flutter_accura_kyc 0.0.1 flutter_accura_kyc: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard
This package is for digital user verification system powered by Accura Scan.
flutter_accura_kyc #
This package is for digital user verification system powered by Accura Scan.
Installation using PubGet
flutter pub add flutter_accura_kyc
flutter pub add <absolute-path-to-(flutter_accura_kyc)-folder>
Note:- #
Download package from git and add accura package into your project via local path 'pub add' command.
Setup Android #
Add this permissions into Android AndroidManifest.xml file. #
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera" />
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera.autofocus" />
Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories. #
buildscript {
repositories {
allprojects {
repositories {
Set Accura SDK as a dependency to our app/build.gradle file. #
android {
defaultConfig {
ndk {
// Specify CPU architecture.
abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a', 'arm64-v8a', 'x86', 'x86_64'
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
packagingOptions {
pickFirst 'lib/arm64-v8a/libcrypto.so'
pickFirst 'lib/arm64-v8a/libssl.so'
pickFirst 'lib/armeabi-v7a/libcrypto.so'
pickFirst 'lib/armeabi-v7a/libssl.so'
pickFirst 'lib/x86/libcrypto.so'
pickFirst 'lib/x86/libssl.so'
pickFirst 'lib/x86_64/libcrypto.so'
pickFirst 'lib/x86_64/libssl.so'
pickFirst '**/libjsc.so'
pickFirst '**/libc++_shared.so'
pickFirst 'lib/x86/libc++_shared.so'
pickFirst 'lib/x86_64/libc++_shared.so'
pickFirst 'lib/armeabi-v7a/libc++_shared.so'
pickFirst 'lib/arm64-v8a/libc++_shared.so'
pickFirst 'lib/armeabi-v7a/libopencv_java4.so'
pickFirst 'lib/arm64-v8a/libopencv_java4.so'
Setup iOS #
Add this permissions into iOS Info.plist file. #
<string>App usage camera for scan documents.</string>
<string>App usage microphone for oral verification.</string>
<string>App usage speech recognition for oral verification.</string>
<string>App usage photos for get document picture.</string>
<string>App usage photos for save document picture.</string>
Setup Accura license into your projects #
Accura has three license require for use full functionality of this library. Generate your own Accura license from here
key.license #
- This license is compulsory for this library to work. it will get all setup of accura SDK.
accuraface.license #
- This license is use for get face match percentages between two face pictures.
accuraactiveliveness.license #
- This license is use for check active liveness between face picture and selfi camera.
Note:- You have to create license of your own bundle id for iOS and app id for Android. You can not use any other app license. If you use other app license then it will return error.
1. Setup license into Android
- Go to android -> app -> src -> main and create folder named 'assets' if not exist and put all three licenses into that folder.
2. Setup license into iOS
- Open iOS project into Xcode and drag & drop all three license into project root directory. Do not forgot to check "copy if needed" & "project name".
Usage #
Import react native library into file.
import 'package:flutter_accura_kyc/flutter_accura_kyc.dart';
➜ Get license configuration from SDK. It returns all active functionalities of your license. #
await FlutterAccuraKyc.getMetaData()
.then((value) => {
dynamic result = json.decode(value);
.onError((error, stackTrace) => {
- Error: String
- Success: JSON String Response = {
countries: Array[<CountryModels
- barcodes: Array[
- isValid: boolean,
- isOCREnable: boolean,
- isBarcode: boolean,
- isBankCard: boolean,
- isMRZ: boolean,
- sdk_version: String
➜ Method for setup custom setup & messages to Accura SDK. #
let config = {
"ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_MOTION": 'Keep Document Steady',
"ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_DOCUMENT_IN_FRAME": 'Keep document in frame',
"ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_BRING_DOCUMENT_IN_FRAME": 'Bring card near to frame',
"ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_BLUR_DOCUMENT": 'Blur detect in document',
"ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_FACE_BLUR": 'Blur detected over face',
"ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_GLARE_DOCUMENT": 'Glare detect in document',
"ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_HOLOGRAM": 'Hologram Detected',
"ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_DARK_DOCUMENT": 'Low lighting detected',
"ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_PHOTO_COPY_DOCUMENT": 'Can not accept Photo Copy Document',
"ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_FACE": 'Face not detected',
"ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_MRZ": 'MRZ not detected',
"ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_PASSPORT_MRZ": 'Passport MRZ not detected',
"ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_ID_MRZ": 'ID card MRZ not detected',
"ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_VISA_MRZ": 'Visa MRZ not detected',
"ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_WRONG_SIDE": 'Scanning wrong side of document',
"ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_UPSIDE_DOWN_SIDE": 'Document is upside down. Place it properly',
"IS_SHOW_LOGO": true,
"SCAN_TITLE_OCR_FRONT": 'Scan Front Side of OCR Document',
"SCAN_TITLE_OCR_BACK": 'Scan Back Side of OCR Document',
"SCAN_TITLE_BANKCARD": 'Scan Bank Card',
"SCAN_TITLE_BARCODE": 'Scan Barcode',
"SCAN_TITLE_MRZ_PDF417_FRONT": 'Scan Front Side of Document',
"SCAN_TITLE_MRZ_PDF417_BACK": 'Now Scan Back Side of Document',
"SCAN_TITLE_DLPLATE": 'Scan Number Plate'
await FlutterAccuraKyc.setupAccuraConfig([config])
.then((value) => {
dynamic result = json.decode(value);
.onError((error, stackTrace) => {
config: JSON Object
- IS_SHOW_LOGO: Boolean
Success: JSON Response { String }
Error: String
➜ Method for scan MRZ documents. #
let config = [{ enableLogs: false }, MRZType, CountryList, AppOrientation]
await FlutterAccuraKyc.startMRZ(config)
.then((value) => {
dynamic result = json.decode(value);
.onError((error, stackTrace) =>{
MRZType: String
- value: other_mrz or passport_mrz or id_mrz or visa_mrz
CountryList: String
- value: all or IND,USA
Oriantation: String (Optional) (Default portrait)
- value: portrait or landscape
Success: JSON Response {
- front_data: JSONObjects?,
- back_data: JSONObjects?,
- type: Recognition Type,
- face: URI?
- front_img: URI?
- back_img: URI? }
- front_data: JSONObjects?,
Error: String
➜ Method for scan OCR documents. #
let config = [{ enableLogs: false }, CountryId, CardId, CardName, CardType, AppOrientation]
await FlutterAccuraKyc.startOcrWithCard(config)
.then((value) => {
dynamic result = json.decode(value);
.onError((error, stackTrace) => {
CountryId: integer
- value: Id of selected country.
CardId: integer
- value: Id of selected card.
CardName: String
- value: Name of selected card.
CardType: integer
- value: Type of selected card.
Oriantation: String (Optional) (Default portrait)
- value: portrait or landscape
Success: JSON Response {
Error: String
➜ Method for scan barcode. #
let config = [{ enableLogs: false }, BarcodeType, AppOrientation]
await FlutterAccuraKyc.startBarcode(config)
.then((value) => {
dynamic result = json.decode(value);
.onError((error, stackTrace) => {
BarcodeType: String
- value: Type of barcode documents.
Oriantation: String (Optional) (Default portrait)
- value: portrait or landscape
Success: JSON Response {
Error: String
➜ Method for scan bankcard. #
let passArgs = [{ enableLogs: false }, AppOrientation]
await FlutterAccuraKyc.startBankCard(config)
.then((value) => {
dynamic result = json.decode(value);
.onError((error, stackTrace) => {
Oriantation: String (Optional) (Default portrait)
- value: portrait or landscape
Success: JSON Response {
Error: String
➜ Method for get face match percentages between two face. #
var accuraConfs = { enableLogs: false, with_face: true, face_uri: 'uri of face'};
var config = {
"feedbackTextSize": 18,
"feedBackframeMessage": 'Frame Your Face',
"feedBackAwayMessage": 'Move Phone Away',
"feedBackOpenEyesMessage": 'Keep Your Eyes Open',
"feedBackCloserMessage": 'Move Phone Closer',
"feedBackCenterMessage": 'Move Phone Center',
"feedBackMultipleFaceMessage": 'Multiple Face Detected',
"feedBackHeadStraightMessage": 'Keep Your Head Straight',
"feedBackBlurFaceMessage": 'Blur Detected Over Face',
"feedBackGlareFaceMessage": 'Glare Detected',
"setBlurPercentage": 80,
"setGlarePercentage_0": -1,
"setGlarePercentage_1": -1,
let passArgs = [accuraConfs, config, AppOrientation]
await FlutterAccuraKyc.startFaceMatch(passArgs)
.then((value) => {
dynamic result = json.decode(value);
.onError((error, stackTrace) => {
- accuraConfs: JSON Object
- enableLogs: Boolean
- with_face: Boolean
- face_uri: URI
- config: JSON Object
- feedbackTextSize: integer
- feedBackframeMessage: String
- feedBackAwayMessage: String
- feedBackOpenEyesMessage: String
- feedBackCloserMessage: String
- feedBackCenterMessage: String
- feedBackMultipleFaceMessage: String
- feedBackHeadStraightMessage: String
- feedBackBlurFaceMessage: String
- feedBackGlareFaceMessage: String
- setBlurPercentage: integer
- setGlarePercentage_0: integer
- setGlarePercentage_1: integer
- Oriantation: String (Optional) (Default portrait)
- value: portrait or landscape
- Success: JSON Response {
with_face: Boolean
status: Boolean
- detect: URI?
- score: Float
- Error: String
➜ Method for liveness check. #
var accuraConfs = { enableLogs: false, with_face: true, face_uri: 'uri of face' };
var config = {
"feedbackTextSize": 18,
"feedBackframeMessage": 'Frame Your Face',
"feedBackAwayMessage": 'Move Phone Away',
"feedBackOpenEyesMessage": 'Keep Your Eyes Open',
"feedBackCloserMessage": 'Move Phone Closer',
"feedBackCenterMessage": 'Move Phone Center',
"feedBackMultipleFaceMessage": 'Multiple Face Detected',
"feedBackHeadStraightMessage": 'Keep Your Head Straight',
"feedBackBlurFaceMessage": 'Blur Detected Over Face',
"feedBackGlareFaceMessage": 'Glare Detected',
"setBlurPercentage": 80,
"setGlarePercentage_0": -1,
"setGlarePercentage_1": -1,
"isSaveImage": true,
"liveness_url": 'your liveness url',
"contentType": 'form_data',
"feedBackLowLightMessage": 'Low light detected',
"feedbackLowLightTolerence": 39,
"feedBackStartMessage": 'Put your face inside the oval',
"feedBackLookLeftMessage": 'Look over your left shoulder',
"feedBackLookRightMessage": 'Look over your right shoulder',
"feedBackOralInfoMessage": 'Say each digits out loud',
"enableOralVerification": false,
"codeTextColor": 'white'
let passArgs = [accuraConfs, config, AppOrientation]
await FlutterAccuraKyc.startLiveness(passArgs)
.then((value) => {
dynamic result = json.decode(value);
.onError((error, stackTrace) => {
accuraConfs: JSON Object
- enableLogs: Boolean
- with_face: Boolean
- face_uri: 'uri of face'
config: JSON Object
- feedbackTextSize: integer
- feedBackframeMessage: String
- feedBackAwayMessage: String
- feedBackOpenEyesMessage: String
- feedBackCloserMessage: String
- feedBackCenterMessage: String
- feedBackMultipleFaceMessage: String
- feedBackHeadStraightMessage: String
- feedBackBlurFaceMessage: String
- feedBackGlareFaceMessage: String
- setBlurPercentage: integer
- setGlarePercentage_0: integer
- setGlarePercentage_1: integer
- isSaveImage: Boolean
- liveness_url: URL (Require)
- contentType: String
- feedBackLowLightMessage: String
- feedbackLowLightTolerence: integer,
- feedBackStartMessage: String
- feedBackLookLeftMessage: String
- feedBackLookRightMessage: String
- feedBackOralInfoMessage: String
- enableOralVerification: Boolean,
- codeTextColor: String
Oriantation: String (Optional) (Default portrait)
- value: portrait or landscape
Success: JSON Response {
with_face: Boolean,
status: Boolean,
- detect: URI?,
- image_uri: URI?,
- video_uri: URI?,
- fm_score: Float? (when with_face = true),
- score: Float,
Error: String
SDK Configurations #
AccuraConfigrations: JSON Object #
Option | Type | Default | Description |
enableLogs | boolean | false | if true logs will be enabled for the app.
with_face | boolean | false | need when using liveness or face match after ocr |
face_uri | URI Sting | undefined | Required when with_face = true |
face_base64 | Image base64 Sting | undefined | Required when with_face = true. You have to pass "face_uri" or "face_base64" |
face1 | boolean | false | need when using facematch with “with_face = false” For Face1 set it to TRUE |
face2 | boolean | false | need when using facematch with “with_face = false” For Face2 set it to TRUE |
rg_setBlurPercentage | integer | 62 | 0 for clean document and 100 for Blurry document |
rg_setFaceBlurPercentage | integer | 70 | 0 for clean face and 100 for Blurry face |
rg_setGlarePercentage_0 | integer | 6 | Set min percentage for glare |
rg_setGlarePercentage_1 | integer | 98 | Set max percentage for glare |
rg_isCheckPhotoCopy | boolean | false | Set Photo Copy to allow photocopy document or not |
rg_SetHologramDetection | boolean | true | Set Hologram detection to verify the hologram on the face true to check hologram on face |
rg_setLowLightTolerance | integer | 39 | Set light tolerance to detect light on document |
rg_setMotionThreshold | integer | 18 | Set motion threshold to detect motion on camera document 1 - allows 1% motion on document and 100 - it can not detect motion and allow documents to scan. |
rg_setMinFrameForValidate | integer | 3 | Set min frame for qatar ID card for Most validated data. minFrame supports only odd numbers like 3,5... |
rg_setCameraFacing | integer | 0 | To set the front or back camera. allows 0,1 |
rg_setBackSide | boolean | false | set true to use backside |
rg_setEnableMediaPlayer | boolean | true | false to disable default sound and default it is true |
rg_customMediaURL | string | null | if given a valid URL it will download the file and use it as an alert sound. |
SCAN_TITLE_OCR_FRONT | string | Scan Front Side of %s | |
SCAN_TITLE_OCR_BACK | string | Scan Back Side of %s | |
SCAN_TITLE_OCR | string | Scan %s | |
SCAN_TITLE_BANKCARD | string | Scan Bank Card | |
SCAN_TITLE_BARCODE | string | Scan Barcode | |
SCAN_TITLE_MRZ_PDF417_FRONT | string | Scan Front Side of Document | |
SCAN_TITLE_MRZ_PDF417_BACK | string | Now Scan Back Side of Document | |
SCAN_TITLE_DLPLATE | string | Scan Number Plate | |
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_MOTION | string | Keep Document Steady | |
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_DOCUMENT_IN_FRAME | string | Keep document in frame | |
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_BRING_DOCUMENT_IN_FRAME | string | Bring card near to frame. | |
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_PROCESSING | string | Processing… | |
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_BLUR_DOCUMENT | string | Blur detect in document | |
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_FACE_BLUR | string | Blur detected over face | |
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_GLARE_DOCUMENT | string | Glare detect in document | |
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_HOLOGRAM | string | Hologram Detected | |
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_DARK_DOCUMENT | string | Low lighting detected | |
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_PHOTO_COPY_DOCUMENT | string | Can not accept Photo Copy Document | |
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_FACE | string | Face not detected | |
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_MRZ | string | MRZ not detected | |
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_PASSPORT_MRZ | string | Passport MRZ not detected | |
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_ID_MRZ | string | ID card MRZ not detected | |
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_VISA_MRZ | string | Visa MRZ not detected | |
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_WRONG_SIDE | string | Scanning wrong side of document | |
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_UPSIDE_DOWN_SIDE | string | Document is upside down. Place it properly |
Liveness Configurations: JSON Object #
Contact AccuraScan at contact@accurascan.com for Liveness SDK or API
Option | Type | Default | Description |
feedbackTextSize | integer | 18 | |
feedBackframeMessage | string | Frame Your Face | |
feedBackAwayMessage | string | Move Phone Away | |
feedBackOpenEyesMessage | string | Keep Your Eyes Open | |
feedBackCloserMessage | string | Move Phone Closer | |
feedBackCenterMessage | string | Move Phone Center | |
feedBackMultipleFaceMessage | string | Multiple Face Detected | |
feedBackHeadStraightMessage | string | Keep Your Head Straight | |
feedBackBlurFaceMessage | string | Blur Detected Over Face | |
feedBackGlareFaceMessage | string | Glare Detected | |
setBlurPercentage | integer | 80 | 0 for clean face and 100 for Blurry face or set it -1 to remove blur filter |
setGlarePercentage_0 | integer | -1 | Set min percentage for glare or set it -1 to remove glare filter |
setGlarePercentage_1 | integer | -1 | Set max percentage for glare or set it -1 to remove glare filter |
isSaveImage | boolean | true | |
liveness_url | URL string | Your liveness url | Required |
contentType | string | form_data | param type of your liveness API |
livenessBackground | color string | #FFC4C4C5 | |
livenessCloseIcon | color string | #FF000000 | |
livenessfeedbackBg | color string | #00000000 | |
livenessfeedbackText | color string | #FF000000 | |
feedBackLowLightMessage | string | Low light detected | |
feedbackLowLightTolerence | integer | 39 | |
feedBackStartMessage | string | Put your face inside the oval | |
feedBackLookLeftMessage | string | Look over your left shoulder | |
feedBackLookRightMessage | string | Look over your right shoulder | |
feedBackOralInfoMessage | string | Say each digits out loud | |
feedBackProcessingMessage | string | "Processing..." | |
isShowLogo | boolean | true | For display watermark logo images |
enableOralVerification | boolean | true | |
codeTextColor | color string | #FF000000 |
Face Match Configurations: JSON Object #
Option | Type | Default | Description |
feedbackTextSize | integer | 18 | |
feedBackframeMessage | string | Frame Your Face | |
feedBackAwayMessage | string | Move Phone Away | |
feedBackOpenEyesMessage | string | Keep Your Eyes Open | |
feedBackCloserMessage | string | Move Phone Closer | |
feedBackCenterMessage | string | Move Phone Center | |
feedBackMultipleFaceMessage | string | Multiple Face Detected | |
feedBackHeadStraightMessage | string | Keep Your Head Straight | |
feedBackBlurFaceMessage | string | Blur Detected Over Face | |
feedBackGlareFaceMessage | string | Glare Detected | |
feedBackProcessingMessage | string | "Processing..." | |
isShowLogo | boolean | true | For display watermark logo images |
setBlurPercentage | integer | 80 | 0 for clean face and 100 for Blurry face or set it -1 to remove blur filter |
setGlarePercentage_0 | integer | -1 | Set min percentage for glare or set it -1 to remove glare filter |
setGlarePercentage_1 | integer | -1 | Set max percentage for glare or set it -1 to remove glare filter |
backGroundColor | color string | #FFC4C4C5 | |
closeIconColor | color string | #FF000000 | |
feedbackBackGroundColor | color string | #00000000 | |
feedbackTextColor | color string | #FF000000 |
CountryModels: #
- type: JSON Array
- contents: CardItems
- properties:
- id: integer
- name: string
- Cards: JSON Array
CardItems: #
- type: JSON Array
- contents: JSON Objects
- properties:
- id: integer
- name: string
- type: integer
BarcodeItems: #
- type: JSON Array
- contents: JSON Objects
- properties:
- name: string
- type: integer
Recognition Types: #
- PDF417
Mrz Types: #
- passport_mrz
- id_mrz
- visa_mrz
- other_mrz
Mrz Country List: #
- all
- IND,USA etc...
Details for Library Modifications Android #
Configurations #
Structure Modification :-
Accura Error Messages #
File: /flutter_accura_kyc/android/src/main/res/values/accura_error_titles_configs.xml
You can change default settings here.
Accura Scan Messages #
File: /flutter_accura_kyc/android/src/main/res/values/accura_scan_titles_configs.xml
You can change default settings here.
Accura Common Strings #
File: /flutter_accura_kyc/android/src/main/res/values/accura_strings.xml
You can change default settings here.
Face Match #
File: /flutter_accura_kyc/android/src/main/res/values/face_match_config.xml
You can change default settings here.
Liveness #
File: /flutter_accura_kyc/android/src/main/res/values/liveness_config.xml
You can change default settings here.
Recog Engine Initial Settings #
File: /flutter_accura_kyc/android/src/main/res/values/recog_engine_config.xml
Accura AAR framework #
Accura framework file is located at:
File: /flutter_accura_kyc/android/libs/accura_kyc.aar
NOTE: the filename should be the same.
For updating your new AAR file replace the above file.
Activities Modification :-
File: /flutter_accura_kyc/android/src/main/java/com/accura/flutter_accura_kyc
- FaceMatchActivity.java
- OcrActivity.java
NOTE: do not replace the file. Only edit the code.
All the activities are modifiable. And any android developer can modify these activities.
Layouts Modification portrait:-
File: /flutter_accura_kyc/android/src/main/res/layout
- custom_frame_layout.xml
- ocr_activity.xml
NOTE: do not replace the file. Only edit the code.
All the layouts are modifiable. And any android developer can modify these activities.
Layouts Modification landscap:-
File: /flutter_accura_kyc/android/src/main/res/layout-land
- custom_frame_layout.xml
- ocr_activity.xml
NOTE: do not replace the file. Only edit the code.
All the layouts are modifiable. And any android developer can modify these activities.
Details for Library Modifications iOS #
Configurations #
Structure Modification :-
Accura Error Messages #
File: /flutter_accura_kyc/ios/Classes/configs/accura_error_configs.swift
You can change default settings here.
Accura Scan Messages #
File: /flutter_accura_kyc/ios/Classes/configs/accura_scan_configs.swift
You can change default settings here.
Accura Common Strings #
File: /flutter_accura_kyc/ios/Classes/configs/accura_titles.swift
You can change default settings here.
Face Match #
File: /flutter_accura_kyc/ios/Classes/configs/face_match_config.swift
You can change default settings here.
Liveness #
File: /flutter_accura_kyc/ios/Classes/configs/liveness_config.swift
You can change default settings here.
Recog Engine Initial Settings #
File: /flutter_accura_kyc/ios/Classes/configs/recog_engine_config.swift
Contributing #
See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.
License #