flow_state 0.0.2 copy "flow_state: ^0.0.2" to clipboard
flow_state: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard

Reactive abstraction to facilitate complex architectures.

flow_state #

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The easiest way to make your project reactive (without the need for builders)

Installation #

1. Create a new Flutter project

flutter create my_app
cd my_app

2. Add the dependency

flutter pub add flow_state

3. Import the package

import 'package:flow_state/flow_state.dart';

4. Creating a viewmodel

/// extend your viewModel by assigning the type 
/// of your model (which can be a state for those who like bloc)
/// In the example below, the UserViewModel viewModel receives the UserModel model

class UserViewModel extends FlowViewModel<UserModel> {
  UserViewModel(super.context, super.state);

  /// The Model must be initialized with a default value here
  get initState => UserModel(name: 'Bruno Brito');

  /// At any time you can get the data updated in real time through state.model
  getData() => print(state.model);

  /// At any time you can change the model in real time through state.emit
  setData(value) => state.emit(value);

4. Adding to page

class _TestePageState extends State<TestePage> with FlowState<UserModel> {
  ///Initially it is necessary to define the viewModel 
  ///(The viewModel must be a class that extends FlowViewModel<T>)
  UserViewModel get viewModel => UserViewModel(context, this);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Column(
        mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
        crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.center,
        children: [
          Text(model.name.toString()), ///At any time you can get the data updated in real time through model
            onChanged: (v) => emit(UserModel(name: v)), ///At any time you can change the model in real time through emit
            child: Text('Change Model'),
            onPressed: () {
              viewModel.setData(UserModel(name: 'Jon Smitch')); ///At any time you can interact with the viewModel

EXTRA. Using without boilerplate

/// create instance
FlowCore get flowCore => FlowCore.newInstance(context);

/// change a value
flowCore.setValue = 12;

/// change a value using emit

/// read a value

/// listens to the values via stream
flowCore.stream.listen((data) => print(data));

By Bruno Brito @xbrunots



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Reactive abstraction to facilitate complex architectures.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


MIT (license)


flutter, signals_flutter


Packages that depend on flow_state