fl_cloud_storage 0.0.6 copy "fl_cloud_storage: ^0.0.6" to clipboard
fl_cloud_storage: ^0.0.6 copied to clipboard

Store files in the cloud from Flutter apps

fl_cloud_storage #

Features a cloud service can provide #

  1. Authenticate (login)
  2. Authorize
  3. Upload files to a cloud
  4. Download files from a cloud
  5. Delete files from cloud
  6. Supported operating systems: iOS, Android, Web, MacOS, Windows, Linux (or subset)

Supported clouds #

Google Drive Dropbox
Upload files
Download files
Delete files
iOS support
Android support
Web support
MacOS support ?
Windows support ?
Linux support ?

Usage #

Import the package:

import 'package:fl_cloud_storage/fl_cloud_storage.dart';

Initialize the service you want to use:

final driveService = await CloudStorageService.initialize(
  cloudStorageConfig: null, // optional parameter, vendor specific implementation

If you need special scopes, read the section for each cloud storage vendor.

1.a) Login:


1.b) Ask if the user is logged in:


1.c) Logout:


4.a) List files on cloud storage:


Google Drive Cloud Storage #

2.) Authorization

By default the app scope is used for Google Drive:

[v3.DriveApi.driveAppdataScope, v3.DriveApi.driveFileScope]

If you need full read and write access, add a cloudStorageConfig:

final driveService = await CloudStorageService.initialize<GoogleDriveScope>(
  cloudStorageConfig: GoogleDriveScope.full,

Behind the scens this scope is asked for:

[v3.DriveApi.driveAppdataScope, v3.DriveApi.driveFileScope, v3.DriveApi.driveScope]