flutter_dapp 0.0.28 copy "flutter_dapp: ^0.0.28" to clipboard
flutter_dapp: ^0.0.28 copied to clipboard

A runtime application plugin for flutter.

flutter_dapp #

A runtime application plugin for flutter. Using js_script for logic script, and xml_layout for UI template.

Usage #

    // Load main.js and main.xml as the entry widget
    entry: '/main',
    fileSystems: [
        // A file wrap for reading script and template

XML Tags #

scaffold #

  • Attribute
    • appBar PreferredSizeWidget
    • body Widget
    • floatingActionButton Widget
    • drawer Widget
    • endDrawer Widget
    • bottomNavigationBar Widget
    • bottomSheet Widget
    • background Color
    • resizeToAvoidBottomInset bool
  • Child Same as the body attribute.

row #

  • Attributes:
    • mainAxisAlignment MainAxisAlignment default: MainAxisAlignment.start
    • mainAxisSize MainAxisSize default: MainAxisSize.max
    • crossAxisAlignment CrossAxisAlignment default: CrossAxisAlignment.center
    • verticalDirection VerticalDirection VerticalDirection.down
    • textDirection TextDirection
    • textBaseline TextBaseline
  • Children Widget

column #

  • Attributes:
    • mainAxisAlignment MainAxisAlignment default: MainAxisAlignment.start
    • mainAxisSize MainAxisSize default: MainAxisSize.max
    • crossAxisAlignment CrossAxisAlignment default: CrossAxisAlignment.center
    • verticalDirection VerticalDirection VerticalDirection.down
    • textDirection TextDirection
    • textBaseline TextBaseline
  • Children Widget

center #

  • Attributes:
    • widthFactor double
    • heightFactor double
  • Child Widget

button #

  • Attributes:
    • onPressed Void Function
    • onLongPress Void Function
    • type DButtonType default: DButtonType.elevated
    • minimumSize Size
    • tapTargetSize MaterialTapTargetSize
    • padding EdgeInsets
    • color Color
  • Child Widget

widget #

  • Description:
    • Load another dapp widget.
  • Attibutes:
    • src String
    • data any. Pass to the load function as the first argument.

appbar #

  • Attributes:
    • leading Widget
    • actions List<Widget>
    • bottom PreferredSizeWidget
    • brightness Brightness
    • background Color
    • color Color
    • height double default: 56
  • Child Widget

list-view #

  • Attributes:
    • builder Widget Function(context, index)
    • itemCount int default: 0
  • Children Widget available when builder is null.

list-item #

  • Description:
    • Almost same as ListTile in dart, could be used in list-view.
  • Attributes:
    • leading Widget
    • title Widget
    • subtitle Widget
    • trailing Widget
    • onTap Void Function
    • dense bool
    • padding EdgeInsets
    • color Color

img #

  • Description:
    • image tag is same as img tag
  • Attributes:
    • src String
    • width double
    • height double
    • fit BoxFit default: BoxFit.contain
    • headers Map
      • http headers, available when src is net image.
    • gaplessPlayback bool default: false

callback #

  • Description:
    • Generate a Void Function, and pass custom arguments
  • Attributes:
    • function String the function name in script.
    • args List the arguments.

refresh #

  • Descrition:
    • Drag down to refresh and load more widget.
  • Attributes:
    • loading bool
    • onRefresh Void Function
    • onLoadMore Void Function
    • refreshInset double default: 36
  • Child Widget the scrollable widget.

tabs #

  • Descrition:
    • Wrap of DefaultTabController
  • Attributes:
    • scrollable bool default: false
    • elevation double default: 0
    • background Color
  • Children TabItem

tab #

  • Descrition:
    • Generate a TabItem
  • Attributes:
    • title String
    • icon Widget
  • Child Widget

input #

  • Attributes:
    • placeholder String
    • text String
    • autofocus bool default: false
    • onChange Void Function(String newText)
    • onSubmit Void Function(String text)
    • onFocus Void Function
    • onBlur Void Function
    • style TextStyle

icon #

  • Attributes:
    • size double
    • color Color
  • Child IconData

textstyle #

  • Description:
    • Generate a TextStyle
  • Attributes:
    • color Color
    • background Color
    • size double

stack #

  • Attributes:
    • alignment Alignment default: Alignment.topLeft
    • textDirection TextDirection
    • fit StackFit default: StackFit.loose
    • clip Clip default: Clip.hardEdge
  • Children Widget

view #

  • Description:
    • Generate a Container
  • Attributes:
    • width double
    • height double
    • color Color
    • animate bool default: false
    • duration Duration avaiable when animate is true
    • clip Clip default: Clip.none
    • border Border
    • radius BorderRadius
    • gradient Gradient
    • padding EdgeInsets
    • alignment Alignment
    • margin EdgeInsets

Border #

  • Attributes:
    • top BorderSide default: BorderSide.none
    • right BorderSide default: BorderSide.none
    • bottom BorderSide default: BorderSide.none
    • left BorderSide default: BorderSide.none

Border.all #

  • Attributes:
    • color Color default: Colors.black
    • width double default: 1.0
    • style BorderStyle default: BorderStyle.none

Border.symmetric #

  • Attributes:
    • vertical BorderSide default: BorderSide.none
    • horizontal BorderSide default: BorderSide.none

LinearGradient #

  • Attributes:
    • begin Alignment default: Alignment.centerRight
    • end Alignment default: Alignment.centerRight
    • colors List<Color>
    • stops List<double>
    • mode TileMode default: TileMode.clamp

RadialGradient #

  • Attributes:
    • center Alignment default: Alignment.center
    • radius double default: 0.5
    • colors List<Color>
    • stops List<double>
    • mode TileMode default: TileMode.clamp
    • focal Alignment
    • focalRadius double default: 0

slivers #

  • Description:
    • Wrap of CustomScrollView
  • Attributes:
    • direction Axis default: Axis.vertical
    • reverse bool default: false
  • Children Widget

sliver-list-view #

  • Attrbutes:
    • builder Widget Function(context, index)
    • itemCount int default: 0
  • Children Widget available when builder is null.

sliver-appbar #

  • Attrbutes:
    • leading Widget
    • actions List<Widget>
    • bottom PreferredSizeWidget
    • brightness Brightness
    • background Color
    • color Color
    • floating bool default: false
    • expandedHeight double
  • Child Widget as the title of AppBar

FlexibleSpaceBar #

  • Attributes:
    • padding EdgeInsets
    • background Widget
    • center bool
    • mode CollapseMode default: CollapseMode.parallax
  • Child Widget as the title

sliver-container #

  • Child Widget

text #

  • Attributes:
    • lines int
    • overflow TextOverflow
  • Children InlineSpan or text

span #

  • Description:
    • Generate a TextSpan when child is text or List<TextSpan>, Generate a WidgetSpan when child is Widget.

Expanded #

  • Attributes:
    • flex int default: 1

Divider #

  • Attributes:
    • type String options: vertical, horizontal
    • width double available when type is vertical
    • height double available when type is horizontal
    • thickness double
    • indent double
    • endIndent double
  • Description:
    • A wrap of PopupMenuButton in flutter
  • Attributes:
    • onSelected PopupMenuItemSelected
    • onCanceled PopupMenuCanceled
    • items List<PopupMenuEntry>
    • padding EdgeInsets default: EdgeInsets.all(8.0)
    • tooltip String
    • elevation double
    • icon Widget
    • iconSizedouble
    • offset Offset default: Offset.zero
    • enabled bool default: true
    • color Color
  • Child Widget
  • Description:
    • A wrap of PopupMenuItem in flutter
  • Attributes:
    • value any
    • enabled bool default: true
    • height double default: kMinInteractiveDimension
    • padding EdgeInsets
    • style TextStyle
    • color Color
    • size double
  • Child Widget
  • Description:
    • A wrap of PopupMenuDivider in flutter
  • Attributes:
    • height double default: 16

switch #

  • Description:
    • A wrap of AnimatedSwitcher in flutter
  • Attributes:
    • duration Duration default: Duration(milliseconds: 300)
    • axis Axis default: Axis.vertical
  • Child Widget

grid-view #

  • Description:
    • A wrap of GridView in flutter
  • Attributes:
    • builder IndexedWidgetBuilder
    • itemCount int default: 0 Available when builder is not null
    • padding EdgeInsets default: EdgeInsets.zero
    • crossAxisCount int default: 4
    • childAspectRatio double default: 1
  • Children Widget Available when builder is null

sliver-grid-view #

  • Description:
    • A wrap of SliverGridView in flutter
  • Attributes:
    • builder IndexedWidgetBuilder
    • itemCount int default: 0 Available when builder is not null
    • crossAxisCount int default: 4
    • childAspectRatio double default: 1
  • Children Widget Available when builder is null

Extended inline method #

js(method, arguments...) #

<if candidate="js(isFavorate)">
    <view color="red"/>
  • Description:
    • Call method define in the js script.

array(arguments...) #

<callback function="getItem" array="array(arg1, arg2)"/>
  • Description:
    • Convert arguments to a List.

length(list) #

  • Description:
    • Get length of list.

isNull(obj) #

isNotNull(obj) #

switch(test, a, b) #

  • Description:
    • return a if test equal true, otherwise return b.
pub points


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A runtime application plugin for flutter.

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MIT (license)


cached_network_image, dio, flutter, fluttertoast, js_script, path, vector_math, xml_layout


Packages that depend on flutter_dapp