flutter_auto_form 1.0.0-dev.2 copy "flutter_auto_form: ^1.0.0-dev.2" to clipboard
flutter_auto_form: ^1.0.0-dev.2 copied to clipboard

A package simplifying the process of creating user friendly forms in Flutter

Flutter Auto Form #

pub package #

The easiest way to create fully customizable forms with only a tiny amount of code.

Installation #

To use this plugin, add flutter_auto_form as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.


    sdk: flutter

  # Your other packages  ...

  flutter_auto_form: ^0.4.1

Support #

  • Platforms: All platforms currently supported
  • Autofill hints: Automatic support through AFTextFieldType
  • Validators: Email, Url, Hex colour, Not null, Minimum string length, Same as another field, Alphanumeric.
  • Fields: Password (auto obscure toggle), Text, Number, Model (built-in support for search through an api), Boolean, Sub-form (cascading forms), Select (dropdown field allowing only predefined values)
  • Custom code: You can customize and create new fields, validators, widgets as you please without even touching the source code of this package !

Example #

The following gif illustrates some things you can realize with this package.

The source code is located in the example folder.

Usage #

The first step in creating a form with Flutter Auto Form is to create a class inheriting from the TemplateForm class.

import 'package:flutter_auto_form/flutter_auto_form.dart';

import 'package:flutter_auto_form/flutter_auto_form.dart';

class LoginForm extends TemplateForm {
  final List<Field> fields = [
      id: 'identifier',
      name: 'Identifier',
      validators: [
              (e) => 'Min 5 characters, currently ${e?.length ?? 0} ',
      type: AFTextFieldType.USERNAME,
      id: 'password',
      name: 'Password',
      validators: [
              (e) => 'Min 6 characters, currently ${e?.length ?? 0} ',
      type: AFTextFieldType.PASSWORD,
      id: 'accept-condition',
      name: 'Accept terms',
      validators: [ShouldBeTrueValidator('Please accept terms to continue?')],
      value: false,

The second & (already) last step is to add the AFWidget wherever you would like to display a form.

  formBuilder: () => RegistrationForm(),
  submitButton: (Function({bool showLoadingDialog}) submit) => Padding(
    padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 32),
    child: MaterialButton(
      child: Text('Submit'),
      onPressed: () => submit(showLoadingDialog: true),
  onSubmitted: (RegistrationForm form) {
    // do whatever you want when the form is submitted

The AFTextField and AFNumberField are the only two fields available by defaults for the time being.

Advanced usage #

If you need to create your own field (date field, color field, ...) you can always create it by overriding the Field class. Then to display a custom widget, create a stateful widget that extends the FieldStatefulWidget and of which the state extends the FieldState class.


This package is still under construction ! Do not hesitate to create an issue on the GitHub page if you find any bug or if you would like to see a new type of validator, field coming. And if you are that motivated if you would gladly review & accept your PR !

pub points


verified publishergaspardmerten.dev

A package simplifying the process of creating user friendly forms in Flutter

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


dropdown_search, flutter, smarter_text_field


Packages that depend on flutter_auto_form