fluid_simulation 1.0.0 copy "fluid_simulation: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
fluid_simulation: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

A widget that renders an interactive fluid simulation, based on double-density relaxation. Supports interactivity via tap or mouse hover and device orientation.

Fluid Simulation Widget for Flutter #

A widget that renders an interactive fluid simulation in Flutter, based on double-density relaxation. Supports interactivity via tap or mouse hover and device orientation.

Features #

  • Customizable fluid color, particle count, and various simulation parameters
  • Tap and drag, hover your mouse, or rotate your device to interact with the fluid
  • Two render modes: individual points or blobs (metaballs)

Installation #

Add the package to your pubspec.yaml file:

  fluid_simulation: ^1.0.0

Then add the included shaders to the flutter section:

  # ...
    - packages/fluid_simulation/shaders/gradient.frag
    - packages/fluid_simulation/shaders/blobs.frag

Run flutter pub get to install the package.

Usage #

Import the widget:

import 'package:fluid_simulation/fluid_simulation.dart';

And add it to your app:

  color: Colors.blue,
  particleCount: 500,
  renderMode: RenderMode.blobs,
  child: YourCustomWidget(),

Customization #

The simulation and fluid appearance can be customized with various parameters:

  • color: The color of the fluid (defaults to the primary color of the current theme)
  • particleCount: The number of particles in the simulation (default: 500)
  • stiffness: The stiffness constant for the pressure constraint (default: 90)
  • stiffnessNear: The stiffness constant for the near-pressure constraint (default: 120)
  • restDensity: The rest density of the fluid (default: 10)
  • interactionRadius: The radius around a particle in which it interacts with neighboring particles (default: 46)
  • gravityMagnitude: The magnitude of the gravity force applied to the particles (default: 400)
  • renderMode: The render mode of the particles, either as individual points or metaballs (default: blobs)
  • gradientRadius: The radius of the density gradient used for rendering blobs (default: 32)
  • pointerEnabled: Whether the fluid particles are affected by tap or mouse hover (default: true)
  • orientationEnabled: Whether gravity is determined by the device orientation (default: true)

A child widget is also supported:

  • child: An optional child widget to render UI elements on top of the fluid simulation

This fluid simulation is based on double-density relaxation and was ported from LÖVE Fluid Simulation with significant help from Claude.

See also:

pub points


verified publisherdumb.llc

A widget that renders an interactive fluid simulation, based on double-density relaxation. Supports interactivity via tap or mouse hover and device orientation.

Repository (GitLab)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


flutter, motion_sensors, spatial_hash_new, vector_math, web


Packages that depend on fluid_simulation