flutter_biometric_auth 0.0.1 copy "flutter_biometric_auth: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
flutter_biometric_auth: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard


Flutter plugin for Face ID and Touch ID authentication. This plugin uses the LocalAuthentication package to authenticate users with Face ID or Touch ID on iOS

FaceId #

A Flutter plugin to easily use Biometrical authentication.

About #

Leveraging Swift for iOS, this plugin harnesses the power of Touch ID and Face ID, enabling users to authenticate themselves effortlessly with a touch or a glance.

Key Features: #

  • Secure Authentication: Utilize Apple's advanced biometric authentication technology to ensure secure user verification.
  • Touch ID and Face ID Support: Seamlessly integrate both Touch ID and Face ID authentication methods, providing users with convenient options to authenticate.
  • Easy Integration: Simplified Flutter plugin architecture allows for easy integration into existing Flutter projects, reducing development time and effort.

Before use: #

Before using the FaceId plugin, ensure that you add the following key to your info.plist file in the iOS folder of your Flutter project:

<key>NSFaceIDUsageDescription</key> <string>Face ID authentication</string>

This will give the app access to the local auth.

pub points


unverified uploader

Flutter plugin for Face ID and Touch ID authentication. This plugin uses the LocalAuthentication package to authenticate users with Face ID or Touch ID on iOS

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


flutter, plugin_platform_interface, rename


Packages that depend on flutter_biometric_auth