fireauth 0.0.5-legacy copy "fireauth: ^0.0.5-legacy" to clipboard
fireauth: ^0.0.5-legacy copied to clipboard


A Flutter Package that aims to simplify Flutter Firebase Authentication and streamline development.

Fireauth #

FireAuth is a Flutter Package that aims to simplify Flutter Firebase Authentication and streamline app development. It provides a intuitive way to access Parts of the Firebase Authentication Suite and reduces the amount of time you have to spend on it. Works for both Flutter Native and Flutter Web!

Install #

Add this line to your pubspec.yaml:

  fireauth: ^0.0.2

Then run this command:

$ flutter packages get

Then add this import:

import 'package:fireauth/fireauth.dart';

Platform Support #

  • Android
  • iOS (Not Tested & Probably has bugs)
  • Web

Currently Supported Authentication Methods: #

  • Google
  • Anonymous
  • Email and Password
  • Phone

Prerequisites: #

  • Create a new flutter project

  • Create a new Firebase Project and Add it to your project or use My FireSetup Python Utility to do it easily.

  • Add your SHA-1 & SHA-256 Key to Firebase in your App Settings on the Firebase Console. Here is how you do it:

    Go to your /android folder in the flutter project, open terminal and type this:

    gradlew signingReport

    now, copy the SHA1 and SHA-256 Keys, store it for later use and add it to your Firebase Project (This is required for GoogleSignIn and PhoneSignIn)

  • Enable all the Authentication Methods needed in the Firebase Authentication Console (example: Phone, Google, etc)

Optional Prerequisites (Not Needed if you used FireSetup): #

  • (For Google SignIn on Flutter Web)
    • Go to Google Cloud Platform Console and Open your Google Account Associated with Firebase

    • Open your GCP project with the same name as your firebase project and search for Credentials

    • copy the OAuth2 ClientID for Web

    • Go to your flutter project > web > index.html and paste this in the head section:

      <meta name="google-signin-client_id" content="<REPLACE WITH CLIENTID>">
  • (To Remove ReCaptcha Verification for Phone Authentication)
    • (Android) Go to Google Cloud Platform Console open the correct GCP Project, search for Android Device Verification API and enable it. (NOTE: This needs to be done even if you have used FireSetup)

    • (Web) Go the flutter project > web > index.html and add this in the head section:

        .grecaptcha-badge { visibility: hidden; }

Usage #

Step 1: Initializing Firebase (main.dart) #

void main() async {
  //This initializes Firebase Accordingly (Important)
  await initializeFirebase();  //This method is from the fireauth package

Step 2: Wrapping your Material App with GlobalFirebaseAuthenticationProvider #

//Allows the Authentication Methods to be accessible from anywhere in the widget tree
return GlobalFirebaseAuthenticationProvider(
 child: MaterialApp(
   home: AppOrigin(),

Step 3: Using the AuthenticationManager #

//This basically acts like a Gateway, If youre logged in, it shows the destinationFragment
//else it shows the loginFragment (It Remembers the Authentication State too!)

return AuthenticationManager(
  loginFragment: LoginPage(),
  destinationFragment: HomePage(),
  //Other Arguements can be explored in the IDE, documentation has been provided

Using the AuthController #

The AuthController is a Dart class that contains several static methods that exposes useful functions!

For more information on these methods, take a look at them using the IDE, they are very well documented, but this is all you need for it to work in the default way

Sign In With Google #

  onError: (String e) {

Anonymous SignIn #


Phone SignIn #

    phoneNumber: phoneNumberController.value.text,
    onError: (e) {
    onInvalidVerificationCode: () {

Register & Login With Email & Password #

  email: "",
  password: "abc123",
  onError: (String e) {

SignIn With Email & Password #

  email: "",
  password: "abc123",
  onError: (String e) {
  onIncorrectCredentials: () {

Logout #


Get Current User #

  //Optional Arguement, if not provided, It just returns a Firebase User
  customMapping: (user) => {
    'name': user.displayName,

Other Widgets #

GoogleSignIn Button #

If you just want a ready to use button that enables Google SignIn, This is the Widget you're looking for!

//has some additional arguements that you can see from your IDE, as it is very well documented

Anonymous SignIn Button #

If you just want a ready to use button that enables Anonymous SignIn, This is the Widget you're looking for!

//has some additional arguements that you can see from your IDE, as it is very well documented


unverified uploader

Weekly Downloads

A Flutter Package that aims to simplify Flutter Firebase Authentication and streamline development.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


firebase_auth, firebase_core, flutter, google_sign_in, provider, toast


Packages that depend on fireauth