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This package helps developers to implement cloud_firestore search in their apps.

Firestore Search Scaffold - firestore_search #

This package helps developers in implementation of search on Cloud FireStore. This package comes with the implementation of widgets essential for performing search on a database.

For cloud_firestore: ^0.14.0 use firestore_search: ^0.0.8 #

Activated Search App BAr Searching for Users in Firestore Collection

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Saves You from following implementations #

  • Search AppBar - An AppBar that turns into a TextInputField that takes search queries from users
  • Search Body - A body that shoes up when user starts typing in the Search AppBar
  • Cloud FireStore Queries - Takes user's input and queries the requested CloudFirestore collection

Simple Usage #

To use this plugin, add firestore_search as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.


  • Import import 'package:firestore_search/firestore_search.dart';

  • Create a data model, for the data you want retrieve from Cloud FireStore (Your data model class must contain a function to convert QuerySnapshot from Cloud Firestore to a list of objects of your data model)

class DataModel {
  final String name;
  final String description;

  DataModel({, this.description});

  //Create a method to convert QuerySnapshot from Cloud Firestore to a list of objects of this DataModel
  //This function in essential to the working of FirestoreSearchScaffold

  List<DataModel> **dataListFromSnapshot**(QuerySnapshot querySnapshot) {
    return {
      final Map<String, dynamic> dataMap =;

      return DataModel(
          name: dataMap['name'], description: dataMap['description']);
  • Use class FirestoreSearchScaffold and provide the required parameters
        dataListFromSnapshot: UserData().userListFromSnapshot,
        firestoreCollectionName: 'users',
        builder: (context, snapshot) {
          if (snapshot.hasData) {
            return Center(
              child: Text('Snapshot has data'),
          } else if (snapshot.hasError) {
            return Center(
              child: Text('Snapshot has data'),
          return Center(
            child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
                                                                                  ##You are good to go!

In order to add the FirestoreSearchScaffold in your app, there are several attributes that are important and neglecting them or treating them roughly might throw errors:

Attribute Type Default Required Description
scaffoldBody Widget Widget No This widget will appear in the body of Scaffold.
appBarBottom PreferredSizeWidget null No This widget will appear at the bottom of Search AppBar.
firestoreCollectionName String `` Yes Determines the Cloud Firestore collection You want to search in.
searchBy String `` Yes Key for the firestore_collection value you want to search by.
dataListFromSnapshot List Function(QuerySnapshot) null Yes This function converts QuerySnapshot to A List of required data.
builder Widget Function(BuildContext, AsyncSnapshot) null No This is the builder function of StreamBuilder used by this widget to show search results.
limitOfRetrievedData int 10 No Determines the number of documents returned by the search query.


Contributors #

Made with contributors-img.

pub points



This package helps developers to implement cloud_firestore search in their apps.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


cloud_firestore, flutter


Packages that depend on firestore_search