firebase_cloud_messaging_flutter 1.0.6 firebase_cloud_messaging_flutter: ^1.0.6 copied to clipboard
Send Firebase Cloud Message Messages directly from your flutter or Dart Application.
import 'package:firebase_cloud_messaging_flutter/firebase_cloud_messaging_flutter.dart';
void main() async {
/// My Service Account Json File Content
final serviceAccountFileContent = <String, String>{
'type': '',
'project_id': '',
'private_key_id': '',
'private_key': '',
'client_email': '',
'client_id': '',
'auth_uri': '',
'token_uri': '',
'auth_provider_x509_cert_url': '',
'client_x509_cert_url': ''
/// Add Your Service Account File Content as Map
var server = FirebaseCloudMessagingServer(
/// Get Firebase Messagin Token [Optional, If you want to send message to specific user]
/// Don't pass token if you want to send message to all registered users
// String? token = await FirebaseMessaging.instance.getToken();
/// Send a Message
var result = await server.send(
validateOnly: false,
message: FirebaseMessage(
notification: FirebaseNotification(
title: 'Package by Ottoman',
body: 'Ottoman added something new! 🔥',
android: FirebaseAndroidConfig(
ttl: '3s',
/// Add Delay in String. If you want to add 1 minute delat then add it like "60s"
notification: FirebaseAndroidNotification(
icon: 'ic_notification',
color: '#009999',
// token:
// token, // only required If you want to send message to specific user.
/// Print Request response