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Flutter Dependency Injection to apps with Bloc pattern, to provide an easy injection pattern and powerful

flutter_bloc_inject #

A simple dependency injection plugin for Bloc Flutter projects .

This project ins based on flutter_simple_dependency_injection and bloc_pattern

This implementation does not rely on the dart reflection apis (mirrors) and favours a simple factory based approach. This increases the performance and simplicity of this implementation.

  • Support BlocProvider with injections parameters
  • Support for multiple injectors (useful for unit testing or code running in isolates)
  • Support for types and named types
  • Support for singletons and factory injections
  • Support simple values (useful for configuration parameters like api keys or urls)

Any help is appreciated! Comment, suggestions, issues, PR's!

Getting Started #

In your flutter or dart project add the dependency:

  flutter_bloc_inject: any

Usage example #

Import flutter_bloc_inject

import 'package:flutter_bloc_inject/flutter_bloc_inject.dart';

Injector Configuration #

As this injector relies on factories rather than reflection (as mirrors in not available in Flutter) each mapped type needs to provide a factory function. In most cases this can just be a simple new object returned function. In slightly more advanced scenarios where the type to be created relies on other types an injector instances is passed into the factory function to allow the type of be created to get other types it depends on (see below for examples).

import 'package:flutter_bloc_inject/flutter_bloc_inject.dart';

class AppInjector {
  static const _NAME = "BaseInjector";

  static getInjector() => Injector.getInjector(_NAME);
  Injector initialise() {
      return getInjector()
        // Single Instance with dynamic params
        ..singleWithParams<RestApi>((i, p) => RestApi(p["url"])) 
         // Single instance with injection parameters
        ..single<UserRepository>((i) => UserRepository(i.get<RestApi>()))
        // Factory to always provide a new instance
        ..factory<LoginInteractor>((i) => LoginInteractor(i.get<UserRepository>())) 
         // Bloc to use with Bloc provider and inject in a Widget
        ..bloc<LoginBloc>((i) => LoginBloc(i.get<LoginInteractor>()));
        //Injector also has factoryWithParams and blocWithParams method 

void main() => runApp(MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {

    //Remember that initialize your dependencies map on start your application

    return MaterialApp(
      title: "Flutter Bloc Inject",
      theme: ThemeData(
          primaryColorDark: Colors.blue,

      //Bloc provider inject HomeBloc with Home widget context to provides auto dispose to Bloc when widget is disposed
      home: BlocProvider<HomeBloc>(
        injector: AppInjector.getInjector()


class LoginScreen extends StatefulWidget{
  State<StatefulWidget> createState()  => LoginScreenState();

class LoginScreenState extends State<LoginScreen>{

  LoginBloc _loginBloc;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    //Use method getBloc to receive a instance of your contextualized Bloc
     _loginBloc = AppInjector.getInjector().getBloc<LoginBloc>(context);
    return  Container(
        child: Text("My beautiful login screen"),

//Your Blocs should extends Bloc class to have auto dispose feature and use methods bloc and getBloc of Injector
class LoginBloc  extends Bloc {

  final LoginInteractor _loginInteractor;


  void dispose() {
    print("Called when LoginScreen is deposed");
    print("Here you dispose yours Futures and Streams");


//Injection is transparent for the classes, so you should have a clean code \0/
class LoginInteractor{

  final UserRepository _userRepository;



class UserRepository{

  final RestApi _restApi;


class RestApi{

  final String url;


On Duplicate Entries #

For default the Flutter Bloc Inject doesn't replace a object when you re-map it to avoid errors with Hot Reload, but if you need to replace an dependency in Injector dependencies map you can pass replaceOnConflict = true in the map function:

injector.single((i) => UserRepository(i.get<RestApi>()), replaceOnConflict: true); 

Multiple Injectors #

The Injector class has a static method [getInjector] that by default returns the default instance of the injector. In most cases this will be enough. However, you can pass a name into this method to return another isolated injector that is independent from the default injector. Passing in a new injector name will create the injector if it has not be retrieved before. To destroy isolated injector instances call their [dispose] method.

  final defaultInjector = Injector.getInjector();
  final isolatedInjector = Injector.getInjector("Isolated");

Dispose your dependencies #

If you want dispose your map of dependencies to restart it or to clean memory you can use dispose method:


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Flutter Dependency Injection to apps with Bloc pattern, to provide an easy injection pattern and powerful

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