKey -> previousSlide

      • openDrawerKey -> toggleNavigationDrawer

      • toggleMarkerKey -> toggleMarker

      • Migration: instead of:

          nextKey: LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowRight,
          previousKey: LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowLeft,
          openDrawerKey: LogicalKeyboardKey.period,
          toggleMarkerKey: LogicalKeyboardKey.keyM,


          shortcuts: FlutterDeckShortcutsConfiguration(
            nextSlide: SingleActivator(LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowRight),
            previousSlide: SingleActivator(LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowLeft),
            toggleMarker: SingleActivator(LogicalKeyboardKey.keyM),
            toggleNavigationDrawer: SingleActivator(LogicalKeyboardKey.period),
  • feat: add support for key combinations for shortcuts

    • Instead of passing a LogicalKeyboardKey, pass a SingleActivator. It enables you not only to specify a single key, but also its modifiers:

        shortcuts: FlutterDeckShortcutsConfiguration(
          nextSlide: SingleActivator(
            control: true,
  • feat: add title property to the FlutterDeckSlideConfiguration

  • feat: navigation drawer item title is generated from the slide configuration

  • feat: add full screen mode toggle (web only)

  • feat: add slide deck auto-play controls

0.9.1 #

  • fix: adjust control widget styling and the default slide background color

0.9.0 #

  • feat: add FlutterDeckSlideSize to set the slide size for the whole presentation
  • feat: add flutter deck controls widget
  • ci: update the example's base url for GitHub Pages deployment

0.8.0 #

  • feat: add marker tool
  • feat: add quote template FlutterDeckSlide.quote
  • chore: upgrade go_router to v12.0.0

0.7.0 #

  • feat: add an optional custom widget to the footer
  • feat: support for gradient progress indicator

0.6.1 #

  • fix: export SplitSlideRatio class from the framework

0.6.0 #

  • feat: add big fact template FlutterDeckSlide.bigFact
  • docs: add slides generation using mason section to README.md

0.5.0 #

  • feat: add FlutterDeckImageSlideTheme
  • chore(deps): upgrade to go_router ^11.0.0

0.4.3 #

  • fix: FlutterDeckSlideStepsBuilder triggers builder on slide change
  • fix: FlutterDeckSlideStepsListener triggers listener on slide change

0.4.2 #

  • docs: update split slide documentation in README.md

0.4.1 #

  • fix: override text colors for Material text styles

0.4.0 #

  • BREAKING: refactor: rework the way how a new slide is created

    • Migration: every slide must extend the FlutterDeckSlideWidget and override the build method:

      class ExampleSlide extends FlutterDeckSlideWidget {
        const ExampleSlide()
            : super(
                configuration: const FlutterDeckSlideConfiguration(
                  route: '/example',
        FlutterDeckSlide build(BuildContext context) {
    • Instead of extending FlutterDeckTitleSlide:

      class TitleSlide extends FlutterDeckTitleSlide {
        const TitleSlide({super.key})
            : super(
                configuration: const FlutterDeckSlideConfiguration(
                  route: '/title-slide',
                  footer: FlutterDeckFooterConfiguration(showFooter: false),
        String get title => 'Here goes the title of the slide';
        String? get subtitle => 'Here goes the subtitle of the slide (optional)';

      use FlutterDeckSlide.title:

      class TitleSlide extends FlutterDeckSlideWidget {
        const TitleSlide()
            : super(
                configuration: const FlutterDeckSlideConfiguration(
                  route: '/title-slide',
                  footer: FlutterDeckFooterConfiguration(showFooter: false),
        FlutterDeckSlide build(BuildContext context) {
          return FlutterDeckSlide.title(
            title: 'Here goes the title of the slide',
            subtitle: 'Here goes the subtitle of the slide (optional)',
    • Instead of extending FlutterDeckBlankSlide:

      class BlankSlide extends FlutterDeckBlankSlide {
        const BlankSlide({super.key})
            : super(
                configuration: const FlutterDeckSlideConfiguration(
                  route: '/blank-slide',
                  header: FlutterDeckHeaderConfiguration(
                    title: 'Blank slide template',
        Widget body(BuildContext context) {
          return Text('Here goes the content of the slide');

      use FlutterDeckSlide.blank:

      class BlankSlide extends FlutterDeckSlideWidget {
        const BlankSlide()
            : super(
                configuration: const FlutterDeckSlideConfiguration(
                  route: '/blank-slide',
                  header: FlutterDeckHeaderConfiguration(
                    title: 'Blank slide template',
        FlutterDeckSlide build(BuildContext context) {
          return FlutterDeckSlide.blank(
            builder: (context) => const Text('Here goes the content of the slide'),
    • Instead of extending FlutterDeckImageSlide:

      class ImageSlide extends FlutterDeckImageSlide {
        const ImageSlide({super.key})
            : super(
                configuration: const FlutterDeckSlideConfiguration(
                  route: '/image-slide',
                  header: FlutterDeckHeaderConfiguration(
                    title: 'Image slide template',
        Image get image => Image.asset('assets/image.png');
        String? get label => 'Here goes the label of the image (optional)';

      use FlutterDeckSlide.image:

      class ImageSlide extends FlutterDeckSlideWidget {
        const ImageSlide()
            : super(
                configuration: const FlutterDeckSlideConfiguration(
                  route: '/image-slide',
                  header: FlutterDeckHeaderConfiguration(
                    title: 'Image slide template',
        FlutterDeckSlide build(BuildContext context) {
          return FlutterDeckSlide.image(
            imageBuilder: (context) => Image.asset('assets/image.png'),
            label: 'Here goes the label of the image (optional)',
    • Instead of extending FlutterDeckSplitSlide:

      class SplitSlide extends FlutterDeckSplitSlide {
        const SplitSlide({super.key})
            : super(
                configuration: const FlutterDeckSlideConfiguration(
                  route: '/split-slide',
                  header: FlutterDeckHeaderConfiguration(
                    title: 'Split slide template',
        Widget left(BuildContext context) {
          return Text('Here goes the LEFT section content of the slide');
        Widget right(BuildContext context) {
          return Text('Here goes the RIGHT section content of the slide');

      use FlutterDeckSlide.split:

      class SplitSlide extends FlutterDeckSlideWidget {
        const SplitSlide()
            : super(
                configuration: const FlutterDeckSlideConfiguration(
                  route: '/split-slide',
                  header: FlutterDeckHeaderConfiguration(
                    title: 'Split slide template',
        FlutterDeckSlide build(BuildContext context) {
          return FlutterDeckSlide.split(
            leftBuilder: (context) {
              return const Text('Here goes the LEFT section content of the slide');
            rightBuilder: (context) {
              return const Text('Here goes the RIGHT section content of the slide');
    • Instead of extending FlutterDeckSlideBase:

      class TemplateSlide extends FlutterDeckSlideBase {
        const TemplateSlide({super.key})
            : super(
                configuration: const FlutterDeckSlideConfiguration(
                  route: '/template-slide',
        FlutterDeckBackground background(BuildContext context) {
          return FlutterDeckBackground.solid(
        Widget? content(BuildContext context) {
          return const ColoredBox(
            color: Colors.red,
            child: Text('Content goes here...'),
        Widget? footer(BuildContext context) {
          return ColoredBox(
            color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.secondary,
            child: const Text('Footer goes here...'),
        Widget? header(BuildContext context) {
          return ColoredBox(
            color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary,
            child: const Text('Header goes here...'),

      use FlutterDeckSlide.template:

      class TemplateSlide extends FlutterDeckSlideWidget {
        const TemplateSlide()
            : super(
                configuration: const FlutterDeckSlideConfiguration(
                  route: '/template-slide',
        FlutterDeckSlide build(BuildContext context) {
          return FlutterDeckSlide.template(
            backgroundBuilder: (context) => FlutterDeckBackground.solid(
            contentBuilder: (context) => const ColoredBox(
              color: Colors.red,
              child: Text('Content goes here...'),
            footerBuilder: (context) => ColoredBox(
              color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.secondary,
              child: const Text('Footer goes here...'),
            headerBuilder: (context) => ColoredBox(
              color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary,
              child: const Text('Header goes here...'),
    • Instead of extending FlutterDeckSlide:

      class CustomSlide extends FlutterDeckSlide {
        const CustomSlide({super.key})
            : super(
                configuration: const FlutterDeckSlideConfiguration(
                  route: '/custom-slide',
        Widget slide(BuildContext context) {
          return const Text('Here goes your custom slide content...');

      use FlutterDeckSlide.custom:

      class CustomSlide extends FlutterDeckSlideWidget {
        const CustomSlide()
            : super(
                configuration: const FlutterDeckSlideConfiguration(
                  route: '/custom-slide',
        FlutterDeckSlide build(BuildContext context) {
          return FlutterDeckSlide.custom(
            builder: (context) {
              return const Text('Here goes your custom slide content...');
  • BREAKING: lightTheme and darkTheme are now of type FlutterDeckThemeData instead of ThemeData

    • Migration: if you have used custom lightTheme or darkTheme, wrap them with FlutterDeckThemeData.fromTheme constructor:

      return FlutterDeckApp(
        lightTheme: FlutterDeckThemeData.fromTheme(
        darkTheme: FlutterDeckThemeData.fromTheme(
  • BREAKING: removed leftBackgroundColor and rightBackgroundColor properties from the FlutterDeckSplitSlide template. Use FlutterDeckSplitSlideTheme instead

  • BREAKING: removed color property from the FlutterDeckHeader component. Use FlutterDeckHeaderTheme instead

  • BREAKING: removed slideNumberColor and socialHandleColor properties from the FlutterDeckFooter component. Use FlutterDeckFooterTheme instead

  • BREAKING: removed textStyle property from the FlutterDeckCodeHighlight component. Use FlutterDeckCodeHighlightTheme instead

  • feat: implement global slide deck theming

  • feat: add FlutterDeckSpeakerInfoWidget component to display speaker information

  • refactor: remove the redundant InheritedFlutterDeck widget

  • docs: update README.md and widgets' documentation

0.3.0 #

  • feat: handle cursor visibility
  • refactor: create FlutterDeckControls and FlutterDeckControlsNotifier to centralize the flutter deck control logic
  • docs: update README.md

0.2.0 #

  • BREAKING: feat: updated background method signature for the FlutterDeckSlideBase

    • Migration: update the background method signature in your code from:

      Widget? background(BuildContext context)


      FlutterDeckBackground background(BuildContext context)
    • Instead of:

      Widget? background(BuildContext context) {
        return null;


      FlutterDeckBackground background(BuildContext context) {
        return FlutterDeckBackground.transparent();
    • Instead of:

      Widget? background(BuildContext context) {
        return YourCustomBackgroundWidget();


      FlutterDeckBackground background(BuildContext context) {
        return FlutterDeckBackground.custom(
          child: YourCustomBackgroundWidget(),
  • feat: add FlutterDeckCodeHighlight widget

  • feat: make the background configurable for the whole slide deck

  • feat: allow to hide slides in the slide deck

  • feat: add presentation progress indicator

  • fix: drawer toggle

  • docs: update the example app and README.md

0.1.0+3 #

  • docs: extend README.md with more information, code snippets and presentation examples

0.1.0+2 #

  • docs: minor README.md update

0.1.0+1 #

  • feat: initial commit 🎉
pub points


verified publisherkazlauskas.dev

A lightweight, customizable, and easy-to-use framework to create presentations in Flutter.

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#flutterdeck #presentation #slides


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auto_size_text, flutter, flutter_deck_client, flutter_highlight, go_router, url_launcher, window_manager


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