flic_button 1.2.4 flic_button: ^1.2.4 copied to clipboard
An interface to the flic2 libraries for iOS and Android wrapping the offical ones supplied by flic.io (50ButtonsEach).
// as this is just an example file we don't want to depend on logging and will just use print statements
// ignore_for_file: avoid_print
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flic_button/flic_button.dart';
import 'package:permission_handler/permission_handler.dart';
void main() {
runApp(const MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
State<MyApp> createState() => _MyAppState();
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> with Flic2Listener {
// flic2 starts and isn't scanning
bool _isScanning = false;
// as we discover buttons, lets add them to a map of uuid/button to show
final Map<String, Flic2Button> _buttonsFound = {};
// the last click to show we are hearing the button click
Flic2ButtonClick? _lastClick;
// the plugin manager to use while we are active
FlicButtonPlugin? flicButtonManager;
void initState() {
// create the FLIC 2 manager and initialize it
void _startStopScanningForFlic2() async {
// start scanning for new buttons
if (!_isScanning) {
// we need permission to scan for a button please, iOS needs bluetooth
// permission, whereas android also has scan and connect permissions that
// we will need before scanning and connecting to Flic 2
final isGranted = await Permission.bluetooth.request().isGranted &&
(!Platform.isAndroid ||
(await Permission.bluetoothScan.request().isGranted &&
await Permission.bluetoothConnect.request().isGranted));
if (!isGranted) {
print('cannot scan for a button when scanning is not permitted');
// flic 2 needs permissions for FINE_LOCATION
// when on android to perform this action
if (Platform.isAndroid && !await Permission.location.isGranted) {
await Permission.location.request();
} else {
// are scanning - cancel that
// update the UI
setState(() {
_isScanning = !_isScanning;
void _startStopFlic2() {
// start or stop the plugin (iOS doesn't stop)
if (null == flicButtonManager) {
// we are not started - start listening to FLIC2 buttons
setState(() => flicButtonManager = FlicButtonPlugin(flic2listener: this));
} else {
// started - so stop
flicButtonManager?.disposeFlic2().then((value) => setState(() {
// as the flic manager is disposed, signal that it's gone
flicButtonManager = null;
void _getButtons() {
// get all the buttons from the plugin that were there last time
flicButtonManager?.getFlic2Buttons().then((buttons) {
// put all of these in the list to show the buttons
for (final button in buttons) {
void _addButtonAndListen(Flic2Button button) {
// as buttons are discovered via the various methods, add them
// to the map to show them in the list on the view
setState(() {
// add the button to the map
_buttonsFound[button.uuid] = button;
// and listen to the button for clicks and things
Future<void> _connectDisconnectButton(Flic2Button button) async {
// if disconnected, connect, else disconnect the button
if (button.connectionState == Flic2ButtonConnectionState.disconnected) {
// we need permission to connect to a button please
if (!await Permission.bluetoothConnect.request().isGranted) {
'cannot connect to a button when bluetooth connect is not permitted');
} else {
void _forgetButton(Flic2Button button) {
// forget the passed button so it disappears and we can search again
flicButtonManager?.forgetButton(button.uuid).then((value) {
if (value != null && value) {
// button was removed
setState(() {
// remove from the list
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('Flic Button Plugin Example'),
body: FutureBuilder(
future: flicButtonManager?.invokation,
builder: (ctx, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.connectionState != ConnectionState.done) {
// are not initialized yet, wait a sec - should be very quick!
return Center(
child: ElevatedButton(
onPressed: () => _startStopFlic2(),
child: const Text('Start and initialize Flic2'),
} else {
// we have completed the init call, we can perform scanning etc
return Column(
children: [
const SizedBox(
height: 10,
const Text(
'Flic2 is initialized',
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 20),
onPressed: () => _startStopFlic2(),
child: const Text('Stop Flic2'),
if (flicButtonManager != null)
// if we are started then show the controls to get flic2 and scan for flic2
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly,
children: [
onPressed: () => _getButtons(),
child: const Text('Get Buttons')),
onPressed: () => _startStopScanningForFlic2(),
child: Text(_isScanning
? 'Stop Scanning'
: 'Scan for buttons')),
if (null != _lastClick)
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(20),
child: Text(
'FLIC2 @${_lastClick!.button.buttonAddr}\nclicked ${_lastClick!.timestamp - _lastClick!.button.readyTimestamp}ms from ready state\n'
'${_lastClick!.isSingleClick ? 'single click\n' : ''}'
'${_lastClick!.isDoubleClick ? 'double click\n' : ''}'
'${_lastClick!.isHold ? 'hold\n' : ''}',
if (_isScanning)
const Text(
'Hold down your flic2 button so we can find it now we are scanning...',
// and show the list of buttons we have found at this point
child: ListView(
children: _buttonsFound.values
.map((e) => ListTile(
key: ValueKey(e.uuid),
leading: const Icon(Icons.radio_button_on,
size: 48),
title: Text('FLIC2 @${e.buttonAddr}'),
subtitle: Column(
children: [
'name: ${e.name}\n'
'batt: ${e.battVoltage}V (${e.battPercentage}%)\n'
'serial: ${e.serialNo}\n'
'pressed: ${e.pressCount}\n'),
children: [
onPressed: () =>
child: Text(e.connectionState ==
? 'connect'
: 'disconnect'),
const SizedBox(width: 20),
onPressed: () => _forgetButton(e),
child: const Text('forget'),
void onButtonClicked(Flic2ButtonClick buttonClick) {
// callback from the plugin that someone just clicked a button
print('button ${buttonClick.button.uuid} clicked');
setState(() {
_lastClick = buttonClick;
void onButtonConnected() {
// this changes the state of our list of buttons, set state for this
setState(() {
print('button connected');
void onButtonUpOrDown(Flic2ButtonUpOrDown button) {
// this is called when a button is pushed down or released
'button ${button.button.uuid} ${button.isDown ? 'down' : 'up'}',
void onButtonDiscovered(String buttonAddress) {
// this is an address which we should be able to resolve to an actual button right away
print('button @$buttonAddress discovered');
// but we could in theory wait for it to be connected and discovered because that will happen too
flicButtonManager?.getFlic2ButtonByAddress(buttonAddress).then((button) {
if (button != null) {
'button found with address $buttonAddress resolved to actual button data ${button.uuid}',
// which we can add to the list to show right away
void onButtonFound(Flic2Button button) {
// we have found a new button, add to the list to show
print('button ${button.uuid} found');
// and add to the list to show
void onFlic2Error(String error) {
// something went wrong somewhere, provide feedback maybe, or did you code something in the wrong order?
print('ERROR: $error');
void onPairedButtonDiscovered(Flic2Button button) {
print('paired button ${button.uuid} discovered');
// discovered something already paired (getButtons will return these but maybe you didn't bother and
// just went right into a scan)
void onScanCompleted() {
// scan completed, update the state of our view
setState(() {
_isScanning = false;
void onScanStarted() {
// scan started, update the state of our view
setState(() {
_isScanning = true;