fluetooth 0.0.6
fluetooth: ^0.0.6 copied to clipboard
Flutter library for sending bytes to Bluetooth devices.
A Flutter library for sending bytes to Bluetooth devices. Available on Android and iOS.
Android Setup #
This library is only compatible for Android SDK 21+, so we need this in android/app/build.gradle
Android {
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 21
iOS Setup #
This library needs Bluetooth permissions on iOS, so we need this in ios/Runner/Info.plist
<string>Need BLE permission for connecting to BLE devices</string>
<string>Need BLE permission for retrieving BLE devices info</string>
Examples #
We'll need esc_pos_gen for this example.
First prepare a bill to be printed.
final List<PosComponent> components = <PosComponent>[
const PosText.center('My Store'),
const PosSeparator(),
count: 20,
builder: (int i) {
return PosListComponent(
leftText: 'Product $i',
leftTextStyles: const PosStyles.defaults(),
rightText: 'USD $i',
leftText: '1 x USD $i',
leftTextStyles: const PosStyles.defaults(
fontType: PosFontType.fontB,
rightText: 'USD $i',
rightTextStyles: const PosStyles.defaults(
align: PosAlign.right,
fontType: PosFontType.fontB,
const PosSeparator(),
const PosSeparator(),
const PosFeed(1),
const PosCut(),
final Paper paper = Paper(
generator: generator,
components: components,
Retrieve available bluetooth devices.
final List<FluetoothDevice> devices = await Fluetooth().getAvailableDevices();
Connect to a printer.
final FluetoothDevice printer = devices.first;
await Fluetooth().connect(printer.id);
Prints the bill to the printer
await Fluetooth().sendBytes(paper.bytes);