fixed_status_bottom_height 0.0.1 fixed_status_bottom_height: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard
Get the persistent bottom status padding height.
Readme #
Get the persistent bottom status padding height.
Use case. #
Step 1 #
config the FixedStatusBottomHeight to MaterialApp
routerConfig: goRouter,
title: AppConfig.appName,
builder: (BuildContext context, Widget? child) {
return Stack(
children: [
child ?? Container(),
const FixedStatusBottomHeight(),
theme: AppTheme.theme(),
the FixedStatusBottomHeight is empty content so will not affect the app content.
Step 2 #
use the FixedStatusBottomHeight.maxBottomPaddingHeight
to get the padding bottom height.
valueListenable: FixedStatusBottomHeight.maxBottomPaddingHeight,
builder: (BuildContext context, double maxBottomPaddingHeight,
Widget? child) {
return SizedBox(height: maxBottomPaddingHeight);