firestore_model 0.9.10 copy "firestore_model: ^0.9.10" to clipboard
firestore_model: ^0.9.10 copied to clipboard

Firestore Model easy to use firestore collections by model data

0.9.10 #

  • modify Firebase Options to initialize the Firebase app

0.9.9 #

  • upgrade dependencies

0.9.8 #

  • upgrade dependencies

0.9.7 #

  • upgrade dependencies
  • fix pagination load more: not work

0.9.5 #

  • modify bulkUpdate && bulkDelete
  • modify batch to bulkUpdate && bulkDelete
  • modify ModelGetRefreshBuilder && ModelSingleRefreshBuilder

0.9.0 #

  • modify create method return model after create.
  • change beaver save method to create or update.
  • add initialData to builders:
  • add listeners to builders:
    • onLoading.
    • onChange.
    • onSuccess.
    • onError.
    • onEmpty.
  • plural collection name by model name.

0.8.1 #

  • fix createdAt && updatedAt return null.

0.8.0 #

  • modify support subCollections by parent model
  • modify builders support subCollections by parentModel
  • update documentation

0.7.0 #

  • add FieldValue fields options:
    • increment: increment field value
    • decrement: decrement field value
    • arrayUnion: union elements to array
    • arrayRemove: remove elements from array
    • remove: remove field from document

0.6.0 #

  • modify path document in firestore database
  • modify withTimestamps this add createdAt & updatedAt to track document

0.5.0 #

  • modify widgets builders:
    • ModelSingleBuilder: get first or find by docId.
    • ModelGetBuilder: get documents with any query
    • ModelStreamGetBuilder: stream get documents with any query
    • ModelStreamSingleBuilder: stream first or find by docId.
  • fix read first document for first and find.

0.4.0 #

  • modify find && first to add document id to current model.
  • modify documents in code.

0.2.0 #

  • update documentations.

0.1.0 #

  • initial release.
pub points



Firestore Model easy to use firestore collections by model data

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MIT (license)


cloud_firestore, firebase_core, flutter


Packages that depend on firestore_model