flutter_appauth_platform_interface 8.0.0-dev.1 copy "flutter_appauth_platform_interface: ^8.0.0-dev.1" to clipboard
flutter_appauth_platform_interface: ^8.0.0-dev.1 copied to clipboard

A common platform interface for the flutter_appauth plugin.

[8.0.0-dev.1] #

  • Breaking change Replaced the preferEphemeralSession property in the AuthorizationRequest, AuthorizationTokenRequest and EndSessionRequest classes with externalUserAgent. Thanks to the PR from john-slow. externalUserAgent is presented by the newly ExternalUserAgent enum that has the following values
    • asWebAuthenticationSession: uses the ASWebAuthenticationSession APIs where possible. This is the default value and was the default behaviour behaviour that aligns with what the AppAuth iOS SDK would do in choosing the best available user-agent
    • ephemeralAsWebAuthenticationSession: uses an ephemeral session via the ASWebAuthenticationSession APIs. Applications that previously used preferEphemeralSession and specified to be true can migrate by specifying this enum value
    • sfSafariViewController: uses the SFSafariViewController APIs

[7.0.1] #

  • Updated FlutterAppAuthPlatformErrorDetails so all the constructor parameters are optional instead of being mandatory through the required keyword. This should be a non-breaking change since all the parameters were nullable. Change was done to make code using the class easier to use e.g. when writing tests

[7.0.0] #

  • Breaking change Bumped minimum Flutter and Dart SDK constraints to 3.13.0 and 3.1.0 respectively
  • Breaking change all methods have now been made to return non-nullable types
  • Updated error handling to expose more details for each platform. Plugin will now throw FlutterAppAuthUserCancelledException when an authorization request has been cancelled as a result of the user closing the browser. For other scenarios the plugin will throw FlutterAppAuthPlatformException. See the API docs for both classes for more details on the available details. Both exception classes inherit from PlatformException so the changes should be backwards compatible

[6.0.0] #

  • Breaking change Aligned minimum Flutter and Dart SDK constraints to 3.0.0 and 2.17 respectively
  • Bumped maximum Dart SDK constraint

[5.2.0+1] #

  • Updated code for API docs to avoid lines longer than 80 characters

[5.2.0] #

  • Added preferEphemeralSession to EndSessionRequest Thanks to the PR from Daniel Ziegler.

[5.1.0] #

  • Added ability to specify the nonce as part of requests

[5.0.0] #

  • Breaking change AuthorizationResponse's constructor now includes nonce and has changed to take positional parameters
  • nonce can now be specified for TokenRequest class. This is especially useful on Android as the AppAuth Android SKD had turned on ID token validation that results in nonce mismatch errors. These errors should no longer appear when using the nonce value returned by the AuthorizationResponse object after calling authorize() and passing the value to the TokenRequest when calling the token() method
  • now uses mocktail instead of mockito as dev dependency for unit tests

[4.1.0] #

  • Added scopes property to TokenResponse class and AuthorizationTokenResponse class that inherits from it. Thanks to PR from leoshusar

[4.0.0] #

  • Breaking change AuthorizationServiceConfiguration constructor has changed to take named parameters
  • Added endSession() method, EndSessionRequest and EndSessionResponse classes to support end session requests

[3.1.0] #

  • Added the ability to specify the response mode for authorization requests. This can be done using the responseMode parameter when constructing either an AuthorizationRequest or AuthorizationTokenRequest. This was done as the AppAuth Android SDK throws an exception when this was done via additionalParameters
  • Updated Dart SDK constraints

[3.0.0] #

  • Migrated to null safety
  • AuthorizationServiceConfiguration and AuthorizationResponse now have const constructors

[2.0.0] #

  • Breaking change Removed the toMap methods so that it's not part of the public API surface. This was done as these methods were for internal use. Currently flutter_appauth (version 0.8.3) is constrained to depend on versions >= 1.0.2 and < 2.0.0. As it's possible that plugin consumers were calling the methods via the plugin, where the platform interface is a transitive dependency, the platform interface has been bumped to version 2.0.0 instead of 1.1.0 to be safe.
  • Added preferEphemeralSession to AuthorizationRequest and AuthorizationTokenRequest classes. Thanks to the PR from Matthew Smith.

[1.0.2] #

  • Fixes issue #86 where there was an error on casting tokenAdditionalParameters property upon calling the token() method. Thanks to the PR from Sven

[1.0.1] #

  • Specify the object type for the instance property within FlutterAppAuthPlatform instead of being dynamic

[1.0.0+1] #

  • Add pub badge to readme

[1.0.0] #

  • Initial release of platform interface


verified publisherdexterx.dev

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A common platform interface for the flutter_appauth plugin.

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flutter, plugin_platform_interface


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