flutter_clip 1.0.5 copy "flutter_clip: ^1.0.5" to clipboard
flutter_clip: ^1.0.5 copied to clipboard

Calculator Language for Immediate Processing

flutter_clip #

"Calculator Language for Immediate Processing"

Provides a function to display graphics drawn by the CLIP engine as widgets.

Use this package as a library #


  flutter_clip: ^1.0.5

Widget definition and construction #

Definition #

1, Create a class that inherits FlutterClipWidget and set GlobalObjectKey with the setKey function.

2, Override the init function and write initialization processing that does not involve drawing.

3, Override the paint function and describe the drawing process.

Simple Example:

import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:dart_clip/clip.dart';
import 'package:flutter_clip/flutter_clip.dart';

class HogeWidget extends FlutterClipWidget {
  GlobalObjectKey hogeKey = const GlobalObjectKey( '__HOGE_KEY__' ); // Pass unique value

  HogeWidget(double width, double height) : super(width, height){
    setKey( hogeKey );

  void init() {
    // Register character information
    regGWorldDefCharInfo( 0 );

    // Register color palette
    clip().setPalette( colorWin );

    ClipProc.doCommandGUpdate = ( gWorld ){ // Called when ":gupdate TRUE" command is executed

  bool paint() {
    clip().procScript( [
      ":ans FALSE",
      ":gworld 255 255",
      ":gupdate FALSE",
      "@C = 0",
      "@Y = 0",
      "for @y = 0; @y < 16; @y++",
      "  for @x = 0; @x < 16; @x++",
      "    :gfill (@x * 16) @Y 15 15 @C",
      "    if @C < 10",
      "      :sprint @@C [\"0] @C",
      "    else",
      "      :sprint @@C @C",
      "    endif",
      "    :gtext @@C (@x * 16 + 1) (@Y + 8) (255 - @C)",
      "    @C++",
      "  next",
      "  @Y += 16",
      ":gupdate TRUE"
    ] );
    return false;

Construction #

Widget hogeWidget = HogeWidget(width, height).build();

Animation #

By setting the return value of the paint function to true, the paint function will be called repeatedly at millisecond intervals set by the member function setFrameTime of FlutterClipWidget.

void setFrameTime( int frameTime )

To stop the animation, set the return value of the paint function to false.

The last drawing time (ms) can be obtained with the member function lastTime of FlutterClipWidget.

int lastTime()

Demonstration #


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_clip/flutter_clip.dart';

void main() {
  runApp(const MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return const MaterialApp(
      home: MyHomePage(),

class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
  const MyHomePage({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  State createState() => _MyHomePageState();

class _MyHomePageState extends State {
  double contentWidth  = 0.0;
  double contentHeight = 0.0;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    contentWidth  = MediaQuery.of( context ).size.width;
    contentHeight = MediaQuery.of( context ).size.height - MediaQuery.of( context ).padding.top - MediaQuery.of( context ).padding.bottom;

    double size = contentWidth < contentHeight ? contentWidth : contentHeight;
    double size2 = (contentWidth > contentHeight ? contentWidth : contentHeight) / 2;

    Widget body = CanvasTestWidget( size, size ).build();
//    Widget body = Column( children:[ LoopTest1Widget( size2, size2 ).build(), LoopTest2Widget( size2, size2 ).build() ] );
//    Widget body = LoopTest3Widget( size, size ).build();

    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
          toolbarHeight: 0
      body: body,
pub points


unverified uploader

Calculator Language for Immediate Processing



API reference


MIT (license)


dart_clip, flutter


Packages that depend on flutter_clip