flutter_background 1.3.0
flutter_background: ^1.3.0 copied to clipboard
A plugin to keep flutter apps running in the background.
1.3.0 #
- Breaking: Support for Android 14 and above, as all foreground service must list at least one foreground service type for each service. This requires users to define
- Remove references to deprecated v1 Android embedding as it will be removed in Flutter 3.26 (see the Flutter 3.22 release notes and the migration guide)
- Move Gradle from imperative apply to declarative plugins (see here for more information)
- Move the example project to a new version of the flutter_local_notifications to get the notifications running again in the latest versions of Android
1.2.0 #
- Add option to hide notification badge
- Add option to not request battery optimization permission
- Add support for gradle 7.3+
1.1.0 #
- Add capability to enable Android Wifi Lock in the initialize function.
1.0.2+2 #
- Fix crash when targeting Android S+ due to a missing immutable flag for pending intents
1.0.2+1 #
- Simplified example application by removing the use of the BLoC pattern
1.0.2 #
- Remove foreground service notification importance levels that cause an error on Android
1.0.1 #
- Tapping on the foreground notification now launches the Flutter Activity on Android
- Fix
Intent error for onStartCommand on Android
1.0.0 #
- Add null safety
0.1.6 #
- Improve initialize method on Android
- Add ability to specify custom notification icons
- Update documentation accordingly
0.1.5 #
- Add
property to enable checking the current background execution state
0.1.4 #
- Fix bug where calling
for the first time crashes the app - Fix bug where calling
for the first time crashes the app - Fix some typos
- Address notification icon in the documentation
- Enhance error handling in example app
0.1.3 #
- Stop IsolateHolderService when app is killed with swipe to remove
0.1.2 #
- Fix problem where the plugin crashes when specifying the android configuration calling
- Introduce ToDo section in the README.md
- Fix some typos
- Add analysis_options.yaml based on pedantic v. 1.9.0 for static analysis and conform to it
- Update example app and server
0.1.1 #
- Conform to dart formatting standards to improve pub.dev score
0.1.0 #
- First release of the plugin for android
- Add example TCP chat app
- Add TCP server for the example app to talk to