flexiflow 1.0.0+4 copy "flexiflow: ^1.0.0+4" to clipboard
flexiflow: ^1.0.0+4 copied to clipboard

A responsive and flexible solution designed to effortlessly adapt to your needs, providing a seamless and dev-friendly experience.

1.0.0+4 #

Fixes #

  • Adjust on FlowScreen to match dart format style.

1.0.0+3 #

Fixes #

  • Adjust on IFlow and FlowBuilder to match dart format style.

Documentation #

  • Removed space between logo and tags in README.md and README.pt-br.md files.

1.0.0+2 #

Documentation #

  • Updated language images size in README.md and README.pt-br.md files.

1.0.0+1 #

Documentation #

  • Updated README.md and README.pt-br.md files to fix images links.

1.0.0 #

Initial release #

I am pleased to announce the first release of the flexiflow package!

This package aims to assist those working with design tools by providing quick and easy ways to build responsive designs and different flows for each device, based solely on the size used for the app's design representation.

Features #

  • Added a FlexiFlow widget that allows to configure the base design size to be used for the app's responsive design.
  • Added a FlowBuilder widget that allows to customize different flows for each device that you want to support.
  • Added a IFlow interface that allows to customize the flow for use in the FlowBuilder widget.
  • Added a FlowScreen widget that allows you to use a basic pattern of mobile, tablet and desktop flows, preconfigured for each device using the FlowBuilder widget.
  • Added a full example of all the features of the flexiflow package.


verified publisherluanemanuel.com.br

Weekly Downloads

A responsive and flexible solution designed to effortlessly adapt to your needs, providing a seamless and dev-friendly experience.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


MIT (license)




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