flutter_calendar_carousel 2.4.3 copy "flutter_calendar_carousel: ^2.4.3" to clipboard
flutter_calendar_carousel: ^2.4.3 copied to clipboard

Calendar widget for flutter that is swipeable. This widget can help you build customizable calendar with scrollable actions.

[2.4.3] #

Upgrade intl to ^0.18.1

[2.4.2] #

Support Flutter version 3+

[2.4.1] #

Update iOS podspec and info.plist

[2.1.0] #

Update build config on flutter V2 embedding (#293)

[2.0.3] #

Multiple days selection using addRange method #285

[2.0.2] #

Multiple days selection #282

[2.0.1] #

Null safety improvements #272

[2.0.1] #

Added disableDayPressed option #267

[2.0.0] #

Support null-safety #260

[1.5.3] #

  • Add id to event model #257

[1.5.2] #

  • Bump up intl dependency #254

[1.5.1] #

  • Bugfix when switching month - "The method 'call' was called on null." #243

[1.5.0] #

  • Add key to widget constructor #234
  • Enhance initilizing page numbers #231

[1.4.12] #

[1.4.11] #

  • Add first day of week offset to week builder #204

[1.4.10] #

  • Fix Calendar displays incorrectly when scrolling horizontally #193

[1.4.9] #

  • Target date for custom header

[1.4.8] #

  • Add ability to set targetDate on header #183.

[1.4.7] #

  • Fix current day showing incorrectly when using showOnlyCurrentMonthDate #181.

[1.4.6] #

  • Set default minSelectedDate and maxSelectedDate #179.

[1.4.4] #

  • Expose pageScrollPhysics for pageView.

[1.4.2] #

  • Add option for setting scrollDirection #166
  • Resolve #123 in #165.

[1.4.1] #

[1.4.0] #

[1.3.29] #

[1.3.28] #

  • Allow the use of generic type with Interface #149
  • Added doc to custom weekday builder. Weekday number is now supplied to the builder #150

[1.3.27] #

  • customDayBuilder fix.
  • Remove date_utils dep.

[1.3.26] #

  • Support custom day container feature #145.

[1.3.23] #

  • Support intl >= 0.15.7 < 0.17.0 to inclease pub health
  • Removed deprecated methods markedDates, markedDateColor
  • Fixes #101
  • Fixes #104
  • Fixes #112
  • Fixes #119
  • Support long pressed as a feature request#103
  • Support semantic label as a feature request #139
  • Expose dayCrossAxisAlignment and dayMainAxisAlignment to resolve #122
  • Expose showIconBehindDayText to resolve #131
  • Fixes #94

[1.3.20] #

  • Support intl >= 0.15.7

[1.3.19] #

  • Improved customizability for weekday containers #141

[1.3.18] #

  • Fix vertical scroll behavior for weekFormat calendar view.
  • Reformat code with dartfmt

[1.3.17] #

  • Added feature to only show dates from today adding showOnlyCurrentMonthDate parameter.

[1.3.16] #

  • Added feature for change first day of the week.

[1.3.15+] #

  • Ability to disable horizontal scroll to change month with isScrollable param.
  • Show events in week calendar.
  • Update breaking docs in pub.
  • Expose event list to user.
  • Remove print.
  • Pass first date of week to onCalendarChanged in week view #88
  • Support for passing in custom widgets for next and previous month arrow icons #95

[1.3.14] #

  • Code refactoring #77
    • Seperate weekday widget

[1.3.13] #

  • Code refactoring #73
    • Seperate header.
    • Add first basic test code.
    • Add composable header widget

[1.3.12] #

  • Setting dot icon per event #71

[1.3.11] #

  • Fixed selectledDayTextStyle property not being respected #65.

[1.3.10] #

  • Add property for static six week format to keep calendar height consistent between months #62.

[1.3.9] #

  • Changed priority for today higher than prevMonth and nextMonth and thisMonth.

[1.3.7] #

  • Ability to choose the weekday format on the constructor #47.

[1.3.6] #

  • custom event type added #49.

[1.3.5] #

  • headerTitleTouchable and onHeaderTitlePressed props added #44.

[1.3.4] #

  • Bug fix. PrevDaysTextStyle and PrevDaysTextStyle overwrite weekendTextStyle #41.

[1.3.3] #

  • Fixed FlatButton fill and border color. #37
  • EventList bug fixing. #37

[1.3.2] #

  • Mapping events for better performance. #34.

[1.3.1] #

  • weekdays bug fix.

[1.3.0] #

  • Better localization support for weekDays. Setting manually weekdays isn't required now. Related #23.
  • Add custom icons in event #28.

[1.2.3] #

  • Add custom physics parameter. Feature in #21.

[1.2.2] #

  • headerTextStyle fix#17.
  • Can show or hide header button with showHeaderButton attribute.

[1.2.1] #

  • Week-format shows current week #15.

[1.2.0] #

  • Support carousel week calendar.

[1.1.11] #

  • Ability to customize weekend days #13.

[1.1.10] #

  • Support weekFormat but without carousel.

[1.1.9] #

  • Updated readme.

[1.1.8] #

  • Render multiple marked dates.
  • markedDates is deprecated. Use markedDatesMap instead.

[1.1.3] #

  • Mark dates with non-zero times.

[1.1.2] #

  • Implemented a way to change the header text style.

[1.1.1] #

  • Expose new variables.
    • headerMargin, childAspectRatio, weekDayMargin

[1.1.0] #

  • Give proper text color in weekend when it is today.
  • Compare month and year for marking today's date. Resolve #3.

[1.0.3] #

  • Fixed pub broken image.

[1.0.2] #

  • Use Position widget to mark the dates.

[1.0.1] #

  • Show markedDates.

[0.2.0] #

  • Customizable headerWidget.
  • Setting weekdays visibility
  • Customizable weekend color.

[0.1.3] #

  • Rename the top-level "docs" directory to "doc".

[0.1.1] #

  • Added readme.

[0.1.0] #

  • First release
pub points


verified publisherdooboolab.com

Calendar widget for flutter that is swipeable. This widget can help you build customizable calendar with scrollable actions.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)


flutter, intl


Packages that depend on flutter_calendar_carousel