flutter_control 2.1.2-beta6 flutter_control: ^2.1.2-beta6 copied to clipboard
Flutter Control is complex library to maintain App and State management, Dependency Injection, Navigation with Routing, Localization and more..
This folder contains set of examples using Flutter Control library.
Examples are ordered by prefix (A-G) from simple to more complex solutions.
Some of them have more variants to present 'standard' vs 'library' implementation.
- counter: simple counter app with progress bar and clamped values displaying current state and direction.
- todo_list: standard TODO list with editable fields.
- localization: library version of Localization, with automatic Locale changes.
- localization_delegate: standard [MaterialLocalization] solution with [LocalizationDelegate].
- navigation: using classic Widget for menu and on each page showing navigation variants and passing params to other pages.
- navigation_stack: using [NavigatorStack] with [BottomNavigationBar].
- login: simple Firebase login with loading and error handling. Add custom [google-services.json] and [.plist] to platform specific folders.
- weather: fetch weather based city name or gps location. Using openweathermap.org API and Google Places.
- infinite_list: infinite list using mock delay to simulate network calls.
Example folder contains two more bonus projects:
- spends: Fully functioned template of personal budget app.
- test_example: Just playground and experimenting / bug hunting app.