flame_forge2d 0.15.0
flame_forge2d: ^0.15.0 copied to clipboard
Forge2D (Box2D) support for the Flame game engine. This uses the forge2d package and provides wrappers and components to be used inside Flame.
import 'package:flame/components.dart';
import 'package:flame/events.dart';
import 'package:flame/extensions.dart';
import 'package:flame/game.dart';
import 'package:flame_forge2d/flame_forge2d.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
void main() {
runApp(const GameWidget.controlled(gameFactory: Forge2DExample.new));
class Forge2DExample extends Forge2DGame {
Future<void> onLoad() async {
await super.onLoad();
List<Component> createBoundaries() {
final visibleRect = camera.visibleWorldRect;
final topLeft = visibleRect.topLeft.toVector2();
final topRight = visibleRect.topRight.toVector2();
final bottomRight = visibleRect.bottomRight.toVector2();
final bottomLeft = visibleRect.bottomLeft.toVector2();
return [
Wall(topLeft, topRight),
Wall(topRight, bottomRight),
Wall(bottomLeft, bottomRight),
Wall(topLeft, bottomLeft),
class Ball extends BodyComponent with TapCallbacks {
final Vector2 initialPosition;
Ball({Vector2? initialPosition})
: initialPosition = initialPosition ?? Vector2.zero();
Body createBody() {
final shape = CircleShape();
shape.radius = 5;
final fixtureDef = FixtureDef(
restitution: 0.8,
density: 1.0,
friction: 0.4,
final bodyDef = BodyDef(
userData: this,
angularDamping: 0.8,
position: initialPosition,
type: BodyType.dynamic,
return world.createBody(bodyDef)..createFixture(fixtureDef);
void onTapDown(_) {
body.applyLinearImpulse(Vector2.random() * 5000);
class Wall extends BodyComponent {
final Vector2 _start;
final Vector2 _end;
Wall(this._start, this._end);
Body createBody() {
final shape = EdgeShape()..set(_start, _end);
final fixtureDef = FixtureDef(shape, friction: 0.3);
final bodyDef = BodyDef(
userData: this,
position: Vector2.zero(),
return world.createBody(bodyDef)..createFixture(fixtureDef);