flamingo 0.0.4 copy "flamingo: ^0.0.4" to clipboard
flamingo: ^0.0.4 copied to clipboard


Flamingo is a firesbase firestore model framework library.

Flamingo #

Flamingo is a firebase firestore model framework library.


Installation #

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  flamingo: ^0.0.3+2

Setup #

Please check Setup of cloud_firestore.

Usage #

Adding a configure code to main.dart.

import 'package:flamingo/flamingo.dart';

void main() {
  Flamingo.configure(rootName: 'version', version: 1);

Create model class that inherited Document. And add json mapping code into override functions.

import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart';
import 'package:flamingo/flamingo.dart';

class User extends Document<User> {
  User({String id, DocumentSnapshot snapshot, Map<String, dynamic> values,
  }): super(id: id, snapshot: snapshot, values: values);

  String name;

  // For save data
  Map<String, dynamic> toData() {
    final data = <String, dynamic>{};
    writeNotNull(data, 'name', name);
    return data;

  // For load data
  void fromData(Map<String, dynamic> data) {
    name = valueFromKey<String>(data, 'name');

Initialization #

final user = User();
print(user.id); // id: Create document id;

final user = User(id: '0000');
print(user.id); // id: '0000'


Using DocumentAccessor or Batch or Transaction in order to CRUD.

final user = User()
      ..name = 'hoge';

DocumentAccessor documentAccessor = DocumentAccessor();

// save
await documentAccessor.save(user);

// update
await documentAccessor.update(user);

// delete
await documentAccessor.delete(user);

// Batch
final batch = Batch()
await batch.commit();

Get a document.

// get
final user = User(id: '0000');  // need to 'id'.
final hoge = await documentAccessor.load<User>(user);

Get documents in collection.

final path = Document.path<User>();
final snapshot = await firestoreInstance().collection(path).getDocuments();

// from snapshot
final listA = snapshot.documents.map((item) => User(snapshot: item)).toList()
  ..forEach((user) {
    print(user.id); // user model.

// from values.
final listB = snapshot.documents.map((item) => User(id: item.documentID, values: item.data)).toList()
  ..forEach((user) {
    print(user.id); // user model.

Sub Collection #

For example, ranking document has count collection.

Ranking model

import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart';
import 'package:flamingo/flamingo.dart';
import 'count.dart';

class Ranking extends Document<Ranking> {
  Ranking({String id, DocumentSnapshot snapshot, Map<String, dynamic> values,
  }): super(id: id, snapshot: snapshot, values: values) {
    // Must be create instance of Collection and set collection name.
    count = Collection(this, 'count');

  String title;
  Collection<Count> count;

  /// For save data
  Map<String, dynamic> toData() {
    final data = <String, dynamic>{};
    writeNotNull(data, 'name', title);
    return data;

  /// For load data
  void fromData(Map<String, dynamic> data) {
    title = valueFromKey<String>(data, 'title');

Count model

import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart';
import 'package:flamingo/flamingo.dart';

class Count extends Document<Count> {
  Count({String id, DocumentSnapshot snapshot, Map<String, dynamic> values, CollectionReference collectionRef,
  }): super(id: id, snapshot: snapshot, values: values, collectionRef: collectionRef);

  String userId;
  int count = 0;

  /// For save data
  Map<String, dynamic> toData() {
    final data = <String, dynamic>{};
    writeNotNull(data, 'userId', userId);
    writeNotNull(data, 'count', count);
    return data;

  /// For load data
  void fromData(Map<String, dynamic> data) {
    userId = valueFromKey<String>(data, 'userId');
    count = valueFromKey<int>(data, 'count');

Save and Get sub collection.

// Save ranking document
final ranking = Ranking(id: '20201007')
  ..title = 'userRanking';
await documentAccessor.save(ranking);

// Save sub collection of ranking document
final countA = Count(collectionRef: ranking.count.ref)
  ..userId = '0'
  ..count = 10;
final countB = Count(collectionRef: ranking.count.ref)
  ..userId = '1'
  ..count = 100;
final batch = Batch()
await batch.commit();

// Get sub collection
final path = ranking.count.ref.path;
final snapshot = await firestoreInstance().collection(path).getDocuments();
final list = snapshot.documents.map((item) => Count(snapshot: item)).toList()
  ..forEach((count) {

File #

Can operation into Firebase Storage and upload and delete storage file. Using StorageFile and Storage class.

For examople, create post model that have StorageFile.

import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart';
import 'package:flamingo/flamingo.dart';

class Post extends Document<Post> {
  Post({String id}): super(id: id);

  // Storage
  StorageFile file;
  String folderName = 'file';

  // For save data
  Map<String, dynamic> toData() {
    final data = <String, dynamic>{};
    if (file != null) {
      if (!file.isDeleted) {
        data[folderName] = file.toJson();
      } else {
        data[folderName] = FieldValue.delete();
    return data;

  // For load data
  void fromData(Map<String, dynamic> data) {
    if (isVal(data, folderName)) {
      file = StorageFile.fromJson(Helper.fromMap(data[folderName] as Map));

Upload file to Firebase Storage.

final post = Post();
final storage = Storage();
final file = await Helper.getImageFileFromAssets('sample.jpg');

// fetch uploader stream

// confirm status
  print('total: ${data.snapshot.totalByteCount} transferred: ${data.snapshot.bytesTransferred}');

// upload file into firebase storage and save file metadata into firestore
final path = '${post.documentPath}/${post.folderName}';
post.file = await storage.save(path, file, mimeType: mimeTypePng); // 'mimeType' is defined in master/master.dart
await documentAccessor.save(post);

// dispose uploader stream

Delete storage file.

// delete file in firebase storage and delete file metadata in firestore
final path = '${post.documentPath}/${post.folderName}';
await storage.delete(path, post.file);
await documentAccessor.update(post);

Distributed counter #

Using DistributedCounter and Counter.

For examople, create score model that have Counter.

import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart';
import 'package:flamingo/flamingo.dart';

class Score extends Document<Score> {
  Score({String id,
  }): super(id: id) {
    // Must be create instance of Counter. Set collection name and num of shards.
    value = Counter(this, 'shards', numShards);

  // DistributedCounter
  int numShards = 10;
  Counter value;

  // For save data
  Map<String, dynamic> toData() {
    final data = <String, dynamic>{};
    return data;

  // For load data
  void fromData(Map<String, dynamic> data) {

Create and increment and load.

// Create document before set distributed counter.
final score = Score()
await documentAccessor.save(score);

// create
final distributedCounter = DistributedCounter();
await distributedCounter.create(score.value);

// increment
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  await distributedCounter.increment(score.value, count: 1);

// get
final count = await distributedCounter.load(score.value);
print('count $count ${score.value.count}'); // count 10 10

Transaction #

This api is simply wrap transaction function of Firestore.

import 'package:flamingo/transaction.dart';

Transaction.run((transaction) async {
  final hoge = User()
    ..name = 'hoge';

  // save
  await transaction.set(hoge.reference, hoge.toData());

  // update
  final fuge = User(id: '0')
    ..name = 'fuge';
  await transaction.update(fuge.reference, fuge.toData());

  // delete
  await transaction.delete(User(id: '1').reference);

Getting Started #

See the example directory for a complete sample app using flamingo.

Reference #