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A widget for creating fully custom, animated scrollable lists. It manages all the tricky scrolling logic and leaves the visual presentation up to you.

Flutter Custom Carousel #

A widget for creating fully custom, animated scrollable lists. It manages all of the tricky logic surrounding scroll interactions and physics, and leaves the visual presentation of items up to you.

Includes an example app (shown above) with a variety of commented demos to learn from or customize.

Platforms / devices #

Currently, this widget is designed for touch input. On desktop, scroll wheel input can fight with the settling scroll physics. Specifying different physics can resolve this at the cost of settling (aka snapping).

You can also enable scrolling via mouse dragging on desktop by setting a scrollBehavior. Check main.dart in the example to see it in use.

Similarly, the included examples target mobile handsets in portrait view to keep them concise. They include only basic responsiveness.

Basics #

Simply pass in a list of children, and define an effectsBuilder function.

effectsBuilder accepts a child and its current relative scroll position (see scrollRatio below), and returns the child wrapped with widgets that apply the desired effects.

// very basic example that scrolls children vertically from -250px to +250px
    children: [card1, card2, etc],
    effectsBuilder: (index, scrollRatio, child) =>
            offset: Offset(0, scrollRatio * 250) ,
            child: child

You can further refine visuals by specifying how many children to display before and after the selection, whether to loop the list, a default alignment, and how to depth sort children.

Adjust interactions by changing the scroll direction, physics, & speed, enabling tap to select, or specifying handlers for when the selected item changes, or when it settles into position.

scrollRatio #

The scrollRatio value ranges from -1 to +1, where 0 is the settled position of the selected item.

The following animation displays the scrollRatio for each item as it scrolls. It also highlights the "selected" item (white background), and the "settled" item (thick outline).

Try watching a single item at a time to see how the ratio relates to selection, settling, and items entering / exiting the visible list. Note that the specific values are dependent on factors like itemsBefore / itemsAfter.

ScrollControllers and ScrollPhysics #

To facilitate item-oriented navigation and looping content CustomCarousel requires that you use CustomCarouselScrollController. This controller also provides useful features such as jumpToItem, animateToItem, nextItem, and previousItem, as well as smart defaults for animation durations and curves.

Similarly, CustomCarousel defaults to CustomCarouselScrollPhysics, which enables "settling" onto selected items (aka snapping). Adjust the behavior of the physics by setting the sticky and stiffness properties. You can use other scroll physics (such as BouncingScrollPhysics) if you don't want this functionality.

Using with Flutter Animate #

You can also use Flutter Animate to define the effectsBuilder, leveraging it's broad collection of effects, such as fading, moving, blurs, shadows, shimmers, color effects, 2.5d flips, and more.

For example, the simple vertical scroller from above would look like this:

// very basic example that scrolls children vertically from -250px to +250px
    children: [card1, card2, etc],
    effectsBuilder: CustomCarousel.effectsBuilderFromAnimate(
        effects: EffectList().moveY(begin: -250, end: 250),

A number of the included examples demonstrate this approach in more depth. See the docs for CustomCarousel.effectsBuilderFromAnimate() for more info.

API reference #

For full documentation, see the API reference.

Installation #

Grab it from pub.dev.

pub points


verified publishergskinner.com

A widget for creating fully custom, animated scrollable lists. It manages all the tricky scrolling logic and leaves the visual presentation up to you.

Repository (GitHub)
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#ui #list #widget #carousel #animation


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


flutter, flutter_animate


Packages that depend on flutter_custom_carousel