firebase_core_platform_interface 5.1.0 copy "firebase_core_platform_interface: ^5.1.0" to clipboard
firebase_core_platform_interface: ^5.1.0 copied to clipboard

A common platform interface for the firebase_core plugin.

5.1.0 #

5.0.0 #

Note: This release has breaking changes.

  • FEAT(firestore,windows): add support to Windows (#11516). (e51d2a2d)
  • BREAKING FIX: pin pigeon for firebase_auth, cloud_firestore & firebase_core (#11715). (66c158c3)

4.8.0 #

  • FEAT: update dependency constraints to sdk: '>=2.18.0 <4.0.0' flutter: '>=3.3.0' (#10946). (2772d10f)

4.7.0 #

  • FEAT(core): add support for Windows via Firebase C++ desktop SDK (#10496). (c0b8ad56)
  • FEAT: upgrade to dart 3 compatible dependencies (#10890). (4bd7e59b)

4.6.0 #

4.5.3 #

  • REFACTOR: upgrade project to remove warnings from Flutter 3.7 (#10344). (e0087c84)

4.5.2 #

  • REFACTOR: add verify to QueryPlatform and change internal verifyToken API to verify (#9711). (c99a842f)

4.5.1 #

4.5.0 #

4.4.3 #

  • FIX: bump firebase_core_platform_interface version to fix previous release. (bea70ea5)

4.4.2 #

  • Manual version to fix previous release.

4.4.1 #

  • REFACTOR: migrate from hash* to Object.hash* (#8797). (3dfc0997)
  • REFACTOR: use "firebase" instead of "FirebaseExtended" as organisation in all links for this repository (#8791). (d90b8357)

4.4.0 #

  • FEAT: allow initializing default Firebase apps via FirebaseOptions.fromResource on Android (#8566). (30216c4a)

4.3.0 #

  • FEAT: allow initializing default Firebase apps via FirebaseOptions.fromResource on Android (#8566). (30216c4a)

4.2.5 #

  • FIX: update all Dart SDK version constraints to Dart >= 2.16.0 (#8184). (df4a5bab)

4.2.4 #

  • FIX: allow secondary Firebase App initialization without duplicate app error on hot restart (#7953). (f4a2c2e6)
  • FIX: Fix FirebaseException error code bug by making default value: "unknown". (#6897). (48fed37c)

4.2.3 #

  • REFACTOR: fix all unnecessary_import analyzer issues introduced with Flutter 2.8. (7f0e82c9)

4.2.2 #

  • FIX: correctly detect not-initialized errors and provide a better error message. (0578423e)

4.2.1 #

  • FIX: loosen duplicate app detection checks to allow unset options not to cause a duplicate app exception (#7499).

4.2.0 #

  • FEAT: auto inject Firebase scripts (#7358).

4.1.0 #

  • FEAT: support initializing default FirebaseApp instances from Dart (#6549).

4.0.1 #

  • FIX: Fix FirebaseOptions hashCode (#3263).
  • DOCS: Add missing homepage/repository links (#6054).
  • CHORE: bump min Dart SDK constraint to 2.12.0 (#5430).
  • CHORE: merge all analysis_options.yaml into one (#5329).

4.0.0 #

  • Graduate package to a stable release. See pre-releases prior to this version for changelog entries.

4.0.0-1.0.nullsafety.1 #

  • REFACTOR: pubspec & dependency updates (#4932).

4.0.0-1.0.nullsafety.0 #

  • Bump "firebase_core_platform_interface" to 4.0.0-1.0.nullsafety.0.

4.0.0-nullsafety.0 #

Major bump for the null-safety version to respect the versioning convention.

3.0.2-nullsafety.0 #

  • REFACTOR: Migrate to non-nullable types (#4656).

3.0.1 #

  • DOCS: installation links updated (#4479).

3.0.0 #

Note: This release has breaking changes.

  • BREAKING REFACTOR: remove all currently deprecated APIs.

2.1.0 #

  • FEAT: add FirebaseException.stackTrace support (#4095).
  • CHORE: promote to stable version.

2.0.0 #

  • DEPRECATED: FirebaseApp.configure method is now deprecated in favor of the Firebase.initializeApp method.

  • DEPRECATED: FirebaseApp.allApps method is now deprecated in favor of the Firebase.apps property.

    • Previously, allApps was asynchronous where it is now synchronous.
  • DEPRECATED: FirebaseApp.appNamed method is now deprecated in favor of the method.

  • BREAKING: FirebaseApp.options getter is now synchronous.

  • FirebaseOptions has been reworked to better match web property names:

    • DEPRECATED: googleAppID is now deprecated in favor of appId.
    • DEPRECATED: projectID is now deprecated in favor of projectId.
    • DEPRECATED: bundleID is now deprecated in favor of bundleId.
    • DEPRECATED: clientID is now deprecated in favor of androidClientId.
    • DEPRECATED: trackingID is now deprecated in favor of trackingId.
    • DEPRECATED: gcmSenderID is now deprecated in favor of messagingSenderId.
    • Added support for authDomain.
    • Added support for trackingId.
    • Required properties are now apiKey, appId, messagingSenderId & projectId.
  • Added support for deleting Firebase app instances via the delete method on FirebaseApp.

  • Added support for returning consistent error messages from firebase-dart plugin.

    • Any FlutterFire related errors now throw a FirebaseException.
  • Added a FirebaseException class to handle all FlutterFire related errors.

    • Matching the web sdk, the exception returns a formatted "[plugin/code] message" message when thrown.
  • Added support for setAutomaticDataCollectionEnabled & isAutomaticDataCollectionEnabled on a FirebaseApp instance.

  • Added support for setAutomaticResourceManagementEnabled on a FirebaseApp instance.

1.0.5 #

  • Update lower bound of dart dependency to 2.0.0.

1.0.4 #

  • Migrate to package:plugin_platform_interface.

1.0.3 #

  • Make the pedantic dev_dependency explicit.

1.0.2 #

  • Remove the deprecated author: field from pubspec.yaml

1.0.1 #

  • Switch away from quiver_hashcode.

1.0.0 #

  • Initial open-source release.