flutter_blue_plus 1.14.17 copy "flutter_blue_plus: ^1.14.17" to clipboard
flutter_blue_plus: ^1.14.17 copied to clipboard

Flutter plugin for connecting and communicationg with Bluetooth Low Energy devices, on Android, iOS, and MacOS.

1.14.17 #

  • [Fix] Android: shortUUID: characteristic not found

1.14.16 #

  • [Fix] macOS: lower required version to 10.11 (equivalent to iOS 9.0)

1.14.15 #

  • [Rename] allowSplits -> allowLongWrite

1.14.14 #

  • [Fix] Android: dataLen longer than allowed (regression in 1.14.13)

1.14.13 #

  • [Fix] iOS: onMtuChanged was not called
  • [Feature] iOS & Android: writeCharacteristic: add 'allowLongWrite' option to do longer writes

1.14.12 #

  • [Fix] Android: autoconnect was not working. regressed sometimes after 1.4.0
  • [Cleanup] Android: cleanup bmAdvertisementData
  • [Improve] iOS: check that characteristic supports READ, WRITE, WRITE_NO_RESP properties and throw error otherwise

1.14.11 #

  • [Deprecate] dart: isDiscoveringServices & servicesStream. They can be easily implemented yourself

1.14.10 #

  • [Fix] iOS: scan results with empty manufacturer data was not parsed

1.14.9 #

  • [Fix] iOS: disconnect reason code & string are mixed up

1.14.8 #

  • [Feature] Dart: add device.disconnectReason
  • [Improve] Dart: breaking change: rename bondState() -> bondState
  • [Fix] Dart: calling connect or disconnect multiple times should not re-push to connectionState stream (regression in 1.14.0)
  • [Fix] Android: calling connect or disconnect multiple times could fail(regression in 1.14.7)
  • [Fix] Android: security exception on startScan for some phones (regression in 1.13.4)
  • [Fix] Dart: various streams could push values out of order

1.14.7 #

[Fix] Android: connected & disconnected states not received (regression in 1.14.4)

1.14.6 #

[Fix] iOS: disconnect would timeout if already disconnected (regression 1.14.0)

1.14.5 #

  • [improve] Dart: adapterState, bondState, mtu, connectiontate could miss changes due to race conditions

1.14.4 #

  • [improve] Dart: deprecate disconnecting & connecting states, they're not actually streamed by Android or iOS
  • [improve] Dart: increase default connection timeout 15 -> 35 seconds to slightly exceed android & iOS defaults
  • [improve] Example: unsubscribe snackbar showed 'Subscribe: Success' incorrectly
  • [improve] Example: add snackbar color blue & red for success & fail
  • [improve] Example: add spinner while connecting or disconnecting
  • [improve] Example: do not continually call connectedSystemDevice & RSSI

1.14.3 #

  • [Fix] Example: was using deprecated variable name

1.14.2 #

  • [improve] Dart: knownServices should be fully cleared on disconnection
  • [improve] Dart: error handling: return more descriptive timeout exceptions

1.14.1 #

  • [improve] Dart: each FlutterBluePlusException should have unique code for handling

1.14.0 #

  • [feature] Android: expose BluetoothDevice.bondState
  • [remove] changes regarding bond state made in 1.13.0 in favor of exposing bondState
  • [refactor] BluetoothDevice & Android bond handling to improve reliablility & error handling.
  • [fix] Dart: BluetoothDevice: connect & disconnect and others could incorrectly timeout (unlikely race conditions)
  • [fix] Dart: BluetoothDevice: getBondState, getMtu, getConnectionState could skip values (unlikely race conditions)
  • [fix] Dart: clear servicesList after disconnection. Android requires you call discoverServices again
  • [fix] Example: Subscribe button was not updating
  • [improve] Android: prefer result.error over exceptions
  • [improve] Example: show snackbars on success as well

1.13.4 #

  • [fix] Android: discoverServices never returns (regression in 1.13.0)
  • [fix] Android: turnOn & turnOff must check for permissions
  • [fix] Android: startScan should not required BLUETOOTH_CONNECT permission

1.13.3 #

  • [fix] Dart: be extra careful to only call connect & disconnect when necessary (regression in 1.13.0)

1.13.2 #

  • [fix] Dart: connect should be no-op if already connected (Regression in 1.13.1)
  • [improve] Dart: BluetoothDevice: use mutexes to prevent multiple in flight requests

1.13.1 #

  • [fix] Android/iOS: on connection failure, return right away
  • [improve] Android/iOS: on connection failure, return error code and error string

1.13.0 #

This release focuses on improving bonding support.

  • [fix] Android: discoverServices & others can fail if currently in the process of bonding
  • [improve] Android: createBond: check for success and throw exception on failure
  • [improve] Android: removeBond: return Future(void) instead of Future(Bool), and throw exception on failure

1.12.14 #

  • [fix] Android: min sdk is currently 21, not 19
  • [fix] Android: getOrDefault not available in AndroidSdkLevel < 24
  • [improve] Android: log: BOND changes
  • [rename] Android: pair -> createBond

1.12.13 #

  • [fix] iOS: FlutterBluePlus.isAvailable 'int' is not a subtype of type 'FutureOr

1.12.12 #

  • [fix] Android: null ptr deref during ScanResult connectionState (regressed in 1.10.6) ^^^ connectionState was added to scanResults last week. It was not a good idea, and is now fully removed.

1.12.11 #

  • [fix] Android: potential null dereference if the platform does not have bluetooth
  • [fix] Android: close all connections when bluetooth is turned off (DeadObjectException)

1.12.10 #

  • [fix] iOS: isAvailable returns false the first time, incorrectly
  • [fix] iOS: descriptors, must handle NSData, NSString, & NSNumber correctly
  • [improve] Android: turnOff is deprecated in Android

1.12.9 #

  • [fix] Dart: servicesStream: 'bad state: Stream has already been listened to'
  • [fix] Dart: remove unecessary print('withoutResponse ')
  • [fix] Android: add blank AndroidManifest.xml to fix build errors in older flutter
  • [fix] Android/iOS: infinite recursion when included services includes itself
  • [fix] iOS: FlutterBluePlus.isOn returns 'no' first time even though it is on
  • [improve] Dart: mutex should make sure writes happen in the same order as called
  • [improve] Dart: setLogLevel color now optional

1.12.8 #

  • [fix] Android: null ptr in setPreferredPhy & setConnectionPriority (regression in 1.7.0)

1.12.7 #

  • [fix] iOS: mtu returned on iOS was 3 too small
  • [improve] Dart: simplify mutexes. improves throughput for chrs that support write & writeWithoutResponse

1.12.6 #

  • [improve] Dart: verbose logging: brown == data from platform

1.12.5 #

  • [improve] Dart: add more logging when in verbose mode, with color

1.12.4 #

  • [fix] Android: build error typo (Regression in 1.12.3)

1.12.3 #

  • [fix] Android: mConnectionState & mMtu not cleared when onDetachedFromEngine (regression in 1.10.10)

1.12.2 #

  • [fix] Example: Android: add back INTERNET permission for debug and profile modes. needed for debugging
  • [improve] Android: create BluetoothManager during onMethodCall, as opposed to app startup

1.12.1 #

  • [improve] Android: simplify build.grade to not set specific gradle version. it is uneeded

1.12.0 #

  • [improve] Android: remove permissions from plugin. It is easier for user to specify everything
  • [fix] Dart: scan could be initiated twice causing bad state
  • [fix] Dart: read & write mutexs must always come from the MutexFactory to properly prevent race conditions

1.11.8 #

  • [fix] Android/iOS: setLogLevel, getAdapterState, getAdapterName returning error when adapter not available

1.11.7 #

  • [fix] Dart: ensure only 1 mutex per characteristic to prevent race issues and dropped packets
  • [perf] Dart: writeWithoutResponse should use at least 1 mutex per remoteId, to improve throughput
  • [improve] Example: word wrapping on smaller screens

1.11.6 #

  • [fix] Dart: writeWithoutResponse should have its own mutex to prevent dropped packets

1.11.5 #

  • [fix] iOS: crash discoverServices() crash after bluetooth adapter is toggled on/off (regressed sometime after 1.4.0)
  • [improve] Example: dismiss DeviceScreen when bluetooth adapter is turned off
  • [improve] Android/iOS: log adapterState and connectionState as strings

1.11.4 #

  • [fix] Android: null ptr exception getting Mtu

1.11.3 #

  • [fix] Dart: writeWithoutResponse should wait for completion, to prevent dropped packets

1.11.2 #

  • [improve] Android: remove shouldClearGattCache connect option. It should be discouraged (called manually) (added in ~1.6.0)

1.11.1 #

  • [improve] Dart: add back servicesList, but with simpler api

1.11.0 #

  • [rename] Dart: connectedDevices -> connectedSystemDevices
  • [remove] Dart: servicesList (introduced in 1.10.6)
  • [remove] Dart: includeConnectedSystemDevices scan setting, it was too complicated

1.10.10 #

  • [fix] Android: platform exception when scanning with includeConnectedSystemDevices (Regression in 1.10.6)
  • [fix] Dart: characteristic write crashed for negative values (Regression in 1.7.0)
  • [fix] Dart: connectionState should only be concerned with our apps connectionState

1.10.9 #

  • [fix] Android: turnOn() and turnOff() could timeout if already on or already off

1.10.8 #

  • [fix] Android: requestMtu (regression in 1.10.6)

1.10.7 #

  • [improve] Dart: disconnect should wait for disconnect to complete

1.10.6 #

  • [improve] Dart: for convenience, scan results now also include connected devices see: includeConnectedDevice
  • [improve] Dart: add connectionState to ScanResult
  • [improve] Dart: add BluetoothDevice.servicesList for convenience, which calls discoverServices automatically.
  • [rename] Dart: BluetoothDevice.services -> BluetoothDevice.servicesStream

1.10.5 #

  • [fix] iOS: API MISUSE: Cancelling connection for unused peripheral.
  • [improve] iOS: remove unecessary search of already connected devices during connection

1.10.4 #

  • [improve] iOS: add remoteId to error strings when connection fails, etc

1.10.3 #

  • [improve] Android: handle scan failure.
  • [improve] Dart: add verbose log level and remove unused log levels

1.10.2 #

  • [fix] Dart: setLogLevel recursion (Regression in 1.10.0)
  • [improve] iOS: use NSError instread of obj-c exceptions to avoid uncaught exceptions

1.10.1 #

  • [improve] Example: add error handling to descriptor read & write

1.10.0 #

This release is focused on improving error handling and reliability. There are 2 small breaking changes. See below.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Dart: turnOn() & turnOff() now wait for completion, return void instead of bool, and can throw
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Dart: use static functions for FlutterBluePlus instead of FlutterBluePlus.instance. Multiple instances is not supported by any platform.
  • [improve] readme: add error handling section
  • [improve] iOS: handle missing bluetooth adapter gracefully
  • [improve] iOS: getAdapterState && getConnectionState are more robust
  • [improve] Android: log method call in debug, and more consistent log messages
  • [improve] Example: show nicer looking errors
  • [improve] Example: prefer try/catch over catchError as dart debugger doesn't work with catchError as well

1.9.5 #

  • [fix] iOS: serviceUUIDs always null in scan results (regression in 1.7.0)
  • [fix] Example: snackbar complaining about invalid contexts

1.9.4 #

  • [fix] iOS: characteristic read not working. (regression in 1.9.0)
  • [improve] Dart: handle device.readRssi failure in rssiStream gracefully

1.9.3 #

  • [fix] iOS: setNotify returning error even though it succeeded (regression in 1.9.0)
  • [fix] Dart: Characteristic.isNotifying was not working (regression in 1.9.0)
  • [improve] Dart: add back uuid convenience variable for BluetoothDescriptor (deprecated in 1.8.6)
  • [improve] Example: only show READ/WRITE/SUBSCRIBE buttons if the characteristic supports it
  • [improve] Example: add error handling

1.9.2 #

  • [fix] Dart: readRssi: Invalid argument: Instance of 'DeviceIdentifier' (Regression 1.9.0)

1.9.1 #

  • [fix] Dart: crash in scanning due to assuming uuid is Guid format when it might not (Regression 1.9.0)
  • [improve] Dart: BluetoothCharacteristic.onValueReceived should only stream successful reads (Bug in 1.9.0)
  • [improve] Dart: add convenience accessors for BluetoothService.uuid and BluetoothCharacteristic.uuid as (deprecated in 1.8.6)
  • [improve] Example: add macos support

1.9.0 #

This release marks the end of major work to improve reliability and simplicity of the FlutterBluePlus codebase. Please submit bug reports.

  • ANDROID ONLY BREAKING CHANGE: When read() is called onValueChangedStream is pushed to as well. This change was made to make both platforms behave the same way. It is an unavoidable limitation of iOS. See: https://github.com/boskokg/flutter_blue_plus/issues/419

  • [fix] Android/iOS: mtu check minus 3 issue (reggression in 1.8.3)

  • [fix] Dart: BluetoothCharacteristic.state variable not working (bug introduced 1.8.6)

  • [fix] Dart: FlutterBluePlus.state variable not working (bug introduced 1.8.6)

  • [improve] Dart: deprecate: BluetoothCharacteristic.value -> lastValueStream

  • [improve] Dart: deprecate: BluetoothDescriptor.value -> lastValueStream

  • [improve] Dart: deprecate: BluetoothCharacteristic.onValueChangedStream -> onValueReceived

  • [improve] Dart: deprecate: BluetoothDescriptor.onValueChangedStream -> onValueReceived

  • [refactor] Dart: adapterState to use methodChannel

  • [refactor] Dart: various 'bm' message schemas to use simpler characteristic structure

  • [refactor] Dart: BmSetNotificationResponse removed. It is simpler to reuse BmWriteDescriptorResponse

  • [refactor] Android: move secondaryServiceUuid code its own getServicePair() function

  • [refactor] Android: android MessageMaker to be a bit more legible

1.8.8 #

  • [fix] Android/iOS:connectionState not being updated (regression in 1.8.6)
  • [fix] Android: "adapterState" to "getAdapterState"

1.8.7 #

  • [improve] Dart: add 15 seconds default timeout for ble communication

1.8.6 #

  • [rename] Dart: BluetoothDevice.id -> remoteId
  • [rename] Dart: uuid -> characteristicUuid / serviceUuid / descriptorUuid
  • [rename] Dart: FlutterBluePlus.name -> adapterName
  • [rename] Dart: BluetoothDevice.name -> localName
  • [rename] Dart: FlutterBluePlus.state -> adapterState
  • [rename] Dart: BluetoothDevice.state -> connectionState
  • [improve] iOS: add support for autoReconnect (iOS 17 only)

1.8.5 #

  • [fix] iOS: check for nil peripheral. (regression in 1.8.3)
  • [fix] Android: clean up gatt servers onDetachedFromEngine

1.8.4 #

  • [improve] Android: make connectivity checks more robust

1.8.3 #

  • [improve] Android: writeCharacteristic: return error if longer than mtu
  • [improve] Android: add device connection checks
  • [improve] iOS: add mtu size checks
  • [improve] iOS: add device connection checks
  • [refactor] iOS: unify try catch blocks

1.8.2 #

  • [improve] Android: support sdk 33 for writeCharacteristic and writeDescriptor
  • [improve] Android: calling connect() on already connected device is now considered success
  • [improve] Android: return more specific error for locateGatt issue
  • [improve] Android: shouldClearGattCache is now called after connection, not before

1.8.1 #

  • [fix] Android: characteristic properties check was incorrect (regression in 1.7.8)

1.8.0 #

  • [improve] android/ios: handle errors for charactersticRead
  • [improve] android/ios: handle errors for readDescriptor
  • [improve] android/ios: handle errors for discoverServices
  • [improve] android/ios: handle errors for mtu
  • [improve] android/ios: handle errors for readRssi
  • [improve] android/ios: pass error string for setNotifyValue
  • [improve] android/ios: pass error string for charactersticWrite
  • [improve] android/ios: pass error string for writeDescriptor

1.7.8 #

  • [improve] Android: add more useful errors for read and write characterist errors

1.7.7 #

  • [fix] Dart: scanning: Bad state: Cannot add event after closing.
  • [improve] Android: set autoConnect to false by default
  • [improve] Example: remove pubspec.lock so users default to latest version

1.7.6 #

  • [fix] Dart: BmBluetoothService.is_primary was not set (regression in 1.7.0)
  • [fix] Android: BmAdvertisementData.connectable was not set (regression in 1.7.0)
  • [fix] Android: success was not set for writeCharacteristic, setNotification, writeDescriptor (regression in 1.7.0)
  • [improve] Android: update to gradle 8
  • [improve] Android: dont request ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION by default (Android 12+)

1.7.5 #

  • [fix] Android: BluetoothAdapterState not being updated
  • [improve] Example: fix deprecations
  • [improve] Dart: remove analysis_options.yaml

1.7.4 #

  • [fix] Android: Android 13 access fine location error

1.7.3 #

  • [fix] Android: exception thrown when descriptor.write is called (regression in 1.7.0)

1.7.2 #

  • [fix] Android: exception thrown when characteristic.write is called (regression in 1.7.0)
  • [fix] Android: bmCharacteristicProperties was not being set correctly (regression in 1.7.0)

1.7.1 #

  • [fix] iOS: when connecting, exception is thrown (regression in 1.7.0)

1.7.0 #

  • [refactor] removed protobuf dependency
  • [fix] Android: turnOn and turnOff not working (regression in 1.6.1)
  • [fix] Dart: guid exception with serviceUUID is empty
  • [improve] Android: compileSdkVersion 31 -> 33
  • [improve] Android: increase minSdkVersion 19 -> 21 to remove lollipop checks
  • [improve] Android: FineLocation permission is now optional. See startScan
  • [improve] iOS: allow connecting without scanning if you save and reuse the remote_id

1.6.1 #

  • [fix] Android: compile error (regression in 1.6.0)
  • [improve] Android: significantly clean up all code

1.6.0 #

  • [fix] Dart: close BufferStream listen on stopScan
  • [improve] Dart: don't repropogate Mutex error
  • [improve] Dart: better stacktrace on error for Characteristic Read/Write
  • [improve] MacOS: use symbolic links to iOS version, to keep internal code in sync
  • [improve] Android: reformat code

1.5.2 #

  • [fix] Android: setNotification was throwing exception (regression)

1.5.1 #

  • [fix] Dart: issue where startScan can hang forever (regression)
  • [fix] Dart: some scanResults could be missed due to race condition (theoretically)
  • [improve] Dart: dont export util classes & functions. they've been made library-private.
  • [improve] iOS: prepend all iOS logs with '[FBP-iOS]' prefix
  • [improve] iOS: log errors on failure
  • [improve] iOS: logs now adhere to logLevel

1.5.0 #

  • [fix] Dart: writeCharacteristic (and other similar functions) exception could be missed
  • [fix] Dart: setNotifyValue should check for success and throw error on failure
  • [fix] Dart: race conditions in connect(), disconnect(), readRssi(), writeCharacteristic(), readCharacteristic()
  • [fix] iOS: Bluetooth adapter being stuck in unknown state
  • [fix] iOS: dropping packets during bulk write without response
  • [fix] Example: android permissions
  • [improve] Dart: add isScanningNow variable
  • [improve] add support for macOS
  • [improve] Android: replace deprecated bluetooth enable with 'Enable-Intent'
  • [improve] Android: Removed maxSdkVersion=30 in manifest
  • [improve] Android: add function: setPreferredPh
  • [improve] Android: add function: removeBond
  • [improve] Android: add function: requestConnectionPriority
  • [improve] Android: allow for simultaneous MAC and ServiceUuid ScanFilters
  • [improve] Android: request location permission on Android 12+ when scanning (needed on some phones)
  • [improve] iOS: Use CBCentralManagerOptionShowPowerAlertKey for better UI popups
  • [improve] Dart: Removed RxDart and other dependencies

1.4.0 #

  • Android: Add clear gatt cache method #142 (thanks to joistaus)

  • Android: Opt-out of the neverForLocation permission flag for the BLUETOOTH_SCAN permission. (thanks to navaronbracke)

    If neverForLocation is desired, opt back into the old behavior by adding an explicit entry to your Android Manifest:

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN"
      android:usesPermissionFlags="neverForLocation" />
  • Android: Scan BLE long range -devices #139 (thanks to jonik-dev)

  • Android: Prevent deprecation warnings #107 (thanks to sqcsabbey)

  • Allow native implementation to handle pairing request #109 (thanks to JRazek)

1.3.1 #

  • Reverted: Ios: fixed manufacturer data parsing #104 (thanks to sqcsabbey)

1.3.0 #

  • Ios: fixed manufacturer data parsing #104 (thanks to sqcsabbey)
  • Ios: Fixed an error when calling the connect method of a connected device #106 (thanks to figureai)
  • Android: Scan Filter by Mac Address #57 (thanks to Zyr00)
  • Upgrading to linter 2.0.1, excluding generated ProtoBuf files from linting. (thanks to MrCsabaToth)

1.2.0 #

  • connect timeout fixed (thanks to crazy-rodney, sophisticode, SkuggaEdward, MousyBusiness and cthurston)
  • Add timestamp field to ScanResult class #59 (thanks to simon-iversen)
  • Add FlutterBlue.name to get the human readable device name #93 (thanks to mvo5)
  • Fix bug where if there were multiple subscribers to FlutterBlue.state and one cancelled it would accidentally cancel all subscribers (thank to MacMalainey and MrCsabaToth)

1.1.3 #

  • Read RSSI from a connected BLE device #1 (thanks to sophisticode)
  • Fixed a crash on Android OS 12 (added check for BLUETOOTH_CONNECT permission) (fixed by dspells)
  • Added BluetoothDevice constructor from id (MAC address) (thanks to tanguypouriel)
  • The previous version wasn't disconnecting properly and the device could be still connected under the hood as the cancel() was not called. (fixed by killalad)
  • dependencies update (min micro version updating)

1.1.2 #

  • Remove connect to BLE device after BLE device has disconnected #11 (fixed by sophisticode)
  • fixed Dart Analysis warnings

1.1.1 #

  • Copyright reverted to Paul DeMarco

1.1.0 #

  • Possible crash fix caused by wrong raw data (fixed by narrit)
  • Ios : try reconnect on unexpected disconnection (fixed by EB-Plum)
  • Android: Add missing break in switch, which causes exceptions (fixed by russelltg)
  • Android: Enforcing maxSdkVersion on the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission will create issues for Android 12 devices that use location for purposes other than Bluetooth (such as using packages that actually need location). (fixed by rickcasson)

1.0.0 #

  • First public release

Versions made while fixing bugs in fork https://github.com/boskokg/flutter_blue: #

0.12.0 #

Supporting Android 12 Bluetooth permissions. #940

0.12.0 #

Delay Bluetooth permission & turn-on-Bluetooth system popups on iOS #964

0.11.0 #

The timeout was throwing out of the Future's scope #941 Expose onValueChangedStream #882 Android: removed V1Embedding Android: removed graddle.properties Android: enable background usage Android: cannot handle devices that do not set CCCD_ID (2902) includes BLUNO #185 #797 Android: add method for getting bonded devices #586 Ios: remove support only for x86_64 simulators Ios: Don't initialize CBCentralManager until needed #599

0.10.0 #

mtuRequest returns the negotiated MTU Android: functions to turn on/off bluetooth Android: add null check if channel is already teared down Android: code small refactoring (fixed AS warnings) Android: add null check if channel is already teared down Ios: widen protobuf version allowed

0.9.0 #

Android migrate to mavenCentral. Android support build on Macs M1 Android protobuf-gradle-plugin:0.8.15 -> 0.8.17 Ios example upgrade to latest flutter 2.5 deprecated/removed widgets fixed in example

pub points


verified publisherjamcorder.com

Flutter plugin for connecting and communicationg with Bluetooth Low Energy devices, on Android, iOS, and MacOS.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)




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