flutter_bargraph 1.2.1 copy "flutter_bargraph: ^1.2.1" to clipboard
flutter_bargraph: ^1.2.1 copied to clipboard

Bar Graph Indicator for Flutter. It graphically displays the current value on a bar graph with animation when the value changes. orientation/direction of the bar is castumizable.

flutter_bargraph #

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Bar Graph Indicator for Flutter. It graphically displays the current value on a bar graph and manages its animation when the value changes. you can customize the orientation and direction of the bar.


Features #

  • Min/Max property
  • Customizable colors and text style
  • Vertical orientation, left to right and right to left direction
  • Horizontal orientation, top to bottom and bottom to top direction
  • Number of divisions customizable

Usage #

Make sure to check out examples.

Installation #

Add the following line to pubspec.yaml:

  flutter_bargraph: <last-release>

Basic setup #

The complete example is available here.

BarGraph requires you to provide min, max and value:

  • min is the min value of BarGraph scale.
  • max is the max value of BarGraph scale.
  • value is the currently value of BarGraph scale.
    min: 0,
    max: 100.0,
    value: 65.0,

Advanced options #


  • orientation is the scale orientation, default vertical from bottom.
  • indicatorStyle is the scale indicators style, default BOTH, left and right visible.
  • indicatorSpacing is the scale indicators spacing, default SPACE_AROUND, alternative SPACE_BETWEEN.


  • backgroundColor is the background color og BarGraph.
  • barColor is the color of actual value bar.
  • indicatorsColor is the color of indicators scale.

Indicators text

  • textStyle is the TextStyle of indicators text.
  • textAlign is the Alignment of indicators text.
  • fractionDigits is the number of fraction digits visible.
  • divisions is the number of divisions of scale.
  • textFlex is the percentage of portion used for text, remaining space is used for indicators.


  • animationDuration in milliseconds, it's duration time of animation when actual value changed.

Example #

Image Image Image
Vertical space around Horizontal space around Vertical space between

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Bar Graph Indicator for Flutter. It graphically displays the current value on a bar graph with animation when the value changes. orientation/direction of the bar is castumizable.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)




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