firebase_ml_vision 0.9.3+3 copy "firebase_ml_vision: ^0.9.3+3" to clipboard
firebase_ml_vision: ^0.9.3+3 copied to clipboard

discontinuedreplaced by: google_ml_kit

Flutter plugin for Firebase machine learning vision services.

ML Kit Vision for Firebase #

pub package

A Flutter plugin to use the ML Kit Vision for Firebase API.

For Flutter plugins for other Firebase products, see

Usage #

To use this plugin, add firebase_ml_vision as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file. You must also configure Firebase for each platform project: Android and iOS (see the example folder or for step by step details).

Android #

If you're using the on-device ImageLabeler, include the latest matching ML Kit: Image Labeling dependency in your app-level build.gradle file.

android {
    dependencies {
        // ...

        api ''

If you're using the on-device Face Contour Detection, include the latest matching ML Kit: Face Detection Model dependency in your app-level build.gradle file.

android {
    dependencies {
        // ...

        api ''

If you receive compilation errors, try an earlier version of ML Kit: Image Labeling.

Optional but recommended: If you use the on-device API, configure your app to automatically download the ML model to the device after your app is installed from the Play Store. To do so, add the following declaration to your app's AndroidManifest.xml file:

<application ...>
    android:value="ocr" />
  <!-- To use multiple models: android:value="ocr,label,barcode,face" -->

iOS #

Versions 0.7.0+ use the latest ML Kit for Firebase version which requires a minimum deployment target of 9.0. You can add the line platform :ios, '9.0' in your iOS project Podfile.

You may also need to update your app's deployment target to 9.0 using Xcode. Otherwise, you may see compilation errors.

If you're using one of the on-device APIs, include the corresponding ML Kit library model in your Podfile. Then run pod update in a terminal within the same directory as your Podfile.

pod 'Firebase/MLVisionBarcodeModel'
pod 'Firebase/MLVisionFaceModel'
pod 'Firebase/MLVisionLabelModel'
pod 'Firebase/MLVisionTextModel'

Using an ML Vision Detector #

1. Create a FirebaseVisionImage. #

Create a FirebaseVisionImage object from your image. To create a FirebaseVisionImage from an image File object:

final File imageFile = getImageFile();
final FirebaseVisionImage visionImage = FirebaseVisionImage.fromFile(imageFile);

2. Create an instance of a detector. #

final BarcodeDetector barcodeDetector = FirebaseVision.instance.barcodeDetector();
final ImageLabeler cloudLabeler = FirebaseVision.instance.cloudImageLabeler();
final FaceDetector faceDetector = FirebaseVision.instance.faceDetector();
final ImageLabeler labeler = FirebaseVision.instance.imageLabeler();
final TextRecognizer textRecognizer = FirebaseVision.instance.textRecognizer();

You can also configure all detectors, except TextRecognizer, with desired options.

final ImageLabeler labeler = FirebaseVision.instance.imageLabler(
  ImageLabelerOptions(confidenceThreshold: 0.75),

3. Call detectInImage() or processImage() with visionImage. #

final List<Barcode> barcodes = await barcodeDetector.detectInImage(visionImage);
final List<ImageLabel> cloudLabels = await cloudLabeler.processImage(visionImage);
final List<Face> faces = await faceDetector.processImage(visionImage);
final List<ImageLabel> labels = await labeler.processImage(visionImage);
final VisionText visionText = await textRecognizer.processImage(visionImage);

4. Extract data. #

a. Extract barcodes.

for (Barcode barcode in barcodes) {
  final Rectangle<int> boundingBox = barcode.boundingBox;
  final List<Point<int>> cornerPoints = barcode.cornerPoints;

  final String rawValue = barcode.rawValue;

  final BarcodeValueType valueType = barcode.valueType;

  // See API reference for complete list of supported types
  switch (valueType) {
    case BarcodeValueType.wifi:
      final String ssid = barcode.wifi.ssid;
      final String password = barcode.wifi.password;
      final BarcodeWiFiEncryptionType type = barcode.wifi.encryptionType;
    case BarcodeValueType.url:
      final String title = barcode.url.title;
      final String url = barcode.url.url;

b. Extract faces.

for (Face face in faces) {
  final Rectangle<int> boundingBox = face.boundingBox;

  final double rotY = face.headEulerAngleY; // Head is rotated to the right rotY degrees
  final double rotZ = face.headEulerAngleZ; // Head is tilted sideways rotZ degrees

  // If landmark detection was enabled with FaceDetectorOptions (mouth, ears,
  // eyes, cheeks, and nose available):
  final FaceLandmark leftEar = face.getLandmark(FaceLandmarkType.leftEar);
  if (leftEar != null) {
    final Point<double> leftEarPos = leftEar.position;

  // If classification was enabled with FaceDetectorOptions:
  if (face.smilingProbability != null) {
    final double smileProb = face.smilingProbability;

  // If face tracking was enabled with FaceDetectorOptions:
  if (face.trackingId != null) {
    final int id = face.trackingId;

c. Extract labels.

for (ImageLabel label in labels) {
  final String text = label.text;
  final String entityId = label.entityId;
  final double confidence = label.confidence;

d. Extract text.

String text = visionText.text;
for (TextBlock block in visionText.blocks) {
  final Rect boundingBox = block.boundingBox;
  final List<Offset> cornerPoints = block.cornerPoints;
  final String text = block.text;
  final List<RecognizedLanguage> languages = block.recognizedLanguages;

  for (TextLine line in block.lines) {
    // Same getters as TextBlock
    for (TextElement element in line.elements) {
      // Same getters as TextBlock

5. Release resources with close(). #


Getting Started #

See the example directory for a complete sample app using ML Kit Vision for Firebase.

Issues and feedback #

Please file Flutterfire specific issues, bugs, or feature requests in our issue tracker.

Plugin issues that are not specific to Flutterfire can be filed in the Flutter issue tracker.

To contribute a change to this plugin, please review our contribution guide, and send a pull request.

pub points



Flutter plugin for Firebase machine learning vision services.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)




Packages that depend on firebase_ml_vision