flutter_blue_plus_ohos 1.0.2 copy "flutter_blue_plus_ohos: ^1.0.2" to clipboard
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flutter_blue_plus is an enhanced Flutter plugin for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication, providing a robust and feature-rich API to interact with BLE devices on OHOS platforms.

flutter_blue_plus_ohos #

简介 #

flutter_blue_plus_ohos 是 Flutter 的蓝牙插件,支持蓝牙设备的扫描、连接、数据读写及状态监测。它简化了蓝牙通信的开发流程,适用于智能家居、健康监测等应用场景。

构建 #

cd ./example 执行 flutter build hap 可在example下编译出对应的har包

使用说明 #

  1. 获取蓝牙关闭状态
// Note: The platform is initialized on the first call to any FlutterBluePlus method.
if (await FlutterBluePlus.isSupported == false) {
    print("Bluetooth not supported by this device");

// handle bluetooth on & off
// note: for iOS the initial state is typically BluetoothAdapterState.unknown
// note: if you have permissions issues you will get stuck at BluetoothAdapterState.unauthorized
var subscription = FlutterBluePlus.adapterState.listen((BluetoothAdapterState state) {
    if (state == BluetoothAdapterState.on) {
        // usually start scanning, connecting, etc
    } else {
        // show an error to the user, etc

// turn on bluetooth ourself if we can
// for iOS, the user controls bluetooth enable/disable
if (Platform.isAndroid||Platform.operatingSystem == 'ohos') {
    await FlutterBluePlus.turnOn();

// cancel to prevent duplicate listeners
  1. 扫描设备
// listen to scan results
// Note: `onScanResults` only returns live scan results, i.e. during scanning. Use
//  `scanResults` if you want live scan results *or* the results from a previous scan.
var subscription = FlutterBluePlus.onScanResults.listen((results) {
        if (results.isNotEmpty) {
            ScanResult r = results.last; // the most recently found device
            print('${r.device.remoteId}: "${r.advertisementData.advName}" found!');
    onError: (e) => print(e),

// cleanup: cancel subscription when scanning stops

// Wait for Bluetooth enabled & permission granted
// In your real app you should use `FlutterBluePlus.adapterState.listen` to handle all states
await FlutterBluePlus.adapterState.where((val) => val == BluetoothAdapterState.on).first;

// Start scanning w/ timeout
// Optional: use `stopScan()` as an alternative to timeout
await FlutterBluePlus.startScan(
  withServices:[Guid("180D")], // match any of the specified services
  withNames:["Bluno"], // *or* any of the specified names
  timeout: Duration(seconds:15));

// wait for scanning to stop
await FlutterBluePlus.isScanning.where((val) => val == false).first;
  1. 连接到设备
// listen for disconnection
var subscription = device.connectionState.listen((BluetoothConnectionState state) async {
    if (state == BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected) {
        // 1. typically, start a periodic timer that tries to 
        //    reconnect, or just call connect() again right now
        // 2. you must always re-discover services after disconnection!
        print("${device.disconnectReason?.code} ${device.disconnectReason?.description}");

// cleanup: cancel subscription when disconnected
//   - [delayed] This option is only meant for `connectionState` subscriptions.  
//     When `true`, we cancel after a small delay. This ensures the `connectionState` 
//     listener receives the `disconnected` event.
//   - [next] if true, the the stream will be canceled only on the *next* disconnection,
//     not the current disconnection. This is useful if you setup your subscriptions
//     before you connect.
device.cancelWhenDisconnected(subscription, delayed:true, next:true);

// Connect to the device
await device.connect();

// Disconnect from device
await device.disconnect();

// cancel to prevent duplicate listeners
  1. MTU
   final subscription = device.mtu.listen((int mtu) {
    // iOS: initial value is always 23, but iOS will quickly negotiate a higher value
    print("mtu $mtu");

// cleanup: cancel subscription when disconnected

// You can also manually change the mtu yourself.
if (Platform.isAndroid||Platform.operatingSystem == 'ohos') {
    await device.requestMtu(512);
  1. 发现服务
   // Note: You must call discoverServices after every re-connection!
List<BluetoothService> services = await device.discoverServices();
services.forEach((service) {
    // do something with service
  1. 写入特性
// Writes to a characteristic
await c.write([0x12, 0x34]);
allowLongWrite:要写入大型特征(最多 512 字节),而不考虑 mtu,请使用:allowLongWrite
await c.write(data, allowLongWrite:true);
  1. 订阅特征
        final subscription = characteristic.onValueReceived.listen((value) {
    // onValueReceived is updated:
    //   - anytime read() is called
    //   - anytime a notification arrives (if subscribed)

// cleanup: cancel subscription when disconnected

// subscribe
// Note: If a characteristic supports both **notifications** and **indications**,
// it will default to **notifications**. This matches how CoreBluetooth works on iOS.
await characteristic.setNotifyValue(true);
  1. 读取和写入描述符
            // Reads all descriptors
var descriptors = characteristic.descriptors;
for(BluetoothDescriptor d in descriptors) {
    List<int> value = await d.read();

// Writes to a descriptor
await d.write([0x12, 0x34])
  1. 获取互联设备
List<BluetoothDevice> devs = FlutterBluePlus.connectedDevices;
for (var d in devs) {

FlutterBluePlus API #

Android iOS Ohos Description
setLogLevel Configure plugin log level
setOptions Set configurable bluetooth options
isSupported Checks whether the device supports Bluetooth
turnOn Turns on the bluetooth adapter
adapterStateNow Current state of the bluetooth adapter
adapterState Stream of on & off states of the bluetooth adapter
startScan Starts a scan for Ble devices
stopScan Stop an existing scan for Ble devices
onScanResults Stream of live scan results
scanResults Stream of live scan results or previous results
lastScanResults The most recent scan results
isScanning Stream of current scanning state
isScanningNow Is a scan currently running?
connectedDevices List of devices connected to your app
systemDevices List of devices connected to the system, even by other apps
getPhySupport Get supported bluetooth phy codings

FlutterBluePlus Events API #

Android iOS Ohos Description
events.onConnectionStateChanged 🌀 Stream of connection changes of all devices
events.onMtuChanged 🌀 Stream of mtu changes of all devices
events.onReadRssi 🌀 Stream of rssi reads of all devices
events.onServicesReset 🌀 Stream of services resets of all devices
events.onDiscoveredServices 🌀 Stream of services discovered of all devices
events.onCharacteristicReceived 🌀 Stream of characteristic value reads of all devices
events.onCharacteristicWritten 🌀 Stream of characteristic value writes of all devices
events.onDescriptorRead 🌀 Stream of descriptor value reads of all devices
events.onDescriptorWritten 🌀 Stream of descriptor value writes of all devices
events.onBondStateChanged 🌀 Stream of android bond state changes of all devices
events.onNameChanged 🌀 Stream of iOS name changes of all devices

BluetoothDevice API #

Android iOS Ohos Description
platformName ⚡ The platform preferred name of the device
advName ⚡ The advertised name of the device found during scanning
connect Establishes a connection to the device
disconnect Cancels an active or pending connection to the device
isConnected ⚡ Is this device currently connected to your app?
isDisonnected ⚡ Is this device currently disconnected from your app?
connectionState 🌀 Stream of connection changes for the Bluetooth Device
discoverServices Discover services
servicesList ⚡ The current list of available services
onServicesReset 🌀 The services changed & must be rediscovered
mtu 🌀 Stream of current mtu value + changes
mtuNow ⚡ The current mtu value
readRssi Read RSSI from a connected device
requestMtu Request to change the MTU for the device
requestConnectionPriority Request to update a high priority, low latency connection
bondState 🌀 Stream of device bond state. Can be useful on Android
createBond Force a system pairing dialogue to show, if needed
removeBond Remove Bluetooth Bond of device
setPreferredPhy Set preferred RX and TX phy for connection and phy options
clearGattCache Clear android cache of service discovery results

BluetoothCharacteristic API #

Android iOS Ohos Description
uuid ⚡ The uuid of characteristic
read Retrieves the value of the characteristic
write Writes the value of the characteristic
setNotifyValue Sets notifications or indications on the characteristic
isNotifying ⚡ Are notifications or indications currently enabled
onValueReceived 🌀 Stream of characteristic value updates received from the device
lastValue ⚡ The most recent value of the characteristic
lastValueStream 🌀 Stream of onValueReceived + writes

BluetoothDescriptor API #

Android iOS Ohos Description
uuid ⚡ The uuid of descriptor
read Retrieves the value of the descriptor
write Writes the value of the descriptor
onValueReceived 🌀 Stream of descriptor value reads & writes
lastValue ⚡ The most recent value of the descriptor
lastValueStream 🌀 Stream of onValueReceived + writes

约束与限制 #

  • DevEco Studio Next版本:

  • sdk:API12



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flutter_blue_plus is an enhanced Flutter plugin for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication, providing a robust and feature-rich API to interact with BLE devices on OHOS platforms.



API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


flutter, plugin_platform_interface


Packages that depend on flutter_blue_plus_ohos