flutter_andomie 0.5.64 flutter_andomie: ^0.5.64 copied to clipboard
Collection of utils with advanced style and controlling system.
0.5.64 #
- Add cache function for CacheManager
0.5.63+1 #
0.5.63 #
- Rename DateConverter to DateHelper
- Add weekday to date
0.5.62 #
- Add AndomieIcon to make any icon as three states like [regular, solid, bold]
- Convert AssetIcon as AndomieIcon
0.5.61 #
- Rename CacheManager caller function request to cache
0.5.60 #
- Renamed DataKeeper to CacheManager
0.5.59 #
- Add isLookup, lookup, text, sub, sum, mul, div, etc operations in iterable extension
- Add list and cleanedText operations in string extension
0.5.58+1 #
- Add isSame operation in iterable extension
0.5.58 #
- Add random picker in iterable extension
0.5.57 #
- Add TextParser util to parse any text to spannable texts
0.5.56 #
- Add RapidClick util to handle multi-click and apply last click with counter value
0.5.55 #
- Add loading property inside the Selector model to apply loading mechanism in ui easily
0.5.54 #
- Add Isolation util to use multi-call future data
0.5.53 #
- Convert update for [asString, asList]
0.5.52 #
- Add firstWhereOrNull, lastWhereOrNull, and mergeByTags iterable extensions
0.5.51 #
- Add locales util
0.5.50 #
- Change findByKey, getByKey, findsByKey, and getsByKey params structures
- Renamed OrderedListSequence to OrderedListStyle and implement from factory method with extension
0.5.49 #
- Add OrderedListSequence util to counting list index as sequence like a, b, c, ..., aa, ab, ac, ...
0.5.48 #
- Update converter
- Add assets loader util
0.5.47 #
- Selection update function renamed [update to copy]
0.5.46 #
- Add selection model to use selectable option
- Add list finder operation for [change]
0.5.45 #
- Add DataKeeper util to maintain api request only one if data is similar and provide data from local data of DataKeeper
0.5.44 #
0.5.43 #
- Add findIndexes from iterable
0.5.42 #
- Improve all object finder operations
0.5.41 #
- Rename PathFinder to PathParser and add three fields in PathInfo [source, collections, documents]
0.5.40 #
- Modify KeyGenerator [uniqueKey, dateKey, generateKey, haxKey, secretKey]
0.5.39 #
- Remove intl and other libraries
- Add instance mode to use third-party library from real app
- Modify replacement utils for all none chars to custom chars
0.5.38 #
- Update SwipeLockProvider [onSwiped, onLocked, limit, count, lockoutRemainder]
0.5.37 #
- Add object finder operations [get, getByKey, getOrNull]
0.5.36 #
- Add object finder operations [find, findByKey, findOrNull]
- Remove object finder operation [get] and replace [findOrNull]
0.5.35 #
- Number text format: PlusText [-50.toPlusText("+") to +50]
- Number text format: PercentageText [0.5.toPercentageText("%") to 50%]
0.5.34 #
- Number validation using operation and remove math library
0.5.33 #
- Number validation using math library
0.5.32 #
- Add [BMICalculator]
- Add [auto add or remove number fractionDigits]
- Add converter [string to num value]
0.5.31 #
- Model
- Selector
0.5.30 #
0.5.29 #
- Extension
- Spacing
0.5.28 #
- check color brightness
- check image brightness
0.5.27 #
- Initial remaining time bug fixed
0.5.26 #
- Pick index from length by sequence
- Pick index as reverse from length by sequence
- Pick T item from length by sequence
- Pick T item as reverse from length by sequence
- Pick color system from existing colors by sequence
0.5.25 #
- ColorGenerator
- Pick color system from existing colors by sequence or index
0.5.24 #
- Initializes the swipe lock provider.
- Handles swipe actions and locks further swipes after a limit.
- Resets the swipe count and lockout status.
- Checks if swipe actions are locked and provides the remaining lockout duration.
- A simple undo manager to keep track of actions and allow undoing the last action.
- Adds, inserts, and removes actions in a list.
- Retrieves the length of the list.
0.5.23 #
0.5.22 #
- EncoderDecoder extension support
- Add iterator to operation for easily set limit and reverse
0.5.21 #
Add data executor
- load
- refresh
- listen
- listenOnlyModified
Rename screen loader subclasses
- ProviderEvent to ScreenLoaderEvent
- Loader to ScreenLoaderItem
0.5.20 #
- Add some iterator extensions
- isFound
- isNotFound
- findIndex
- convertAs
- convertAsyncAs
- customizeAs
- customizeAsyncAs
0.5.19 #
- Add color generator utils
- Add number utils
- Add iterator extension
- Remove unnecessary codes