floating_draggable_widget 2.0.0 copy "floating_draggable_widget: ^2.0.0" to clipboard
floating_draggable_widget: ^2.0.0 copied to clipboard


A flutter package for floating draggable widget. By this package a developer can implement a widget which can be draggable inside the screen freely.

Features #

  • Support Android, IOS, Web etc.
  • This package is used to make a widget movable or draggable around the screen freely;
  • Works fine for any Widget;
  • Does not affect the functionality or performance of the particular widget;
  • Used physics law supported animation to make it more attractive;

Demo #

Without auto align Initially "autoAlign" is false.

    autoAlign = false

Auto align activated Add this to your code.

    autoAlign = true

Getting started #


add this in your pubspec.yaml floating_draggable_widget: ^leatest_version


This is the constructor fo the class.

        required this.child,
        required this.floatingWidget,
        required this.floatingWidgetWidth,
        required this.floatingWidgetHeight,
        required this.dy,
        required this.dx,
        this.isDraggble = true,
        this.autoAlign = false,

Where: #

  • Child is required and it accept any widget. This is actually the base Widget or the parent widget on where the floating widget will be dragged or moved.
  • floatingWidget is also required and it accept any widget. This is actually the particular widget which will be floated and can be mode or dragged around the screen.
  • floatingWidgetWidth is also required and it accepts a double value which is the width of the floating widget above mentioned.
  • floatingWidgetHeight is also required and it accepts a double value which is the height of the floating widget above mentioned.
  • dy accepts a double value which is the distance from the top of the screen where floating widget will be positioned initially .
  • dx it accepts a double value which is the distance from the left of the screen where floating widget will be positioned initially.
  • speed accepts a double value which is the speed factor of the floating widget after it will be let go. The more speed will be provided the slower the object will move after the user let the widget go freely.
  • isDraggable accepts a boolean value which determines if the widget is draggable of not.
  • autoAlign accepts a boolean value which determines if the widget will be auto aligns on the left or right after it is being dragged.


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:floating_animated_widget/floating_draggable_widget.dart';
void main() {
  runApp(const MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  // This widget is the root of your application.
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'Flutter Demo',
      theme: ThemeData(

        primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
      home: const MyHomePage(title: 'Flutter Demo Home Page'),

class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
  const MyHomePage({Key? key, required this.title}) : super(key: key);

  final String title;

  State<MyHomePage> createState() => _MyHomePageState();

class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
  int _counter = 0;

  void _incrementCounter() {
    setState(() {


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {

    return FloatingDraggableWidget(
      child: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(

          title: Text(widget.title),
        body: Center(

          child: Column(

            mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
            children: <Widget>[
              const Text(
                'You have pushed the button this many times:',
                style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline4,
      floatingWidget: FloatingActionButton(
        onPressed: _incrementCounter,
        tooltip: 'Increment',
        child: const Icon(Icons.add),
      floatingWidgetHeight: 40,
      floatingWidgetWidth: 40,
      dx: 200,
      dy: 300

Known Limitations #

  • Doesn't have functionality of floating on other apps.
  • It dose not automatically calculate the size of the parent widget it always take the whole screen to float around.
  • It dose not automatically calculate the size of the floating widget

End #

pub points


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A flutter package for floating draggable widget. By this package a developer can implement a widget which can be draggable inside the screen freely.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)




Packages that depend on floating_draggable_widget