firebase_dart_admin_auth_sdk 0.0.1-pre+3 firebase_dart_admin_auth_sdk: ^0.0.1-pre+3 copied to clipboard
A Dart SDK for Firebase Admin Authentication, enabling secure server-side authentication and user management for Dart-based backend applications.
0.0.1-pre+3 #
- Update sendPasswordResetEmail
- Update revokeAccessToken
- Update onIdTokenChanged
- Update onAuthStateChanged
- Update isSignInWithEmailLink
- Update dispose method
0.0.1-pre+2 #
- Add sendPasswordResetEmail
- Add revokeAccessToken
- Add onIdTokenChanged
- Add onAuthStateChanged
- Add isSignInWithEmailLink
- Add dispose method
0.0.1-pre+1 #
- Add new authentication methods to FirebaseAuth class
- Implement signInWithCustomToken, signInWithCredential, sendSignInLinkToEmail, and signInWithEmailLink
- Update test suite with new tests for added functions
- Resolve ActionCodeSettings import and usage issues in tests
- Update README with documentation for new authentication methods
- Improve error handling and response parsing for all auth methods
- Ensure compatibility with latest Firebase Auth API changes
- Update Documentation and support subscriptions.
0.0.1-pre #
- Initial pre-release version of the Firebase Dart Admin Auth SDK.