fluri 1.0.1 copy "fluri: ^1.0.1" to clipboard
fluri: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

Fluri is a fluent URI library built to make URI mutation easy

fluri Pub Build Status codecov.io #

Fluri is a fluent URI library for Dart built to make URI mutation easy.

The dart:core.Uri class provides an immutable representation of URIs, which makes it difficult to incrementally build them or update them at a later time. If you wanted to build a long URI from the individual pieces, you would do something like this:

Uri uri = new Uri(
  scheme: 'https',
  host: 'example.com',
  path: 'path/to/resource'

If you later wanted to update the path and add a query parameter, you'd have to do this:

uri = uri.replace(
  path: 'new/path',
  query: 'foo=true'

Now let's say you want update the query without losing what you already have:

Map query = new Map.from(uri.queryParameters);
query['bar'] = '10';
uri = uri.replace(queryParameters: query);

As you can see, incremental or fluent-style URI mutations become a hassle with the core Uri class.

With fluri, the above interactions are easy:

import 'package:fluri/fluri.dart';

Fluri uri = new Fluri()
  ..scheme = 'https'
  ..host = 'example.com'
  ..path = 'path/to/resource';

  ..path = 'new/path'
  ..query = 'foo=true';

uri.updateQuery({'bar': '10'});
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verified publisherworkiva.com

Fluri is a fluent URI library built to make URI mutation easy

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