flexible_wrap 0.0.3 copy "flexible_wrap: ^0.0.3" to clipboard
flexible_wrap: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard

FlexibleWrap is a Flutter widget designed to provide a flexible and customizable way to arrange widgets in a wrap layout

FlexibleWrap #

FlexibleWrap is a Flutter package designed to provide a flexible and customizable way to arrange widgets in a wrap layout. It allows developers to create dynamic layouts where widgets can wrap onto the next line based on available space, similar to how items behave in a shopping cart or a list of cards.

Showcase #


Features #

  • Customizable Layout: Easily customize the layout of your widgets with various parameters such as direction, alignment, spacing, and more.
  • Dynamic Wrapping: Automatically wraps widgets onto the next line based on the available space, ensuring optimal use of screen real estate.
  • Responsive Design: Supports both horizontal and vertical directions, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.
  • Flexible Spacing: Adjusts spacing between items and runs to achieve the desired visual appearance.

Getting Started #

To get started with FlexibleWrap, add it to your pubspec.yaml file:

  flexible_wrap: ^latest_version

Replace ^latest_version with the current version of the package.

Then, import it in your Dart file:

import 'package:flexible_wrap/flexible_wrap.dart';

Usage #

Here's a basic example of how to use FlexibleWrap:

  length: 10, // Number of children to display
  builder: (int index, double itemExtraWidth) {
    return Container(
      color: Colors.blue,
      width: 100.0 + itemExtraWidth, // Adjust width based on extra width
      child: Text('Item $index'),
  itemWidth: 100.0, // Width of each item
  direction: Axis.horizontal, // Direction to arrange the children
  alignment: WrapAlignment.start, // Alignment of children within a run
  spacing: 8.0, // Spacing between children in the main axis

Customization #

FlexibleWrap offers several customization options to tailor the layout to your needs:

  • Direction: Specify whether the children should be arranged horizontally (Axis.horizontal) or vertically (Axis.vertical).
  • Alignment: Set how the children within a run should be placed along the main axis (WrapAlignment.start, end, center, etc.).
  • Spacing: Define the amount of spacing between the children in the main axis.
  • Run Alignment: Determine how the runs themselves should be placed in the cross axis (WrapAlignment.start, end, center, etc.).
  • Cross Axis Alignment: Align the children within a run relative to each other in the cross axis (WrapCrossAlignment.start, end, center, etc.).

Contributing #

Contributions to FlexibleWrap are welcome! Please feel free to submit pull requests or open issues for bugs and feature requests.

License #

FlexibleWrap is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

pub points


verified publisherbixat.dev

FlexibleWrap is a Flutter widget designed to provide a flexible and customizable way to arrange widgets in a wrap layout

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