flame_riverpod 1.0.0 copy "flame_riverpod: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
flame_riverpod: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

Widgets, providers, and an example project for using Riverpod in conjunction with Flame, to share state from the game into other parts of your application, or from other parts of your application into [...]

Helpers for using Riverpod in conjunction with Flame - to share state from the game into other parts of your application, or from other parts of your application into your game.

Getting started #

Check out the example package to see a FlameGame with a custom Component being updated alongside a comparable Flutter widget. Both depend on a StreamProvider.

Usage #

RiverpodGameWidget is a simple ConsumerStatefulWidget wrapper around a GameWidget.

ComponentRef should be passed from your RiverpodAwareGame to any Components interested in updates from a Provider. It exposes a subset of the functionality users of Riverpod will be familiar with - this is because Components are not Widgets!

In Riverpod with Flame, you should use listenManual to subscribe to updates from a provider, and remember to close the subscription at the appropriate point in the Components lifecycle. Alternatively, you could use ref.read as you would elsewhere in Flutter.

/// An excerpt from the Example. Check it out!
class RiverpodAwareTextComponent extends PositionComponent {

  /// ComponentRef is a wrapper around WidgetRef and exposes 
  /// a subset of its API. 
  /// It does not expose [ref.watch] from Riverpod as it is 
  /// not applicable to our use case!
  ComponentRef ref;

  /// Remember to close your subscriptions as appropriate.
  late ProviderSubscription<AsyncValue<int>> subscription;
  late TextComponent textComponent;
  int currentValue = 0;

  Future<void> onLoad() async {
    await super.onLoad();
    add(textComponent = TextComponent(position: position + Vector2(0, 27)));

    subscription = ref.listenManual(countingStreamProvider, (p0, p1) {
      if (p1.hasValue) {
        currentValue = p1.value!;
        textComponent.text = '$currentValue';

  void onRemove() {
pub points


verified publisherflame-engine.org

Widgets, providers, and an example project for using Riverpod in conjunction with Flame, to share state from the game into other parts of your application, or from other parts of your application into your game.



unknown (license)


flame, flutter, flutter_riverpod


Packages that depend on flame_riverpod