flutter_asset_generator 1.2.0 copy "flutter_asset_generator: ^1.2.0" to clipboard
flutter_asset_generator: ^1.2.0 copied to clipboard

Generates the resource file by scanning assets defined in the pubspec.yaml, imitation R file short name.

flutter_asset_generator #

English | 中文文档

Automatically generate the dart file for pubspec.yaml

The purpose of this library is to help flutter developers automatically generate asset corresponding dart files to help developers release their hands from this meaningless job, and the open source community has a lot of the same functionality.

This library is based on dartlang's build library.

screenshot #


Usage #

Run from source #

Add dart to your $PATH environment.

git clone https://github.com/fluttercandies/flutter_asset_generator
cd flutter_asset_generator
dart pub get
dart bin/asset_generator.dart $flutter_project
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Run from pub global #

  1. Install using pub global:
dart pub global activate flutter_asset_generator

# or 

dart pub global activate -s git https://github.com/fluttercandies/flutter_asset_generator.git                 
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  1. Run below commands: fgen or fgen -s $flutter_project

Support options #

Use $ fgen -h or $ fgen --help see usage document.

fgen -h
-w, --[no-]watch    Continue to monitor changes after execution of orders.
                    (defaults to on)

-p, --[no-]preview  Generate file with preview comments.
                    (defaults to on)

-o, --output        Your resource file path.
                    If it's a relative path, the relative flutter root directory
                    (defaults to "lib/const/resource.dart")

-s, --src           Flutter project root path
                    (defaults to ".")

-n, --name          The class name for the constant.
                    (defaults to "R")

-h, --[no-]help     Help usage

-d, --[no-]debug    debug info
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File name #

Space, '.' and '-' in the path will be converted to _. @ will be converted to _AT_.

convert filed name example:

images/1.png => IMAGES_PNG
images/hello_world.jpg => IMAGES_HELLO_WORLD_JPG
images/hello-world.jpg => IMAGES_HELLO_WORLD_JPG
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Errors will occur in the following situations:

├── main_login.png
├── main/
    ├── login.png
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Because the two field names will be exactly the same.

Config file #

The location of the configuration file is conventional. Configuration via commands is not supported. The specified path is fgen.yaml in the flutter project root directory.

Config schema for vscode #

Install YAML Support plugin.

Config your vscode settings.json file.

It can be used to prompt the configuration file.

  "yaml.schemas": {
    "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fluttercandies/flutter_asset_generator/master/fgen_schema.json": ["fgen.yaml"]
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exclude and include rules #

The file is yaml format, every element is glob style.

The name of the excluded file is under the exclude node, and the type is a string array. If no rule is included, it means no file is excluded.

The include node is the name of the file that needs to be imported, and the type is a string array. If it does not contain any rules, all file are allowed.

In terms of priority, exclude is higher than include, in other words:

First import the file according to the include nodes, and then exclude the files.

Replacement Rules #

File names can be replaced according to the configuration file as shown below:

  - from: 
  - from: 
  - from: 
  - from: (
  - from: )
  - from: "!"
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  - "**/add*.png"
  - "**_**"

  - "**/a*.png"
  - "**/b*"
  - "**/c*"
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├── address.png           # exclude by "**/add*.png"
├── address@at.png        # exclude by "**/add*.png"
├── bluetoothon-fjdfj.png
├── bluetoothon.png
└── camera.png

├── address space.png     # exclude by "**/add*.png"
├── address.png           # exclude by "**/add*.png"
├── addto.png             # exclude by "**/add*.png"
├── audio.png
├── bluetooth_link.png    # exclude by **_**
├── bluetoothoff.png
├── child.png
└── course.png
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/// Generate by [asset_generator](https://github.com/fluttercandies/flutter_asset_generator) library.
class R {
  const R._();

  /// ![preview](file:///Users/jinglongcai/code/dart/self/flutter_resource_generator/example/assets/bluetoothon-fjdfj.png)
  static const String ASSETS_BLUETOOTHON_FJDFJ_PNG = 'assets/bluetoothon-fjdfj.png';

  /// ![preview](file:///Users/jinglongcai/code/dart/self/flutter_resource_generator/example/assets/bluetoothon.png)
  static const String ASSETS_BLUETOOTHON_PNG = 'assets/bluetoothon.png';

  /// ![preview](file:///Users/jinglongcai/code/dart/self/flutter_resource_generator/example/assets/camera.png)
  static const String ASSETS_CAMERA_PNG = 'assets/camera.png';

  /// ![preview](file:///Users/jinglongcai/code/dart/self/flutter_resource_generator/example/images/audio.png)
  static const String IMAGES_AUDIO_PNG = 'images/audio.png';

  /// ![preview](file:///Users/jinglongcai/code/dart/self/flutter_resource_generator/example/images/bluetoothoff.png)
  static const String IMAGES_BLUETOOTHOFF_PNG = 'images/bluetoothoff.png';

  /// ![preview](file:///Users/jinglongcai/code/dart/self/flutter_resource_generator/example/images/child.png)
  static const String IMAGES_CHILD_PNG = 'images/child.png';

  /// ![preview](file:///Users/jinglongcai/code/dart/self/flutter_resource_generator/example/images/course.png)
  static const String IMAGES_COURSE_PNG = 'images/course.png';
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Other config #

Since version 1.1.0:

Next command config option also support in config file.

But the command line option has a higher priority than the config file.

watch: false
# watch: true

preview: false

output: lib/const/r.dart
# output: lib/const/resource.dart

name: RRR
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verified publisherfluttercandies.com

Weekly Downloads

2024.09.08 - 2025.03.23

Generates the resource file by scanning assets defined in the pubspec.yaml, imitation R file short name.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


MIT (license)


args, dart_style, glob, io, path, yaml


Packages that depend on flutter_asset_generator